Deputy afeared for his life shoots woman with her hands up.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
If you want to know why I support California changing the standards from Reasonable to Justified, then look at this video.

She exited the car with her hands up and was shot by a cop who lied and said she was reaching into her pocket, and he was afeared for his life. The State decided that this shooting was if not justified. Certainly not criminal. Which in itself should be a crime.

Dashcam video shows Lake County deputy shooting driver

Dangerous job my ass. The citizenry are in far more danger from the cops, than they are from us.
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.
Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

Or he was dealing with an uncooperative suspect trying to create an incident. I'm sure that cop wouldn't have shot him with one of his buddies filming it.
If you want to know why I support California changing the standards from Reasonable to Justified, then look at this video.

She exited the car with her hands up and was shot by a cop who lied and said she was reaching into her pocket, and he was afeared for his life. The State decided that this shooting was if not justified. Certainly not criminal. Which in itself should be a crime.

Dashcam video shows Lake County deputy shooting driver

Dangerous job my ass. The citizenry are in far more danger from the cops, than they are from us.

Wishing Robin Pearson makes a full recovery, and the former deputy gets what he deserves for attempting to frame his victim as the aggressor.

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According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.
Or he was dealing with an uncooperative suspect trying to create an incident. I'm sure that cop wouldn't have shot him with one of his buddies filming it.
I'm glad to see you haven't previously believed your lyin' eyes.
He was smart not putting his hands down. If he had the police officer was clearly going to shoot him. When he said I’m not putting my hands down because you’re going to shoot me the police officer was totally confused and didn’t know what to do. It’s right there in the video.

And I am very pro police. But this police officer was looking to shoot somebody.
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.

OK. Let me get this straight. The current protocol is if you suspect someone of being armed is to get control of them. That means after Idiot cop shouts gun and has the suspect held at gunpoint he has a couple choices. A, show a little of the awesome courage I keep hearing cops have and get the guy out of the car and into handcuffs. Search and find the weapon, or plant something to justify the arrest.

Option B. Have the guy hold his hands out the window until back up arrives. Ordering him to take his hands from view to turn off the car after shouting gun is setting up the excuse I was afeared for my life.


If the guy complies, he is dead. If the guy doesn’t, then the cop can still shoot screaming stop resisting. Every part of the cop’s story was a lie. The absolute worst thing the cop faces if the truth comes out is possibly fired. Not charged with Assault with a deadly weapon. Nothing stopping the cop from going to another department and doing it all over again.
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.

But in the mean time, may be the cops could stop needlessly shooting people.
He (the cop) seemed in an awful hurry to go after her after she rolled the stop. She did seem slightly erratic at the stop.
With Headlights in her eyes, she probably could not tell it was a cop car.
In the video, after the stop, she is seen quickly exiting her vehicle and moving toward the Police officer. Why?
Did he tell her to exit the vehicle? Normally when you get pulled over the cop tells you to remain in your vehicle.
Then after he calls in the stop he will approach you.

Her rush toward the officer "could" have been perceived as aggressive. In addition, in the video she has her hands up but LOWERS them momentarily.
You weren't there. Things happen fast.
Why did she lower them while approaching the officer? Both moves would seem to put any office on edge in what appears to be a secluded area.

We cannot hear the conversation (if any), but maybe he was telling her to stay in her car? Was he yelling at her to stop?

It may be harder to tell the exact emotions and circumstances from the video.

While it looks like an attempted murder, we need to wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions.
Bad cops kill, but so does Mob mentality and drawing conclusions from a distance.
He (the cop) seemed in an awful hurry to go after her after she rolled the stop. She did seem slightly erratic at the stop.
With Headlights in her eyes, she probably could not tell it was a cop car.
In the video, after the stop, she is seen quickly exiting her vehicle and moving toward the Police officer. Why?
Did he tell her to exit the vehicle? Normally when you get pulled over the cop tells you to remain in your vehicle.
Then after he calls in the stop he will approach you.

Her rush toward the officer "could" have been perceived as aggressive. In addition, in the video she has her hands up but LOWERS them momentarily.
You weren't there. Things happen fast.
Why did she lower them while approaching the officer? Both moves would seem to put any office on edge in what appears to be a secluded area.

We cannot hear the conversation (if any), but maybe he was telling her to stay in her car? Was he yelling at her to stop?

It may be harder to tell the exact emotions and circumstances from the video.

While it looks like an attempted murder, we need to wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions.
Bad cops kill, but so does Mob mentality and drawing conclusions from a distance.

The Officer swore he saw her left hand in her pocket. It was never in her pocket. Her hands were both up all the time. So lying to a cop is a Felony, Lying to an investigator by a cop should also be a crime shouldn’t it?

The alternative is that he was telling the truth. We have a term for someone who sees things that is not really there. It is called delusional. If the cop was telling the truth, and saw her hand in her pocket, then he was mentally unbalanced and should be locked up for the protection of everyone around him as a danger to himself and others. He has already demonstrated that he will act upon these delusions hasn’t he?

There is no justification for what he did. No way to excuse it. No way to try and explain it away as reasonable. Either he was a thug who shot someone for no reason, or he is a lunatic who shot someone in the grips of a delusion. Either way, he should be locked up, wouldn’t you agree?
The Officer swore he saw her left hand in her pocket. It was never in her pocket. Her hands were both up all the time. So lying to a cop is a Felony, Lying to an investigator by a cop should also be a crime shouldn’t it?

Both you and Bulldog are emotional.

Look at the video. Just look at it. Do you see her lower her hands or not? She does just for an instant. In that circumstance....BAD MOVE.
You are not realizing the time frame here. This all happens in about 3 seconds. You fail to realize that the officer did not have all day to decide if he was in danger or not.
You ALSO fail to realize (or admit) that what the woman did (quickly approaching the officer) is enough to set any officer on extreme alert.

The alternative is that he was telling the truth. We have a term for someone who sees things that is not really there. It is called delusional. If the cop was telling the truth, and saw her hand in her pocket, then he was mentally unbalanced and should be locked up for the protection of everyone around him as a danger to himself and others. He has already demonstrated that he will act upon these delusions hasn’t he?

In the 1/2 second that she lowered her hands, it actually could have seemed to the officer that she did reach into her pocket under the tension of the moment.
You act as though humans are robots and can process information in nanoseconds.
You are looking at a VIDEO with the luxury of replaying it at your leisure in the comfort and safety of home or work. On that dark road he probably only had one second to decide if she was about to draw a weapon. She acted STUPIDLY.

I'm almost certain that if she had remained in her car and not aggressively approached the officer he would not have shot her.

There is no justification for what he did. No way to excuse it. No way to try and explain it away as reasonable. Either he was a thug who shot someone for no reason, or he is a lunatic who shot someone in the grips of a delusion. Either way, he should be locked up, wouldn’t you agree?

I do not agree. While I despise bad cops, we cannot be grand stand umpires deciding cases from the tiny bit of information we have.
Was he yelling at her to stay in her car? Do you even know? Was he telling her to stop and she kept coming? You do not know do you?
You and Bulldog have Mob mentality. You decided his guilt long before you saw this video or heard of this case.

If he's guilty, let a jury hear the evidence and decide. But stop convicting people from a point of ignorance and emotion.
How would you like it if an all white jury convicted you of a crime you were innocent of just because you are black?
Wouldn't you want a jury of your PEERS and a FAIR trial at the very least?
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According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.

OK. Let me get this straight. The current protocol is if you suspect someone of being armed is to get control of them. That means after Idiot cop shouts gun and has the suspect held at gunpoint he has a couple choices. A, show a little of the awesome courage I keep hearing cops have and get the guy out of the car and into handcuffs. Search and find the weapon, or plant something to justify the arrest.

Option B. Have the guy hold his hands out the window until back up arrives. Ordering him to take his hands from view to turn off the car after shouting gun is setting up the excuse I was afeared for my life.

View attachment 279556

If the guy complies, he is dead. If the guy doesn’t, then the cop can still shoot screaming stop resisting. Every part of the cop’s story was a lie. The absolute worst thing the cop faces if the truth comes out is possibly fired. Not charged with Assault with a deadly weapon. Nothing stopping the cop from going to another department and doing it all over again.

So everything is hopeless and kill all the cops-does anyone have a plan B?
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.

But in the mean time, may be the cops could stop needlessly shooting people.

Why do you think they do? Is it, insanity, racism, macho in overdrive? Or, fear for their safety?
That was a bad shoot period. I will not defend the officers use of force. However, the video between 35 and 37 seconds shows the woman’s hands shifting enough to justify a reaction from the officer. I’m not saying for one minute he should have opened fire, but I do understand his knee jerk reaction.
Ahhhh....The lake of fire...bwhahaaa! Never protect someone who will kill you...ineptitude, incompetance and corruption while ruing lives and families! Just a drop in the bucket in this area. The law enforcement.corrections/judicial fiefdoms overrule sense and compassion. Egos rule. And they infect the citizens also.
According to the story, he was forced to resign and is facing federal charges. There SHOULD be state charges as well, but I'm good with federal.

That said. Most cops are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances, and with millions of nuts with guns out there, you can't blame them for being nervous.

Phooey. The cops want to shoot people. They like being able to get away with it. Also posted this week.

Cop says turn off the car, when the man goes to comply the cop shouts gun, and then while aiming his pistol at the “suspect” continues to shout to turn off the car. The man is smart enough to know that if he moves his hands, he is going to die. The cop wanted him to move his hands, wanted to have the excuse to shoot.

We probably need new protocol for this type traffic stop-maybe you could invent one instead of accusing all cops of murder.

OK. Let me get this straight. The current protocol is if you suspect someone of being armed is to get control of them. That means after Idiot cop shouts gun and has the suspect held at gunpoint he has a couple choices. A, show a little of the awesome courage I keep hearing cops have and get the guy out of the car and into handcuffs. Search and find the weapon, or plant something to justify the arrest.

Option B. Have the guy hold his hands out the window until back up arrives. Ordering him to take his hands from view to turn off the car after shouting gun is setting up the excuse I was afeared for my life.

View attachment 279556

If the guy complies, he is dead. If the guy doesn’t, then the cop can still shoot screaming stop resisting. Every part of the cop’s story was a lie. The absolute worst thing the cop faces if the truth comes out is possibly fired. Not charged with Assault with a deadly weapon. Nothing stopping the cop from going to another department and doing it all over again.

So everything is hopeless and kill all the cops-does anyone have a plan B?

Where did I ever say kill cops? I have always said to hold them accountable. Is there something Unamerican about that?

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