Discovery of stone seal from the time of King David proves Jewish roots to Jerusalem

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Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,
US, UK, NEW Zealand, etc. etc. Keep up, douchebag.

Legal status
  • In the United States, rock-throwing could be a felony[14][15] and rock-throwers could face criminal charges, dependent on the circumstances that may include second degree murder,[16] aggravated assault, throwing a missile into an occupied vehicle, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment of life, and aggravated assault with a lethal weapon.[10][17][18] Punishment upon conviction varies as with all punishments for all crimes. A Florida judge sentenced a teenager to serve life in prison for throwing rocks at cars.[16] A New England judge, ruling on teenagers convicted of throwing stones at passing trains, at windows, resulting in eye injuries to passengers, sentenced them to be kept in an eye-injury ward of a hospital for two weeks with their eyes bandaged, in order to make them understand the consequence of their delinquency.[19] Rock throwers can be charged, tried and convicted even when no injuries or damage result.[20]
  • In Great Britain, expansive legislation on public disorder introduced in 1986 allows stone throwers to be sentenced on average to 3.5 years in prison if the criminal justice system can prove that the action took place in a riot.[21]
  • Under Australian law, rock throwers can be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison, under American law they can receive very long sentences and even be sentenced to life in prison.[16][22][23] Under American law, individuals who were part of a group engaged in rock-throwing can be convicted and imprisoned even if they did not personally throw any missiles.[24][25]
  • In New Zealand, individuals who throw rocks at cars can serve 14 years for endangering transport.[26]
  • In Vietnam, youths convicted of "vandalism and battery" for throwing stones at vehicles have been imprisoned.[27]
  • In Turkey the Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) introduced a range of legal measures criminalizing both Kurdishpolitical claims and protest activities by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The harsh sentences handed down against stone throwing children (taş atan çocuklar) led to a public outcry and to an amendment reducing the length of the sentences on the grounds that it was inappropriate from ‘a criminal justice point of view’.[28]

Rock throwing during riots is a criminal offense, for which rock throwers can be charged with felony crimes, including assault on a law enforcement officer.[45][46][47][48] Incidents of criminal rock throwing have resulted in arrests during sports riots, especially notable are incidents of rock-throwing football hooliganism.[49]

  • In the U.S., charges vary by state. For example, in New Hampshire , Oregon individuals who throw rocks during demonstrations can be charged with riot, also called "criminal mischief,," a felony.[50][51][52]
  • Turkey presses charges and imposes prison sentences for the crime of being part of a group throwing stones at police, even when the rock-throwers are 15 years of age and younger.[53]

Rock-throwers on the Mexican side of the border between the United States and Mexico frequently target United States Border Patrol officers with barrages of rocks to prevent them from apprehending individuals illegally crossing the border, particularly smugglers moving illegal drugs or illegal migrants across the border.[58] Between 2010 and 2014 Border Patrol agents were assaulted with rocks 1,700 times, they fired weapons at rock throwers 43 times, resulting in 10 deaths.[59]Border Patrol agents are permitted to respond to rock-throwers with lethal weapons, although as of 2014 policy is that they should attempt to avoid finding themselves in situations where responding to rock-throwing with lethal force becomes necessary.[59][60]

Stone throwing rioters have repeatedly clashed with Egyptian troops at the Egypt-Gaza border.

    • In 2008, Gazans assaulted Egyptian border guards by throwing barrages of rocks over the low, concrete border wall topped with barbed wire, then tore down a section of the wall, opening a road and moving goods and people across for several hours before the Egyptian Army, avoiding the use of lethal force, managed to regain control of the border.[65]
    • On January 6, 2010 Hamas called on Gazans to protest the Egyptian border blockade; Gazan men responded by massing at the border and throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Egyptian security forces, who responded with gunfire.[66]

Throwing rocks at people

Rock-throwing can be used by thieves, as demonstrated by a 2015 case in India in which Ratan Marwadi (45) was charged with throwing rocks at a random passer-by, Darshana Pawar, for the purpose of disabling and robbing her. Pawar was killed. Her murderer, Ratan Marwadi, had previously served time in jail for pelting rail commuters with stones with the intent of robbing them.[54]
US, UK, NEW Zealand, etc. etc. Keep up, douchebag.

Legal status
  • In the United States, rock-throwing could be a felony[14][15] and rock-throwers could face criminal charges, dependent on the circumstances that may include second degree murder,[16] aggravated assault, throwing a missile into an occupied vehicle, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment of life, and aggravated assault with a lethal weapon.[10][17][18] Punishment upon conviction varies as with all punishments for all crimes. A Florida judge sentenced a teenager to serve life in prison for throwing rocks at cars.[16] A New England judge, ruling on teenagers convicted of throwing stones at passing trains, at windows, resulting in eye injuries to passengers, sentenced them to be kept in an eye-injury ward of a hospital for two weeks with their eyes bandaged, in order to make them understand the consequence of their delinquency.[19] Rock throwers can be charged, tried and convicted even when no injuries or damage result.[20]
  • In Great Britain, expansive legislation on public disorder introduced in 1986 allows stone throwers to be sentenced on average to 3.5 years in prison if the criminal justice system can prove that the action took place in a riot.[21]
  • Under Australian law, rock throwers can be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison, under American law they can receive very long sentences and even be sentenced to life in prison.[16][22][23] Under American law, individuals who were part of a group engaged in rock-throwing can be convicted and imprisoned even if they did not personally throw any missiles.[24][25]
  • In New Zealand, individuals who throw rocks at cars can serve 14 years for endangering transport.[26]
  • In Vietnam, youths convicted of "vandalism and battery" for throwing stones at vehicles have been imprisoned.[27]
  • In Turkey the Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) introduced a range of legal measures criminalizing both Kurdishpolitical claims and protest activities by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The harsh sentences handed down against stone throwing children (taş atan çocuklar) led to a public outcry and to an amendment reducing the length of the sentences on the grounds that it was inappropriate from ‘a criminal justice point of view’.[28]

Rock throwing during riots is a criminal offense, for which rock throwers can be charged with felony crimes, including assault on a law enforcement officer.[45][46][47][48] Incidents of criminal rock throwing have resulted in arrests during sports riots, especially notable are incidents of rock-throwing football hooliganism.[49]

  • In the U.S., charges vary by state. For example, in New Hampshire , Oregon individuals who throw rocks during demonstrations can be charged with riot, also called "criminal mischief,," a felony.[50][51][52]
  • Turkey presses charges and imposes prison sentences for the crime of being part of a group throwing stones at police, even when the rock-throwers are 15 years of age and younger.[53]

Rock-throwers on the Mexican side of the border between the United States and Mexico frequently target United States Border Patrol officers with barrages of rocks to prevent them from apprehending individuals illegally crossing the border, particularly smugglers moving illegal drugs or illegal migrants across the border.[58] Between 2010 and 2014 Border Patrol agents were assaulted with rocks 1,700 times, they fired weapons at rock throwers 43 times, resulting in 10 deaths.[59]Border Patrol agents are permitted to respond to rock-throwers with lethal weapons, although as of 2014 policy is that they should attempt to avoid finding themselves in situations where responding to rock-throwing with lethal force becomes necessary.[59][60]

Stone throwing rioters have repeatedly clashed with Egyptian troops at the Egypt-Gaza border.

    • In 2008, Gazans assaulted Egyptian border guards by throwing barrages of rocks over the low, concrete border wall topped with barbed wire, then tore down a section of the wall, opening a road and moving goods and people across for several hours before the Egyptian Army, avoiding the use of lethal force, managed to regain control of the border.[65]
    • On January 6, 2010 Hamas called on Gazans to protest the Egyptian border blockade; Gazan men responded by massing at the border and throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Egyptian security forces, who responded with gunfire.[66]

Throwing rocks at people

Rock-throwing can be used by thieves, as demonstrated by a 2015 case in India in which Ratan Marwadi (45) was charged with throwing rocks at a random passer-by, Darshana Pawar, for the purpose of disabling and robbing her. Pawar was killed. Her murderer, Ratan Marwadi, had previously served time in jail for pelting rail commuters with stones with the intent of robbing them.[54]

Nice bit of copy and paste that failed to answer the question!

"Where, other than in Zionist Israel, are soldiers or police allowed to use deadly force against children throwing stones?"?



rocks are used to kill. that is deadly force. Israel take action to protect its citizens from attacks.

I've no objection to stone throwers being arrested, tried and imprisoned if found guilty. What I and many, many others object to, is the "unofficial death sentences" meted out by the IDF; extra-judicial killings as the media puts it.

Speaking of extra judicial killings, it's the Palestinian savages who commit terror on innocent civilians or shoot rockets at populated Israeli cities that most guilty of this barbarism that is rampant in the Muslim world today. You have no leg to stand on when it comes to "unofficial death sentences" meted out by Islamist Palestinian animals on Israeli women and children. The rock throwing is just an extension of their depraved culture of terror and hate.

Jewish savages of the ZioNazi persuasion are doing most of the murdering of women and children in Palestine. It is the ZioNazi depraved culture of terror and hate of the non-Jew that is the problem.

http:// http://

Like I have proven many times Achmed Haniyah, Palestinians are the ones that had close ties to the Nazi regime, and they're the ones that are currently being ruled by an Islamist terrorist organization. Even a ten year old can photoshop an image and stick a Nazi emblem on a flag, but unfortunately for you, it applies to the Palestinians the best.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Yesterday's Pali Nazis:

Today's Pali Nazis

Same shit, different day.
Hamas is now saying the rock is the best friend of the palestinian.
More incitement to violence
sadly more palestinians will be hurt or killed.
we have had ads teaching how to stab Israelis and encouragement of using a car to run Israelis down.
This is not the way to bring peace.
You have proven absolutely nothing. Maybe I'll start posting links to information about the Zionist dealings with the Nazis. Hmmmm. What do you think Ruffles? Should I provide all the details?

"The Zionist militias were looking for help seizing Palestine from the British, so it made sense to align themselves with Hitler. They offered to help fight on Germany’s side, in exchange for the transfer of Europe’s Jews to Palestine and Hitler’s support of a ‘totalitarian’ Jewish state. As Tel Aviv University history professor Yaacov Shavit writes, when a Lehi representative met with a Nazi diplomat in Beirut in January 1941, “he proposed a political as well as military cooperation leading to the establishment of a Jewish state on a nationalist and totalitarian footing, that would be linked by a treaty to the German Reich.” -

See more at: Palling Around with Nazis: Netanyahu’s political ancestors are also guilty by association
Poor Achmed Monte has nothing so he posts something about Jews negotiating with the Nazis to let the Jews leave Nazi Germany as opposed to die in the gas chambers, which was opposed by the Nazi mufti. Well at least your bullshit mondocrap article agrees that Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamism.
Poor Achmed Monte has nothing so he posts something about Jews negotiating with the Nazis to let the Jews leave Nazi Germany as opposed to die in the gas chambers, which was opposed by the Nazi mufti. Well at least your bullshit mondocrap article agrees that Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamism.

And it was wrong to try to save lives by negotiation with germany? They should never have tried at all? Jews should not have tried to leave germany or europe to get out the way of that madman?

Talking and trading are common ways we use. Ignoring or violence is not always the way.
The Palestinian leadership was doing exactly the same thing. Seeking help to prevent the Jewish invaders from dispossessing and/or killing all the non-Jews in Palestine.
Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,

they can't refute the truth, so they deny it.

Hang on a minute Roodboy...

Did you check the date that Rocco stated?


3 years AFTER the end of WWII...

Refuted enough me thinks!
Nice bit of copy and paste that failed to answer the question!

"Where, other than in Zionist Israel, are soldiers or police allowed to use deadly force against children throwing stones?"?



Answer, you're a moron. It's always the youth that are doing the "rock throwing". Does it matter if the rock throwing Pali terrorist wanna be animal is 15 or 17 or 21?

Not my fault you can't even fucking read:
  • Turkey presses charges and imposes prison sentences for the crime of being part of a group throwing stones at police, even when the rock-throwers are 15 years of age and younger.

Oh oh...

Looks like a Roodboy fail...

Are you and Phoney related?

He fails more than most!

So, aside from your 'big boy' BS...

Were you able to prove that Israel is NOT the only country to use lethal force against children as you stated?

That's a big fat NO then moron...

Join the other zionuts in their ultimate fails roodboy!

Do you always take victory laps after you've gotten your butt kicked and humiliated publicly, inhumanity? Oh wait you're a Pali Nazi supporter, that's what Arabs do, they hold victory marches after they get their asses handed to them. Never mind. :clap2:

Roodboy fails, gets his ass whipped and thinks he's a clever little zionut!

Wow, your world must be real screwed up Roodboy...

I just wasted 5 minutes looking for your claims in that copy and post post you made...

Guess what....


There is nothing to support your zionut ramblings Roodboy...


You keep taking victory laps after being humiliated. Give yourself a break will ya? Ha ha ha.


Ah yes, and in good old zionut tradition....

Take a kick in the balls and then laugh at the victor!

Seen it all before Roodboy...

You got owned by your own pack of BS and lost big time!

It's ok, adopt the head in sand, ass in air that all zionuts who find out they are not quite as bright as they thought just so that their ass can be kicked agin and again!

If you are going to carry out a cut and paste post supporting your BS lies, next time, make sure that all that time spent on cut and paste actually says the same as you said... :cuckoo:
The Palestinian leadership was doing exactly the same thing. Seeking help to prevent the Jewish invaders from dispossessing and/or killing all the non-Jews in Palestine.
I think it's pretty obvious that the Palestinian leadership had joined forces with the nazis and by doing so intended to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Jews anywhere they could find them in the Middle East. And after they were done with the Jews they would start with the Christians. Had the Nazi Palestinian Mufti's plan worked, there would not be a single Jew or Christian Left in the Middle East today.


According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.[9].
The Palestinian leadership was doing exactly the same thing. Seeking help to prevent the Jewish invaders from dispossessing and/or killing all the non-Jews in Palestine.
I think it's pretty obvious that the Palestinian leadership had joined forces with the nazis and by doing so intended to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Jews anywhere they could find them in the Middle East. And after they were done with the Jews they would start with the Christians. Had the Nazi Palestinian Mufti's plan worked, there would not be a single Jew or Christian Left in the Middle East today.


According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.[9].

No matter how close the two go hand in hand, we are not supposed to make that leap. There is supposed to be an iron curtain forever separating them. Yet watch the images and read the rhetoric, pure nazi.
But no one is supposed to realize or say such things

..........palestinian sensibilities
Still trying to foment conflict between Muslims and Christians. American Foreign Policy Council LOL. That is Newt Gringrich's group.

We Christians aren't going to fight wars for Jews anymore.
Still trying to foment conflict between Muslims and Christians. American Foreign Policy Council LOL. That is Newt Gringrich's group.

We Christians aren't going to fight wars for Jews anymore.
Who's "WE"? Do you think you in any way represent "Christians" who are being killed and ethnically cleansed by Muslims in the Middle East? You're sick, Achmed, and so transparent in your Jew hate, vomiting one antisemitic canard after another, like a good little IslamoNazi dirtbag.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Accusations of causing wars, revolutions, and calamities

The Franklin Prophecy was unknown before its appearance in 1934 in the pages of William Dudley Pelley's pro-Nazi weekly magazine Liberation. According to the 2004 US Congress report, Anti-Semitism in Europe: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations:

"The Franklin "Prophecy" is a classic anti-Semitic canard that falsely claims that American statesman Benjamin Franklin made anti-Jewish statements during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It has found widening acceptance in Muslim and Arab media, where it has been used to criticize Israel and Jews..."[35]

Some recent conspiracy theories hold that Jews or Israel played a key role in carrying out the September 11, 2001 attacks. According to the paper published by the Anti-Defamation League, "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have not been accepted in mainstream circles in the U.S.", but "this is not the case in the Arab and Muslim world."[36] A claim that 4,000 Jewish employees skipped work at the WTC on 11 September has been widely reported and widely debunked. The number of Jews who died in the attacks – typically estimated at around 400[37][38][39] – tracks closely with the proportion of Jews living in the New York area. Five Israelis died in the attack.[40]

On 16 October 2003, the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed drew a standing ovation at the 57-member Organisation of the Islamic Conference for his speech, in which he said: " the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them... They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power."[41] He further urged Muslims to emulate Jews in this regard in order to achieve similar results.

Actor Mel Gibson caused controversy in 2006 after being arrested for drunken driving; during the arrest, he claimed that "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world

Accusation of anti-Christian bias
Throughout the years, some antisemitism within the Christian community has focused on the claim that Jews dislike Christianity or are trying to destroy it. On the Jews and their Lies, written by Martin Luther, is an example of this claim. The claim has continued into the present day, with radio host James Edwards claiming that Jews "hate Christianity" and "the WASP establishment".
Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,

they can't refute the truth, so they deny it.

Hang on a minute Roodboy...

Did you check the date that Rocco stated?


3 years AFTER the end of WWII...

Refuted enough me thinks!

Okay then, prove that the Mufti wasn't a Nazi as registered by the US state dept., and that he didn't intend to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Jews all over the Middle East.
Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,

they can't refute the truth, so they deny it.

Hang on a minute Roodboy...
Did you check the date that Rocco stated?
3 years AFTER the end of WWII...
Refuted enough me thinks!
Yeah, right.
Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,

they can't refute the truth, so they deny it.

Hang on a minute Roodboy...

Did you check the date that Rocco stated?


3 years AFTER the end of WWII...

Refuted enough me thinks!

Okay then, prove that the Mufti wasn't a Nazi as registered by the US state dept., and that he didn't intend to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Jews all over the Middle East.

Ok then, prove that you aren't trying to squirm out of your BS comment now that you been proven a liar!

You do know that WWII ended in 1945 NOT 1948.... Don't you? :dunno:
Challenger, Roudy, et al,

I think your mistaken.


The meter says it all. This has been debunked so many times, but Rude-ee, having lost the argument tries to deflect everything towards the Mufti. Watch and wait, he'll bring up the Farhud next...:rolleyes:

There were several 1948 era Arab Palestinian Leaders that had close ties to the NAZI Regime. I've made comments of this effect before now. Exactly what did "Roudy" say that you believe was inaccurate?

Most Respectfully,

they can't refute the truth, so they deny it.

Hang on a minute Roodboy...
Did you check the date that Rocco stated?
3 years AFTER the end of WWII...
Refuted enough me thinks!
Yeah, right.

Ah come on Mousey...

1939 - 1945 WWII

Lots of books, movies, documentaries... All with the same start/end date...

You must have seen them/read them...?

Maybe you were there?
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