Did Yahoo Apologize?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The usual attempts at gotcha-questions by the DNC apparatchiks with press passes, sometimes provides a satisfying brutal beating....that they deserve.

"Trump Snaps at Yahoo’s Hunter Walker After Dr. Birx Corrects Him On Virus Testing Stat: ‘Nobody Knows Who the Hell You Are’

President Donald Trump got hostile with the media Tuesday by ripping Yahoo! News’ Hunter Walker for his questions on how America’s coronavirus testing capabilities compare to South Korea’s.

During Trump’s Oval Officer presser with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Walker asked Trump why it is that South Korea has done “5 times more tests” than the U.S. per capita.

“I don’t think that’s true,” Trump answered, to which, Walker claimed “that is true” while invoking the president’s latest tweet about how America has “far more, and better, Testing than any other country in the world.”

Donald J. Trump



We are doing far more, and better, Testing than any other country in the world, and yet the media does nothing but complain. No matter how good a job is done, the same as with the Ventilators, they will never say we are doing a great job, they will only viciously gripe!


8:06 AM - Apr 28, 2020

"Later in the presser, Birx got back to Walker and said “South Korea’s testing was 11 per 100,000, and we are at 17 per 100,000.” At that moment, Trump demanded “are you going to apologize, Yahoo?” "
I'd like to see those scum forcibly removed from the briefings.

How about we hook 'em up to lie detectors??????
Pathological liar Tramp FIRST!!!!
BTW, Iceland has 142 tests per 100,000, 8X the USA rate, so Tramp WAS lying, the reporter just named the wrong country. There are several other countries with over 100 tests per 100,000. The USA is actually below the global average for tests, not that liars like you would care.
I'd like to see those scum forcibly removed from the briefings.

How about we hook 'em up to lie detectors??????
Pathological liar Tramp FIRST!!!!
BTW, Iceland has 142 tests per 100,000, 8X the USA rate, so Tramp WAS lying, the reporter just named the wrong country. There are several other countries with over 100 tests per 100,000. The USA is actually below the global average for tests, not that liars like you would care.

How 'ya feelin' today......Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
I'd like to see those scum forcibly removed from the briefings.

How about we hook 'em up to lie detectors??????
Pathological liar Tramp FIRST!!!!
BTW, Iceland has 142 tests per 100,000, 8X the USA rate, so Tramp WAS lying, the reporter just named the wrong country. There are several other countries with over 100 tests per 100,000. The USA is actually below the global average for tests, not that liars like you would care.

How 'ya feelin' today......Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
Feb 20, 2008
RUSH: Hope, like I keep telling you, hope is an excuse for doing nothing
I'd like to see those scum forcibly removed from the briefings.

How about we hook 'em up to lie detectors??????
Pathological liar Tramp FIRST!!!!
BTW, Iceland has 142 tests per 100,000, 8X the USA rate, so Tramp WAS lying, the reporter just named the wrong country. There are several other countries with over 100 tests per 100,000. The USA is actually below the global average for tests, not that liars like you would care.
Yahoo screwed the pooch.

Here's how you know the media is corrupt:

We know what the media's position is on EVERYTHING!

The NYTimes, the Washington Post, the LATimes, the St Paul Pioneer Express, the Sacramento Bee....

....the second amendment......against

....on Democrat gun control......for it.

...on abortion....

...on taxes......

....one Republican vs Democrat......

...their positiohttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inboxn on Trump....

....their position on Biden...

.....on all issues....and they are the Democrat Party's positions.

It is 100% predictable: reliably and predictably Democrat/Liberal positions.

The most important power of the corrupt media is the power to ignore.
BTW.....where is the Michael Flynn story?????

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