Did God ALLOW 9-11 as a Warning Sign to us?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Are the beautiful downtowns of our big cities and each skyscraper there reminiscent
of the Tower of Babel?


God allows everything to happen....if you believe in God.
God allows everything to happen....if you believe in God.

No by God, there is intervention, intercession, mercy, forgiveness and "dispensation".

If God is all-powerful, then everything happens with the consent of the all powerful one.

Right... However God has waited on humanity to mature for millions of years here on earth, and you would think with all our luxurious conveniences and wealth, we would become civilized. It is not so. In the last 50 years alone, more people have been killed in wars than all the wars combined before then.

God has waited and seen no progress IMHO. Therefore he can create a modern day Tower of Babel confounding of tongues and make people strangers to one another out of their OWN pure greed. They already don't have enough sense to give you the time of day. How hard would it be for the all-powerful One to do that?

That is why although He shows forbearance, His intervention can be timely. Timing is everything. Sort of like the Second Coming is SUPPOSED to be. Hopefully... I believe he has a plan to turn our blind nation around and (my solution) embrace austerity before it is too late.
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Did God ALLOW 9-11 as a Warning Sign to us?

No way. She enjoys a joke as much as the next woman.
Do you believe in fairies, too?
Bronze-age mythology really has no place in the 21st century.
God allows everything to happen....if you believe in God.

No by God, there is intervention, intercession, mercy, forgiveness and "dispensation".

If God is all-powerful, then everything happens with the consent of the all powerful one.

Right... However God has waited on humanity to mature for millions of years here on earth, and you would think with all our luxurious conveniences and wealth, we would become civilized. It is not so. In the last 50 years alone, more people have been killed in wars than all the wars combined before then.

God has waited and seen no progress IMHO. Therefore he can create a modern day Tower of Babel confounding of tongues and make people strangers to one another out of their OWN pure greed. They already don't have enough sense to give you the time of day. How hard would it be for the all-powerful One to do that?

That is why although He shows forbearance, His intervention can be timely. Timing is everything. Sort of like the Second Coming is SUPPOSED to be. Hopefully... I believe he has a plan to turn our blind nation around and (my solution) embrace austerity before it is too late.

I suspect God really wouldn't care about how we spend our money so much. Isn't like he is going to get stuck paying the bill.
God allows everything to happen....if you believe in God.

No by God, there is intervention, intercession, mercy, forgiveness and "dispensation".

If God is all-powerful, then everything happens with the consent of the all powerful one.

Right... However God has waited on humanity to mature for millions of years here on earth, and you would think with all our luxurious conveniences and wealth, we would become civilized. It is not so. In the last 50 years alone, more people have been killed in wars than all the wars combined before then.

God has waited and seen no progress IMHO. Therefore he can create a modern day Tower of Babel confounding of tongues and make people strangers to one another out of their OWN pure greed. They already don't have enough sense to give you the time of day. How hard would it be for the all-powerful One to do that?

That is why although He shows forbearance, His intervention can be timely. Timing is everything. Sort of like the Second Coming is SUPPOSED to be. Hopefully... I believe he has a plan to turn our blind nation around and (my solution) embrace austerity before it is too late.

I suspect God really wouldn't care about how we spend our money so much. Isn't like he is going to get stuck paying the bill.

Money is the root of all evil. You cannot get around it.

God allows everything to happen....if you believe in God.

No by God, there is intervention, intercession, mercy, forgiveness and "dispensation".

If God is all-powerful, then everything happens with the consent of the all powerful one.

Right... However God has waited on humanity to mature for millions of years here on earth, and you would think with all our luxurious conveniences and wealth, we would become civilized. It is not so. In the last 50 years alone, more people have been killed in wars than all the wars combined before then.

God has waited and seen no progress IMHO. Therefore he can create a modern day Tower of Babel confounding of tongues and make people strangers to one another out of their OWN pure greed. They already don't have enough sense to give you the time of day. How hard would it be for the all-powerful One to do that?

That is why although He shows forbearance, His intervention can be timely. Timing is everything. Sort of like the Second Coming is SUPPOSED to be. Hopefully... I believe he has a plan to turn our blind nation around and (my solution) embrace austerity before it is too late.

I suspect God really wouldn't care about how we spend our money so much. Isn't like he is going to get stuck paying the bill.

Money is the root of all evil. You cannot get around it.

The Bible left off the part about Cain killing his brother because he he was tired of living off food stamps.
God, if there is a God, is conspicuous by his absence. I do not think God involves himself in human affairs, nor has he ever done so. In spite of what it says in the bible.
You might as well ask why God allows the Zika virus.
God, if there is a God, is conspicuous by his absence. I do not think God involves himself in human affairs, nor has he ever done so. In spite of what it says in the bible.
You might as well ask why God allows the Zika virus.

You SHOULD wallow in the Old Testament!

If you believe in reincarnation, Hillary could be FDR reborn. If you believe in Buddhism, she could have been a dog in her previous life. :lol:
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