Did Trump praise dictators at PA rally, because I will NEVER believe fake news, only kind i can get

Fake news is always willing spin a couple of words from Trump and the TDS left eats it up. What Trump did was compare the current administration to more powerful world leaders.
Wow That a recently ex president would say American leaders are less powerful than dictators.
They're not even trying to hide it any more.

My only question, do the rubes really, fully understand what they're asking for? Have they no knowledge or appreciation of history?
They know and think they will be the ones in power but unfortunately they will be the ones oppressed if their wish were ever to come true!
I went two full years before I'd bring up the similarities between today and Europe of 85, 90 years ago because (obviously) of what happened later. I did not want to compare the two because the beginnings of what happened then are dwarfed by later events.

But for fuck's sake, this is right there in front of us now. It's like I'm living in a fucking history book. The similarities end at an obvious place, but the development of what happened then and what we're seeing today are painful to watch. It's right there.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
I am so flippin tired of this!

I Searched for Trump rally at Wilkes Barre, PA at Fox Business and when I clicked on the video, got NOTHING, not even a message saying tech difficulties or whatever the hell

And I am not about to go to the other sites that supposedly carry this story.

In any case, allegedly Trump is supposed to have praised XI and Putin. My guess is that he only praised their... shall we say: their not being a wuss..?

But it is hard to know when you cannot get reliable information.

He praised them only in this sense: If I said Hitler was an evil genius, the Dim scumbags would claim I was "praising" him.
Biden has nothing to do with these investigations.
They censor by burying certain stories, while pushing left wing stories to the front. I mostly use google because, its a great search engine... except when it comes to politics.

You arent doing our google searches, so you dont see it. Its frustrating when youre trying to look up an obvious thing in the news like "racist black guy runs people over" the day after a parade is attacked by a black militant, and google feeds you a bunch of articles about Charlottesville instead. When google sees the word "racist", it buries anything having to do with blacks and pushes stories about whites to the front, even when you do a specific search. That is just one of many examples.
Because you're searching for something that must exist using your criteria: that he's a racist Black guy, that he ran people over. Since news stories do not ever determine that someone is a racist when the cover a breaking story (unless it's from "an avowed racist", which would describe someone already known), and since "run over" is vague (my search turned up a few football links), the problem is you and your bad search terms.
He praised them only in this sense: If I said Hitler was an evil genius, the Dim scumbags would claim I was "praising" him.
yes, but I listened to his exact words and he could have been more articulate.. but of course no one ever accused Trump of being perfectly articulate at all times..

In any case, he is a human being and as such, will make such mistakes. What he meant was that Putin really cares (too much, I say) about his country.. I do not respect Putin for much of anything else.. I consider him a murderous thug.. (Ukraine) but at least Putin does not appear to be making some OTHER country great while destroying his own.. although that is debatable, really.. He is destroying his own by having his soldiers fight for Ukraine--and die for that.. Why can't he be happy with the vast territory he already has? sheez
I am so flippin tired of this!

I Searched for Trump rally at Wilkes Barre, PA at Fox Business and when I clicked on the video, got NOTHING, not even a message saying tech difficulties or whatever the hell

And I am not about to go to the other sites that supposedly carry this story.

In any case, allegedly Trump is supposed to have praised XI and Putin. My guess is that he only praised their... shall we say: their not being a wuss..?

But it is hard to know when you cannot get reliable information.

"These [leaders] are central casting and there's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood of President Xi of China. Nobody could play the role, because he is a fierce person.

"He [Xi] rules 1.5 billion people with an iron fist, yeah I'd say he's smart. Wouldn't you say he is smart?" He said to the crowd.

"These [leaders] are central casting and there's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood of President Xi of China. Nobody could play the role, because he is a fierce person.

"He [Xi] rules 1.5 billion people with an iron fist, yeah I'd say he's smart. Wouldn't you say he is smart?" He said to the crowd.

I will believe this when it is verified, namely by me seeing an actual video of him SAYING it--by which I mean the ENTIRE video

I can't get the (whole) video to play anywhere


fear of the truth!

God to Hell, liberal cowards

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