Difference Between Trump and Obama? Obama Incurred 1 Trillion More Debt this Time in his Presidency


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is why we voted for Donald Trump, the first natural born citizen constitutionally eligible president in 8 years. These economic numbers prove Trump is showing his true leadership skills as a businessman that will make America great again. Obama, on the other hand, had never held any position at running a business in his life. His lack of knowledge in the business world and his criminal way of doing things (due to genetics) put our nation in peril causing the silent White majority to elect our new glorious leader. Rest assured, America's future looks bright. Full blown Nationalism is around the corner.


Difference Between Presidents Trump and Obama? Obama Incurred $1 Trillion More Debt at this Time in His Presidency
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What the hell is wrong with you? Is this how your mind actually works?
He might be a Democratic plant being as racist as possible to put off people from supporting Trump?

Or just a great example of what the Republican party has embraced to cling to power.
Where is the racist statement in the OP? Not the genetics, His entire genetic pool was COMMUNIST, stupid liberal shit. As I post with every thread, you dumbass liberals low IQ ants need to get some REAL TRUTHFUL information and some education from somewhere but talking points and liberal propaganda mills. You are too stupid to realize that your beloved messiah has put into motion something that will result in most of you and your families losing probably half of their members. You are the dumbest people on earth. Even Trump can't stop it all he can do is delay it IF we can get him help and his agenda in motion. There is only one entity that can stop it and liberals hate that group of people You liberals are dead unless some of you relatives take your place. Very few families will keep all of their members, and some will be eradicated. I wish it were just you liberals that set the wave in motion, but unfortunately others always suffer when people like your messiah come to power. He will be in a place laughing at your stupidity as you bury your friends and family. So thank him. Hey before you call me an alarmist or prepper or some shit, Just realize I don't give a shit, because I am in a position to jump anytime I want, and I don't give a shit if you think you can regain power over this country or not. You can label me anything you want because I don't value you liberals as anything but ants with NO significant worth or intellect. HAHAAHAAHAH.
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Of course he doesn't mention the fact that Obama had to deal with 2 wars his predecessor started, an unpaid for Medicare prescription benefit, a bankster bailout, and a second Republican Great Depression when he came into office. Another thing he doesn't mention, aside from the fact that our Obama economy is much better than Bush left it, is the fact that it isn't the President's budget until next year. We are still under Obama's budget, just as Obama was operating under Bush's budget coming in.
What laws were passed under obama in his first 1/2 year that blew up the budget ?

Would that be the two unfunded wars bush started ?
The fiscal year for the budget starts on October 1, 2016 and ends on September 30, 2017. Trump had two major contributions to the 2017 federal budget, jack and shit. Good Christ some of you people are dumb.

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