Despite Evidence, Barr To Give Criminal Instigator / Top Of Criminal Syndicate a 'Pass'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”


Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

I've NEVER cared for Barr. I believe he's got at LEAST one foot embedded in the Deep State.
So now we know:

1. Barry, the 1st Black President and the MFWIC responsible for the largest criminal political scandal, as evidence proves, will be protected....

2. Biden, the criminal syndicates' 2020 Presidential Nominee, will be protected, despite evidence showing he's up to his arse in it...

3. The fact that Durham is running a criminal investigation has been confirmed.

4. 'Others' should be extremely concerned.

How far up the chain will be protected?

Will the Deep State 'sacrifice' some 'foot-soldiers' and protect all of Obama's Cabinet and Agency Directors?

I've NEVER cared for Barr. I believe he's got at LEAST one foot embedded in the Deep State.

If anyone in the DOJ makes the argument that it is 'IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY NOT TO INDICT / PROSECUTE THER PRESIDENT / VP' I think I will violently throw up.

If the evidence coming out continues to confirm this reached all the way into the oval office just the opposite will be true. It would make out government look like some 3rd world govt that protects criminals and corrupt leaders, and it would prove to America there truly is no 'equal justice'.

The same will be true if proven conspirators like Feinstein, Clapper, Comey, and McCabe are allowed to walk.

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”


This should surprise no one. It's always been a rigged system
BARR CALLED THE LARGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY OBAMA INITIATED AN 'ABUSE OF POWER'.... THAT ius the angle that will be used to rebuke the hell out of Obama yet protect him and Joe from Indictment / Prison.

"Not every abuse of power, no matter how outrageous, is necessarily a federal crime.”

The CRIMES were in HOW his Cabinet, Agency Directors, Ambassadors, etc...CARRIED OUT his orders to 'use any means possible to collect' information / dirt on Trump and his team.


Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

gee. that's so sad. i hope you will recover as soon as you get your new batch of talking points to vomit all over the board.

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

gee. that's so sad. i hope you will recover as soon as you get your new batch of talking points to vomit all over the board.
One do you snowflakes breathe with your heads so fimly implanted up Barry's ass?

THIS is one of the reasons I fully respect Barr:

“This will not be and cannot be a tit-for-tat exercise. The only way to break away from a dual system of justice is to ensure we scrupulously apply the same system to both sides of the aisle."

In the past few decades, there have been increasing attempts to use the criminal justice system as a political weapon, using “the flimsiest of legal theories.”

Barr said that, so long as he is attorney general “the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan, political ends.”

The thing BOTH Democrats and Republicans praised Barr for before being appointed US AGG was that he has amazing integrity and objectivity, and his #1 passion / goal was / is to uphold JUSTICE / the law. to

I see Barr's words as not only a re-commitment to upholding Justice objectively but as a 'Heads-Up'

“We cannot allow this process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate” to EVERYONE.
-- I think when the Durham report finally comes out and indictments start flowing there are going to be 'disappointed' Democrats and Conservatives.

For example, Durham already stated that Obama and Biden are 'safe'. In regards to Barry, Barr signaled that he believes Obama is guilty of an egregious abuse of power but not a crime:

"Not every abuse of power, no matter how outrageous, is necessarily a federal crime.”

Regarding Biden, I believe the last thing Barr wants to do is engage in the same BS Obama's FBI was dragged into due to Hillary's server / e-mails. he doesn't want any investigation of either candidate to fuel either side'ds continued hatred and division:

"Barr said the nation is divided and it's “critical that we have an election where the American people are allowed to make a decision—a choice—between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden based on a robust debate of policy issues.”

....not influenced by on-going investigations by a Justice System being used as a political weapon. I believe THIS is why Barr wants this wrapped up no later that lat August, early September - t make the ISSUES the thing focused on in this election.
It sounds like Barr also threw a shot at Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and McCabe too:

“We cannot allow this process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate.” Barr said that “any effort to pursue an investigation of either candidate has to be approved by me.”

We know as fact, thanks to former FBI Agent Page's testimony, that the FBI - not the DOJ - conducted an INTERNAL FBI investigation of Trump and his team BEFORE the official investigation was ordered and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Barr promises that shite won't happen again in this election....

...and since the comment seemed to be aimed at those who conducted their own investigations in 2008, if I were them I would be nervous as hell right now.

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

"Potential criminality"???? You mean after two years and an around the world tour, they don't have any evidence of actual criminality????



Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

Par for the course. All the big wigs will walk . And it will distract enough to let all of jeffrey Epsteins pedophilia democrats off the hook.

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

"Potential criminality"???? You mean after two years and an around the world tour, they don't have any evidence of actual criminality????



Who , Bob Mueller?

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

Par for the course. All the big wigs will walk . And it will distract enough to let all of jeffrey Epsteins pedophilia democrats off the hook.

The only American politician accused by any of Epstein's girls was the one who sued Donald Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13. His wife also said he beat and raped her in their divorce filings. It's a pattern with Trump.

Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Barr does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

Barr says he and Durham not going 'THERE'...

"Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

Par for the course. All the big wigs will walk . And it will distract enough to let all of jeffrey Epsteins pedophilia democrats off the hook.

The only American politician accused by any of Epstein's girls was the one who sued Donald Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13. His wife also said he beat and raped her in their divorce filings. It's a pattern with Trump.
Billy boy clinton is a perv. Blue dress... epsteins plane a dozen or so times.... dream on dragon.
Dragonlady, post:
"Potential criminality"???? You mean after two years and an around the world tour, they don't have any evidence of actual criminality????"

No one said there is no evidence of crimes committed by Democrats, lying Pro-Russian Canuck Troll

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