Destruction Of The Family


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World

The following comes from Pew Research

For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households.

Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).

And here comes an interesting point:

Of course it wasn’t always this way. If you go back to 1960, less than 10 percent of all American children lived with a single parent…

And then, it asks, “What happened?”

My response...Women’s Lib!

Well, this article claims television, movies, the education system, and most politicians assure us that it’s okay to run around like wild animals doing whatever we like doing.

The end results are discouraging. Children raised in poverty and lower educational goals. And a lower fertility rate.

There is no future for any society that does not value children, marriage and family. You can’t show me one example in human history of any society that has ever thrived for an extended period of time without cherishing those institutions.

So, what do we do to turn it around?

More @ Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World
The fertility rate is declining also because the cost of raising kids is going up while wages, which are trickling up, have a long way to go in catching up. People don't have the money nor the time. Can't say I blame them.
Trumptard Republicans have been in power for 20% of a child's life, now we have 23% of U.S. children are with one parent and no other adults. Way to go Trumptard!!!
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Eh, the economy after the 60's eventually forced women to work whether they wanted to or not and Mom at home raising the kids became a luxury. Some would call it progress but I think it's pretty well a shame family wise.

also "the pill" came out and free love (sexual revolution) devalued women, men, children, faith, morality and seemingly common sense...

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The marriage penalty tax & outsourcing US jobs to crush workers pay so they can't support stay at home moms destroyed the families. Before the marriage penalty tax it was beneficial for a high wage earner and low wage earner to marry & raise a family. Now you are taxed for that.
There are a number of factors at work here.

The invention of "The Pill" irrationally removed the cultural/social obligation of biological fathers to "do the right thing" when their baby-mama got pregnant. The "thinking" was that, since the Bitch has the ability to prevent conception, when she does conceive, it's "on her." The ready availability of abortion after 1973 reinforced this attitude that whether to have a child was entirely up to the mother, so the father was off the hook (legally, this is bullshit - especially in the age of DNA testing - but culturally, that feeling remains).

The prevailing culture promotes a childish view of "love" that postulates that if you are not in a constant state of emotional and/or physical orgasm with your mate, then you have "fallen out of love," and should look elsewhere for a Soulmate. This attitude is antithetical to marriage for most humans, whose emotions vary from minute to minute. Marriage requires LIFETIME COMMITMENT, which the prevailing culture abhors.

The War on Poverty actually penalized (with lower benefits) families on welfare where there was a "father" in the household. The mother got more benefits if she was a single mother. This is probably the worst case of "unintended consequences" in all of American history, and it largely explains the astronomical rates of bastardy in the "Black" and "Hispanic" communities.

The "birth" of the phenomenon of "gay marriage" also cheapened the concept of Marriage within the culture, re-defining it as "any connection between two people who purport to 'love' each other."

The combined effect of those factors has virtually destroyed Marriage for about half the population, and it is positively getting worse, as Millennials and their younger cultural siblings either disdain, delay, or disparage marriage in massive numbers.

"We" are fucked, and I'm glad I won't have to deal with it for much longer. (But ironically, we Boomers are having to assist in picking up the pieces when our childrens' marriages fall apart. At least we get to see the grandkids more).
I think that there are more divorces in today’s society simply because the NATURE of marriage has CHANGED a lot.
Nowadays marriages are much more about consent and it's great! IMHO.
I think that there are more divorces in today’s society simply because the NATURE of marriage has CHANGED a lot.
Nowadays marriages are much more about consent and it's great! IMHO.

A high rate of divorce, a high rate of children raised in broken homes, or worse, homes that were never intact in the first place, is a horrendous tragedy.

That you think there is anything “great” about this says some very troubling things about you.
I've been married 30 years to someone who gets on my nerves every day. We have very little in common. Yet, she does her best to take care of me and I have absolutely no doubt about her fealty. Romantic love has very little to do with a lasting marriage.
Trumptard Republicans have been in power for 20% of a child's life, now we have 23% of U.S. children are with one parent and no other adults. Way to go Trumptard!!!
Your message reports your bad judgement... as far as I know, president Clinton came from a broken family and under his administration was approved the weird :don't ask don't tell" legislation protecting the mentally perturbed known as homosexuals and lesbians.

President Bush came from a solid family.

President Obama came from a broken family, and his laws protecting the refused of society had no limits under his administration with marriage of homosexuals, acceptance of transgenders in the army.

President Trump comes from a solid family and he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in Israel and removed special treatment to transgenders in the army, eliminating such mental perturbation which is so negative for the proper development of the troops. You might hate president Trump because he has chosen to follow decency.

No doubt that the last two liberal presidents come from broken families and their administrations reflect their lack of care for the decent side of the American society. This country became the best thanks to men as leaders and having great women at their side.

You have never learned history, and this is the reason why you have not idea where your feet stand on.
Your message reports your bad judgement... as far as I know, president Clinton came from a broken family and under his administration was approved the weird :don't ask don't tell" legislation protecting the mentally perturbed known as homosexuals and lesbians.

President Bush came from a solid family.

You have never learned history, and this is the reason why you have not idea where your feet stand on.

You are as wise as KissMy is unwise. But it will never change. KissMy would have to admit he is wrong and that is one thing he cannot do. Evil is like that, always doubling down.

The Left is so bitter and angry and unhinged that they have a poor grasp of reality and dwell on victicrat mentality. Everyone is out to get them. Just ask.
Trumptard Republicans have been in power for 20% of a child's life, now we have 23% of U.S. children are with one parent and no other adults. Way to go Trumptard!!!
Your message reports your bad judgement... as far as I know, president Clinton came from a broken family and under his administration was approved the weird :don't ask don't tell" legislation protecting the mentally perturbed known as homosexuals and lesbians.

President Bush came from a solid family.

President Obama came from a broken family, and his laws protecting the refused of society had no limits under his administration with marriage of homosexuals, acceptance of transgenders in the army.

President Trump comes from a solid family and he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in Israel and removed special treatment to transgenders in the army, eliminating such mental perturbation which is so negative for the proper development of the troops. You might hate president Trump because he has chosen to follow decency.

No doubt that the last two liberal presidents come from broken families and their administrations reflect their lack of care for the decent side of the American society. This country became the best thanks to men as leaders and having great women at their side.

You have never learned history, and this is the reason why you have not idea where your feet stand on.
`Trump decent what a laugh. How many times has he been divorced ? What a tard!

The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World

The following comes from Pew Research

For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households.

Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).

And here comes an interesting point:

Of course it wasn’t always this way. If you go back to 1960, less than 10 percent of all American children lived with a single parent…

And then, it asks, “What happened?”

My response...Women’s Lib!

Well, this article claims television, movies, the education system, and most politicians assure us that it’s okay to run around like wild animals doing whatever we like doing.

The end results are discouraging. Children raised in poverty and lower educational goals. And a lower fertility rate.

There is no future for any society that does not value children, marriage and family. You can’t show me one example in human history of any society that has ever thrived for an extended period of time without cherishing those institutions.

So, what do we do to turn it around?

More @ Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World
Destroying the basic family unit of father, mother and children has been the aim of Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics for some time now. You see it in our biased media all the time. This media is currently trying to push Drag Queens and Transgenderism as NORMAL. Dreadful.

The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World

The following comes from Pew Research

For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households.

Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).

And here comes an interesting point:

Of course it wasn’t always this way. If you go back to 1960, less than 10 percent of all American children lived with a single parent…

And then, it asks, “What happened?”

My response...Women’s Lib!

Well, this article claims television, movies, the education system, and most politicians assure us that it’s okay to run around like wild animals doing whatever we like doing.

The end results are discouraging. Children raised in poverty and lower educational goals. And a lower fertility rate.

There is no future for any society that does not value children, marriage and family. You can’t show me one example in human history of any society that has ever thrived for an extended period of time without cherishing those institutions.

So, what do we do to turn it around?

More @ Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World
Just a few observations:

1.The Pew Research study provides some interesting statistics but no where does it address what -if any - long term detrimental effects on society or the future of the family this trend has.

2. Single parent households are still families as are households that consist of two men or two women raising children . Your contention that the trend that you speak of signals the demise of the family and thus the downfall of civilization is ridiculous. You're just making that shit up

3. Allowing yourself to be spoon fed this crap by Alex Jones- and swallowing it whole is not impressive and does not speak well to your ability to actually think for yourself.

4. The conspiracy theorist Jones invokes a morality factor be even he does not portend the destruction of the family. And, neither he, or the Pew Data provides any information as to how this is detrimental to children or society . While some studies will show that children are better off in a two parent family, that is not true if you control for the quality of parenting and the parent child relationship, and consider the outcomes for children in two parent homes that are dysfunctional.

5. You blame women's but offer no solutions. Would you like to force them back into the kitchen and out of the workforce- of restricted to being nurses, maids, and stwardesses ? How will that work out in an economy where most families require two incomes to get by?

6. The liberation of women- their having achieved greater independence and more rights is but one aspect of an evolving society and a by product of advances in human rights and equality for all . The evolving standards of human decency. Yet you single out women's lib to blame for one parent families. Why not blame economic factors ? Why not blam the changing sexual norms? Why not blame income and wealth disparity and the erosion of the middle class that can make it difficult to start and maintain a family? Why not blame MEN who are just as reluctant to marry and who too often do not stick around when a child comes?

7. In conclusion you post is just an excuse to blame "women's Lib" based on fuzzy thinking born of a fear and animosity towards women. Get over it!

The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World

The following comes from Pew Research

For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households.

Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).

And here comes an interesting point:

Of course it wasn’t always this way. If you go back to 1960, less than 10 percent of all American children lived with a single parent…

And then, it asks, “What happened?”

My response...Women’s Lib!

Well, this article claims television, movies, the education system, and most politicians assure us that it’s okay to run around like wild animals doing whatever we like doing.

The end results are discouraging. Children raised in poverty and lower educational goals. And a lower fertility rate.

There is no future for any society that does not value children, marriage and family. You can’t show me one example in human history of any society that has ever thrived for an extended period of time without cherishing those institutions.

So, what do we do to turn it around?

More @ Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World
Just a few observations:

1.The Pew Research study provides some interesting statistics but no where does it address what -if any - long term detrimental effects on society or the future of the family this trend has.

2. Single parent households are still families as are households that consist of two men or two women raising children . Your contention that the trend that you speak of signals the demise of the family and thus the downfall of civilization is ridiculous. You're just making that shit up

3. Allowing yourself to be spoon fed this crap by Alex Jones- and swallowing it whole is not impressive and does not speak well to your ability to actually think for yourself.

4. The conspiracy theorist Jones invokes a morality factor be even he does not portend the destruction of the family. And, neither he, or the Pew Data provides any information as to how this is detrimental to children or society . While some studies will show that children are better off in a two parent family, that is not true if you control for the quality of parenting and the parent child relationship, and consider the outcomes for children in two parent homes that are dysfunctional.

5. You blame women's but offer no solutions. Would you like to force them back into the kitchen and out of the workforce- of restricted to being nurses, maids, and stwardesses ? How will that work out in an economy where most families require two incomes to get by?

6. The liberation of women- their having achieved greater independence and more rights is but one aspect of an evolving society and a by product of advances in human rights and equality for all . The evolving standards of human decency. Yet you single out women's lib to blame for one parent families. Why not blame economic factors ? Why not blam the changing sexual norms? Why not blame income and wealth disparity and the erosion of the middle class that can make it difficult to start and maintain a family? Why not blame MEN who are just as reluctant to marry and who too often do not stick around when a child comes?

7. In conclusion you post is just an excuse to blame "women's Lib" based on fuzzy thinking born of a fear and animosity towards women. Get over it!
Typical liberal lunatic response.......
I've been married 30 years to someone who gets on my nerves every day. We have very little in common. Yet, she does her best to take care of me and I have absolutely no doubt about her fealty. Romantic love has very little to do with a lasting marriage.
Maybe not for yours.

I have been married for almost 30 years and the romance is still alive- even if we do sometimes get on each others nerves.

But I will say this- staying married takes a commitment. Being parents takes commitment. If you aren't up for that commitment, it won't last, won't work.
The fertility rate is declining also because the cost of raising kids is going up while wages, which are trickling up, have a long way to go in catching up. People don't have the money nor the time. Can't say I blame them.
It is also declining for fear of the effects of man made climate change. People choose not to have kids because 1. They do not want to bring them into a world that-at best will be subject to sever weather, drought , food shortages and the resulting social unrest and 2. Because having children increases the carbon footprint further exacerbating the problem

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