Did Trump just say what I think he said?

As national defense is a collective effort, and as energy dependence is an enormous part of national interest, it is only logical that the nation consider all possibilities concerning its security. Is it in our interests to have an economic sector in control of an essential element of national security?
You know, the best tennis player is not an instant top player. We are not talking of the current oil companies, we say the Feds own billions of bbls of crude and they can market it and pay down the national debt by a lot. Maybe not all, but hell now they are not paying it off at all.
First you say they own the land...now you say they own
billions of bbls of crude
So your idea is what...have the federal government start drilling? Buying derricks, hiring rough necks, etc...?

Or are you talking about selling the land to Exxon, for example?

We currently sell leases for drilling on federal land. Most go unsold. The reason is because they have more land than they know what to do with.

Why would they want to produce more and thereby drive down the price?

But lets put a pin in that one for a moment.

What are you talking about--selling the land because you're saying the government owns barrels of oil. That is not true outside of the SPR.
"We're gonna get the debt way down", he says. And the ignorant rubes cheer.

He's just spitting out words. Maybe he's saying the sales tax or corporate tax from the oil would pay the debt down. Maybe. Or not.

Who knows. They just cheer anything he says.

Nationalize the oil companies???? So much for free market capitalism. What about the shareholders and private property? This is SOCIALISM!!!!

Won't you have to pay the people who currently own the oil companies first? How does that help the national debt. Or is Trump just going to confiscate these corporations?
Trump also said he would make the auto workers rich.

No mention on how he would do it...he just said he was going to make them rich.

Rystad Energy, where this report comes from, only gathers information from other sources. It's an energy consultancy company.

Rystad Energy is an independent energy research and business intelligence company headquartered in Oslo, Norway. It is the biggest independent energy consultancy in Norway, and a world-leading analysis company for the energy sector.[1][2]The company provides mainly oil and gas analyzes, but the share of renewable energy and carbon emission analyzes has increased continuously.[3] Its main market is New York.[3] In addition to oil, oil services and finance companies, its customers include institutions such as OPEC, the International Energy Agency, and the World Bank.[4]

Rystad was founded in 2004 by Jarand Rystad, a Norwegian physicist and earlier consultancy partner for McKinsey.[3][4] The company specializes in analysis of global energy issues, and has the sole comprehensive database for production data, engineering and financing of all oil and gas fields and deposits in the world. It also has developed similar databases for a wide range of segments within fossil and renewable energy production and related energy equipment and services sectors.
Nationalize the oil companies???? So much for free market capitalism. What about the shareholders and private property? This is SOCIALISM!!!!

Won't you have to pay the people who currently own the oil companies first? How does that help the national debt. Or is Trump just going to confiscate these corporations?
Free markets? That expression is pure propaganda. Capitalism does not function on freedom, it functions on economic domination if it is totally "free" to act. Without restraints, it is no more friendly than any other materialistic ideology, such as socialism.
Remember that there are oil companies that clear $1000 per second. That kind of economic power is not safe for democratic processes.
"We're gonna get the debt way down", he says. And the ignorant rubes cheer.

He's just spitting out words. Maybe he's saying the sales tax or corporate tax from the oil would pay the debt down. Maybe. Or not.

Who knows. They just cheer anything he says.
So is this by producing way more Oil... Generally US in a net exporter of Oil... So US is going to produce more Oil to sell to other countries and tax that. Is that his plan?

If so then Big Oil would be dumping him tomorrow... If they are not then that is not the plan...

Let's be honest, this is bullshit and it won't matter that it is bullshit... But it gives Trump the licence to do anything if he got in power...
A huge amount of oil is owned now by the Federal Government. Trump's idea, if this really is his idea, at least would help self fund the Federal Government. Also the Feds own massive amounts of land in western states and by selling that, it would cut down the national debt. Assuming Democrats don't rush like antelopes to first spend it.

Also, it works very well for Alaska. So it can work well for all of America.
Rush like antelopes to spend it? Do you mean like tRump racked up over $7,000,000,000,000 in debt in only 4 years? Do you mean like that?
Let's be honest, this is bullshit and it won't matter that it is bullshit... But it gives Trump the licence to do anything if he got in power...
We'd find out how far a President can go. Not only would he be re-entering office with pure vengeance on his mind, but he'll surround himself with 100% loyal purists, AND they'll try to gut the government and replace it with more of the same types. Getting rid of the "deep state" will be the excuse.

One of the primary reasons a dictator fails is that no one wants to tell him the truth. They're afraid to give him bad news.

And by that time, the damage to the country is profound.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

Trump is very stupid. He can't read and he's poorly educated. He doesn't listen to anyone.
Florida has the best Education System in the Country. Period.

Another swing and miss, dimocrap liar

Florida Sinks In New SAT Rankings To 46th Place​


Florida Sinks In New SAT Rankings To 46th Place​

Well you dang snow birds need to stop moving there.
You don't think education should be standardized?
No. It absolutely should not be standardized.

What kids need to learn in New Yawk Shitty is different than what they need to learn in Waterloo, Iowa.

It is one of the reasons we have the WORST Education System in the civilized world. Well, that and Unions. Teachers Unions.

"When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children."

Albert Shanker - Wikipedia​


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