Discerning The Liberal Plan


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The celebrated liberal historian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., wrote about the civil rights movement, and how it reflected America's founding ideals. But he noted the disastrous by-product of the civil rights struggle, multiculturalism, a philosophy that teaches, as Schlesinger put it, "that America is not a nation of individuals at all but a nation of groups."

2. For two centuries, Americans had been held together by a shared sense of national identity , a belief in individual liberty, and a vision of full equality- even though that vision may not have been fully realized. No sooner had that vision seemed to be within our grasp, the idea of a shared identity was challenged, condemned, dismantled, and replaced with a new conception, not based on individual rights and liberties, but on the claims of group identity and culture.

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

3. Schlesinger recognized this as a betrayal of true liberalism, and a rejection of the idea of a sensible center, and a danger to the sense of unity that had made America uniquely strong, prosperous, and free.

4. Just as campuses were in a stir over the rise of multiculturalism and identity studies, Schlesinger wrote "The Disuniting of America : Reflections on a Multicultural Society," (1991). In it he warned fellow liberals that the looming cult of victimhood, seemingly a liberal crusade, was actually an anti-liberal virus that threatened to destroy the very foundations of American democracy. In fact, what this academic groupthink represented was a closing of the liberal mind.

5. Armed with the new sense of mission and moral superiority, academic elites balkanized and politicized the study of society and culture, and wrapped their Gramcian Marxist critiques in an impenetrable jargon that only they could understand.
From "The Victim's Revolution," Bruce Bawer.

a.Dr. Phyllis Chesler, writes, similarly in "The Death of Feminism": "Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better. They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth. [In their writing, they] have pretended that brilliance and originality can best be conveyed in a secret, Mandarin language that absolutely no one, including themselves, can possibly understand…and this obfuscation of language has been employed to hide a considerable lack of brilliance and originality and to avoid the consequences of making oneself clear."

6. Schlesinger understood the role of traditional liberal education in communicating, preserving, and building upon the sensible, centrist American values that he cherished. He made a great point of the fact that primary and secondary schools, by instilling civic values in young people, were a critical element in the perpetuation of a shared national identity.

a.Instead: " Public high school students in the nation’s capital may soon be able to graduate without taking a single U.S. government course. The D.C. State Board of Education proposed changes to the graduation requirements in December that would require students to take more physical education, art and music courses instead." DC schools may nix high school government class as a requirement - U.S. News

The ruling class is not endowed with American values, Schlesinger's liberalism....but a desire to end the American identity, the American experience.

And, they are winning.
Number 6. The D.C. State Board of Education proposed changes to the graduation requirements in December that would require students to take more physical education, art and music courses.

That is precisely what Hitler did according to Kitty Werthmanns testimony on youtube. There was a huge emphasis on physical education, etc. Very interesting!
I think Artie is a tad nuts if he believes that the USA was EVER united behind a single sense of cultural identity.
Jeri, I think there are good and valid reasons for adding more PE and ARTS to curricula! It's well-documented that we have a growing obesity problem in this country. And the arts and music are essential to support creativity in thinking.

I don't think I need to present my credentials as a dedicated anti-fascist AND anti-Communist? I think it's wise to never just 'rubber-stamp' what 'the authorities' have to say on a subject - but this idea for a 'well-rounded' education is actually a good one and supports democracy.
I think Artie is a tad nuts if he believes that the USA was EVER united behind a single sense of cultural identity.

Yes and no - it's a great aspiration, even if it remains more of an imagined unity than a functional one.

We've always, I think, had the problem of defining 'American' since our beginnings when as many colonists spoke German as English (roughly one-third each) - and that search for a cohesive national identity impelled our Founding Fathers to consider Latin, Hebrew and Greek as possible national languages.

In this matter as so many others, I think Marcus Aurelius' advice of "Moderation in all things" is a reasonable guide.
Excellent piece PC, are you a Irritus graduate? Note the vague term 'Discerning' and you realize this is good stuff. No facts or proof required, just simply superb. And note the link to AEI, they are excellent as was noted below in our education piece. And the quote below is sheer beauty, gotta love it, 'ruling class,' 'end American identity' and 'they are winning.' Well done as 'they' can be anyone at all. Great stuff, can we add this to our "Deception" class?

The ruling class is not endowed with American values, Schlesinger's liberalism....but a desire to end the American identity, the American experience.

And, they are winning.

See here for more examples. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/287771-education-for-a-republican.html
Excellent piece PC, are you a Irritus graduate? Note the vague term 'Discerning' and you realize this is good stuff. No facts or proof required, just simply superb. And note the link to AEI, they are excellent as was noted below in our education piece. And the quote below is sheer beauty, gotta love it, 'ruling class,' 'end American identity' and 'they are winning.' Well done as 'they' can be anyone at all. Great stuff, can we add this to our "Deception" class?

The ruling class is not endowed with American values, Schlesinger's liberalism....but a desire to end the American identity, the American experience.

And, they are winning.

See here for more examples. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/287771-education-for-a-republican.html

There are so many different and definitive ways to do this....

...but within the context of the OP, try this:

Which is most correctly associated with American values,...

1. A belief in the primacy of the individual


2. A belief in group rights and identities?

Ball's in your court.
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We might be better off if we assimilated everyone in the Anglo-Saxon tradition in which liberalism is ubiquitous


At least we wouldn't have to put up with the Hun fascism anymore
We might be better off if we assimilated everyone in the Anglo-Saxon tradition in which liberalism is ubiquitous


At least we wouldn't have to put up with the Hun fascism anymore

It's possible that your post might have some moment, if only you understood the definitions of the terms "liberalism," and "fascism."

As you are inclined to use some ersatz politically constructed definitions.....
...your posts suggest nothing so much as playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.
We might be better off if we assimilated everyone in the Anglo-Saxon tradition in which liberalism is ubiquitous


At least we wouldn't have to put up with the Hun fascism anymore

It's possible that your post might have some moment, if only you understood the definitions of the terms "liberalism," and "fascism."

As you are inclined to use some ersatz politically constructed definitions.....
...your posts suggest nothing so much as playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.

There is no basis for modern "conservatism" in Anglo-Saxon tradition. That is the point. English classical conservatives would consider the modern American right disorderly sans-culottes.
We might be better off if we assimilated everyone in the Anglo-Saxon tradition in which liberalism is ubiquitous


At least we wouldn't have to put up with the Hun fascism anymore

It's possible that your post might have some moment, if only you understood the definitions of the terms "liberalism," and "fascism."

As you are inclined to use some ersatz politically constructed definitions.....
...your posts suggest nothing so much as playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.

There is no basis for modern "conservatism" in Anglo-Saxon tradition. That is the point. English classical conservatives would consider the modern American right disorderly sans-culottes.

I'm going to have to consider your response akin to a circle: pointless.
"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization. "

Make them Americans? Force them into a mold set by whom? Very 'conservative'.

And re-inforce the unum by denying any 'pluribus', not assimilating but over powering. Interesting concept. Sounds very centralist, determination of what is 'normal' from the top down.

The main trouble with the past is that it is no place to live in.
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"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization. "

Make them Americans? Force them into a mold set by whom? Very 'conservative'.

And re-inforce the unum by denying any 'pluribus', not assimilating but over powering. Interesting concept. Sounds very centralist, determination of what is 'normal' from the top down.

The main trouble with the past is that it is no place to live in.

"The main trouble with the past is that it is no place to live in."

But the brave new world is?

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