Did Beto take his cue from Warren Wilhelm? ( Bill Deblasio?)


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
You know it's very strange that both of these guys come from the Uber left.
The land of super political correctness the land of identity politics. Yet here they are both of them hiding behind an assumed name hoping that it will give them a more acceptable identity than the one they came to the dance with.

I had no idea that bill de Blasio's name was actually Warren Wilhelm until it was mentioned on the radio the other day. I'm amazed that he changed his name for the sake of politics.

Maybe it actually works for him. Still I can't help but think FRAUD every time I see either one of them now. It's one thing to have a pen name for the purpose of writing....but to have more than one identity forfor political expediency????

Can you ever really depend on a person like that to be transparent?

I don't know about you but if I knew somebody for 20 years and found out after 20 years that the name I knew them by was not their original name it would have a very profound effect on my relationship with that person. I Would be like " Dude! You are weird! ".....


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