Despite the media narrative Trump has taken the lead in two recent polls. Dems nervous yet?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

Trump is trending up and Clinton is trending down. I bet it gave CNN gas to report their poll
Trump is trending up and Clinton is trending down. I bet it gave CNN gas to report their poll
I saw a report a few days ago that showed both of them going backwards & the 3rd party candidates gaining ground.

Truly a weird election

There isn't a good candidate in the entire lot of them, over 300 million people in the US and we're stuck with this? Sad
They better be nervous. Trump seems to be gaining steam while spending a fraction of what Clinton is.

Question, is Clintons coughing spells equal to Dukakis's tank ride?
Trump's looking more & more like a real leader. Meanwhile, Clinton is in hiding. When she does appear in public, she looks very weak and unhealthy. And of course most know she's a corrupt liar. She isn't fit to be President. It is what it is.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


It's high time the polls start concentrating on state specific polling. A shitload of people voting for Trump in Texas is nowhere near as relevant as whom people in Ohio and Florida will be voting for.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


Meh, not really. The GOP seems really keen on self-destructing.

Trump still doesn't have a ground organization, and Republican polls are running from him faster than they ran away from Mark Foley.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

What do you see? up and down gyrations with Hillary consistently coming out ahead.
What I see are old polls. I predicted this in the op

What has fundamentally changed? Nothing.

Trump is working the mike, shoots his shit, gets a bump. His speech gets discredited for the bullshit it usually is, Hillary rebukes and cycle completes with Trump losing again.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


It's high time the polls start concentrating on state specific polling. A shitload of people voting for Trump in Texas is nowhere near as relevant as whom people in Ohio and Florida will be voting for.

Obama won by less than 4 points in 2012, but by over 100 electoral votes.

lol, and then there's always Bush 2000.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

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