Desperate CNN Rips Trump For Reaching Out To Black Voters--Because Black Voters Are Felons

Desperate CNN Calls Blacks Felons,,,

How come your title changed, McRacist?

What exactly is your avatar desperately calling blacks? Hm?

Oh speaking of blacks, guess who's got about 14 times more black support that Rump....

David Duke
Trump only gets one percent of the black vote

Racist Steve McGarret must be thrilled
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Desperate CNN Calls Blacks Felons,,,

How come your title changed, McRacist?

What exactly is your avatar desperately calling blacks? Hm?

Oh speaking of blacks, guess who's got about 14 times more black support that Rump....

David Duke
What are you talking about? I haven't changed anything.
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Now the liberal media turns on the negro as they see Trump reaching out to them and gaining support.

Wow! CNN Rips Trump for Reaching Out to Black Voters - Because Black Voters Are Felons
I'm surprised you're okay with Trump being a race traitor :dunno:
Anything to get him elected and then deport them saving the working white taxpayers billions of dollars in minority handouts. Then Trump would be fulfilling the original intent of the founders in having a country for White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation of the first Congress.
Now the liberal media turns on the negro as they see Trump reaching out to them and gaining support.

Wow! CNN Rips Trump for Reaching Out to Black Voters - Because Black Voters Are Felons
I'm surprised you're okay with Trump being a race traitor :dunno:
Anything to get him elected and then deport them saving the working white taxpayers billions of dollars in minority handouts. Then Trump would be fulfilling the original intent of the founders in having a country for White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation of the first Congress.

Deflections, personal insults and name-calling aside, that's one pretty nasty assumption they're making.

If a Republican said this, there would be serious "consequences" for it.
What do you expect from a network as conservative as CNN? That's why CNN gets away with it, because they're conservative.

The desperate conservatives at CNN almost cried when their own poll showed overwhelming support for Obama over his decision to not visit Louisiana.

You have to pity CNN. They put out their conservative talking points, following instructions of their corporate masters, but nobody listens. Every time the conservative MSM declares the Democrats are doomed, Clinton's poll numbers go up again.
Desperate CNN Calls Blacks Felons,,,

How come your title changed, McRacist?

What exactly is your avatar desperately calling blacks? Hm?

Oh speaking of blacks, guess who's got about 14 times more black support that Rump....

David Duke
What are you talking about? I haven't changed anything.

Haven't you.
Then how come the sidebar of new threads read, "Desperate CNN Calls Blacks Felons...." when I clicked in?
Trump recently went to a mostly white area and had a rally.....
Trump encouraged blacks to vote for him....

I think this was also the event where one of Trump's security people saw a young
man of color wearing a shirt supporting Trump and he kicked his ass out of the event.
The young man is new to the political scene and made the effort to show up at the rally....
And he got his ass kicked out.....

MMMMmmmm MMMMmmmm MMMMMmmmm

Trumpy do love him some of dem people of color....

Trump wants blacks for their votes....
Since only one percent support him....
Why not try to siphon off a few.
8%? My God Trump has won them over!!!

Probably not so much about winning them over as it is getting through to them and starting a trend.

Most blacks are ignorant to politics and policies. Ask a black man why he doesn't vote Republican, and he will tell you that the Republicans are only for the rich man. Ask the black man who told him that, and he will tell you the Democrats.

So it's difficult for many Republicans to get through to blacks because they already have this preconceived notion passed down through generations. The only hope of winning blacks over are those who actually study politics or educated blacks. As for the rest, it's a tough battle. Because all they know about politics is that the Democrats are for the poor man.........supposedly.

When they educate themselves to realize what party runs those ghettoes, what party is responsible for promoting single-parent families which in most cases is responsible for poverty, which party has been running those failed schools, which party favors foreigners coming into this country and taking their jobs, which party fought against school vouchers for blacks, then we will see a shift in voting trends of blacks.
8%? My God Trump has won them over!!!

Probably not so much about winning them over as it is getting through to them and starting a trend.

Most blacks are ignorant to politics and policies. Ask a black man why he doesn't vote Republican, and he will tell you that the Republicans are only for the rich man. Ask the black man who told him that, and he will tell you the Democrats.

So it's difficult for many Republicans to get through to blacks because they already have this preconceived notion passed down through generations. The only hope of winning blacks over are those who actually study politics or educated blacks. As for the rest, it's a tough battle. Because all they know about politics is that the Democrats are for the poor man.........supposedly.

When they educate themselves to realize what party runs those ghettoes, what party is responsible for promoting single-parent families which in most cases is responsible for poverty, which party has been running those failed schools, which party favors foreigners coming into this country and taking their jobs, which party fought against school vouchers for blacks, then we will see a shift in voting trends of blacks.

Are you saying all blacks are stupid and can't figure out who to vote for????
Man I hope you rethink this...

In my life I have come across an amazing amount of people who do NOT support
Republican policies...

It does not make them stupid.

There are many people of color who are educated....
Right now about 1% of blacks support Trump....
Is it the message
Is it the party
Is it the voter........
Is it the candidate....
Are you saying all blacks are stupid and can't figure out who to vote for????
Man I hope you rethink this...

In my life I have come across an amazing amount of people who do NOT support
Republican policies...

It does not make them stupid.

Did I say stupid? No, I said ignorant. Ignorant and stupid are two totally different things.

Ignorant menas uneducated about something. We are all ignorant of something. I'm ignorant of sports. I usually don't watch sports, care about sports, or are knowledgable of sports beyond the basics.

Stupid means the inability to learn. That's different from ignorant.

There are many white people ignorant of politics as well, just to a much lesser degree than blacks. That's why all lower income areas vote Democrat. They are not educated in politics or policies among other things. They have a higher rate of government dependents thinking government is doing them good. What they don't realize is that these polices are actually holding them back.
Are you saying all blacks are stupid and can't figure out who to vote for????
Man I hope you rethink this...

In my life I have come across an amazing amount of people who do NOT support
Republican policies...

It does not make them stupid.

Did I say stupid? No, I said ignorant. Ignorant and stupid are two totally different things.

Ignorant menas uneducated about something. We are all ignorant of something. I'm ignorant of sports. I usually don't watch sports, care about sports, or are knowledgable of sports beyond the basics.

Stupid means the inability to learn. That's different from ignorant.

There are many white people ignorant of politics as well, just to a much lesser degree than blacks. That's why all lower income areas vote Democrat. They are not educated in politics or policies among other things. They have a higher rate of government dependents thinking government is doing them good. What they don't realize is that these polices are actually holding them back.

Sounds like the South.

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