DHS warns migrant caravan U.S. will use force if necessary to stop illegal entry


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
DHS warns migrant caravan: 'U.S. will use force if necessary to stop illegal entry'

The migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border appears to be growing in number by the day.

Despite warnings from President Trump to leaders of Central American countries that he would cut financial aid if they failed to act, the caravan’s numbers are growing, having reportedly reached 4,000 or more people on Wednesday.

Pray they don't make it if they do we have gone way beyond being in severe trouble, from diesease, to murders, rapes, car blats, bombings.

Well just look at Europe, that will tell you exactly what will happen.

SWEDEN should be your first stop.
They should be met at the border by a couple A-10 Warthogs.
..I don't care if the kids/women get hurt if they try to cross the border by force
push/drag/pummel/etc the jackasses--and that's what they are--they are wrong and should know it
...if they don't --tough shit--ignorance of the law is no excuse
Democrats will go down and take pictures of kids in cages.
Democrats will go down and take pictures of kids in cages.

Think about it though: Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico have the right idea. They're just unloading their welfare trash and criminals on us.

We should turn around and do the same thing to them.
Democrats will go down and take pictures of kids in cages.

Think about it though: Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico have the right idea. They're just unloading their welfare trash and criminals on us.

We should turn around and do the same thing to them.
Yes, send all dimoscum south of the border!
Here's the deal folks.....GLOBALISTS have the USA and it's political and financial systems by the balls.
While he will speak about a "beautiful wall", and speak about troops at the border, we all should know by now that even if he really wanted to, he probably can't.

Think about it........
No matter what We The People want or need, it's not what those who are in control want so we are effectively over-ruled.
The ONLY possible way for We The People to change things is to get off our asses and do what Thomas Jefferson said would one day be the case......

Even IF Trump DID send troops to the border, they would likely be unarmed or symbolically handcuffed and ordered to use polite pleading to ASK illegals not to come into our country....but not to touch them or use ANY force to stop them. Basically they can walk past our troops laughing. We have become a paper tiger.....a wet one at that.

We are a nation of fools and the world knows it. They will rape America every way imaginable because they know we as a people are morons of epic proportions. And we will pay until we are literally bankrupt. The Founding Fathers didn't blame others......they just did what had to be done. They were unique and unlike ANY others ever on US soil
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DHS warns migrant caravan: 'U.S. will use force if necessary to stop illegal entry'

The migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border appears to be growing in number by the day.

Despite warnings from President Trump to leaders of Central American countries that he would cut financial aid if they failed to act, the caravan’s numbers are growing, having reportedly reached 4,000 or more people on Wednesday.

Pray they don't make it if they do we have gone way beyond being in severe trouble, from diesease, to murders, rapes, car blats, bombings.

Well just look at Europe, that will tell you exactly what will happen.

SWEDEN should be your first stop.

There are a lot of threads on this. It seems pretty simple, since we can track this caravan we should have border patrol waiting. If we still have the statue of liberty up with that silly poem when they get here we should consider giving asylum or helping them out. From one of the dozen other threads I'm sure you know my feelings that we need more people who can hike across the continent to work.
DHS warns migrant caravan: 'U.S. will use force if necessary to stop illegal entry'

The migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border appears to be growing in number by the day.

Despite warnings from President Trump to leaders of Central American countries that he would cut financial aid if they failed to act, the caravan’s numbers are growing, having reportedly reached 4,000 or more people on Wednesday.

Pray they don't make it if they do we have gone way beyond being in severe trouble, from diesease, to murders, rapes, car blats, bombings.

Well just look at Europe, that will tell you exactly what will happen.

SWEDEN should be your first stop.

There are a lot of threads on this. It seems pretty simple, since we can track this caravan we should have border patrol waiting. If we still have the statue of liberty up with that silly poem when they get here we should consider giving asylum or helping them out. From one of the dozen other threads I'm sure you know my feelings that we need more people who can hike across the continent to work.

Should......but won't
I really don't want to see them hurt, they are desperate people but we can't absorb masses of undocumented people like this. All the local services, border patrol, housing, hospitals, you name it will be bursting at the seams. Mexico better fucking step up NOW.
I really don't want to see them hurt, they are desperate people but we can't absorb masses of undocumented people like this. All the local services, border patrol, housing, hospitals, you name it will be bursting at the seams. Mexico better fucking step up NOW.

Why should Mexico step up?

Why should we?

Why should we not? My idea is to just give these folks housing in city owned property in Cleveland and make them get jobs to pay taxes for a decade before they are citizens. Heck, half in Cleveland, half Detroit.
I don't think it matters what we can or cant do. What matters is what those REALLY in control want.
And in this game Trump is just one of the players.
We're going "Global" I think that"s clear
I really don't want to see them hurt, they are desperate people but we can't absorb masses of undocumented people like this. All the local services, border patrol, housing, hospitals, you name it will be bursting at the seams. Mexico better fucking step up NOW.

Why should Mexico step up?

Why should we?

Why should we not? My idea is to just give these folks housing in city owned property in Cleveland and make them get jobs to pay taxes for a decade before they are citizens. Heck, half in Cleveland, half Detroit.

Until they are in great enough numbers to vote you right out of THEIR newly acquired nation. Check mate. Have you checked the census numbers lately? Guess who's losing ground fastest and who's gaining ground fastest?

And I can guarantee you your new masters won't have the bleeding heart compassion for you that was shown for them. They're not as stupid as we are.
They have put women with the kidnapped children in the front of the horde to use as a.shield.

Start shooting the men. Load the women and children on trucks and take them to waiting planes to be taken back to where they came from.
I really don't want to see them hurt, they are desperate people but we can't absorb masses of undocumented people like this. All the local services, border patrol, housing, hospitals, you name it will be bursting at the seams. Mexico better fucking step up NOW.

Why should Mexico step up?

Why should we?

Why should we not? My idea is to just give these folks housing in city owned property in Cleveland and make them get jobs to pay taxes for a decade before they are citizens. Heck, half in Cleveland, half Detroit.

Until they are in great enough numbers to vote you right out of THEIR newly acquired nation. Check mat. Have you checked the census numbers lately? Guess who's losing ground fastest and who's gaining ground fastest?

Eh, they said the same thing about the shanty irish and dumb pollocks, not to mention the catholics and their holy master the pope coming and taking over.
They have put women with the kidnapped children in the front of the horde to use as a.shield.

Start shooting the men. Load the women and children on trucks and take them to waiting planes to be taken back to where they came from.

Is that really how you feel? Remember, the board and your ISP know your IP address and everything you type.
They have put women with the kidnapped children in the front of the horde to use as a.shield.

Start shooting the men. Load the women and children on trucks and take them to waiting planes to be taken back to where they came from.

Never gonna happen. They will be on US soil in 3 weeks.....wait...JUST IN TIME for the elections (omg)

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