*Dept Homeland Sec. Won't Act On AZ. Illegals!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This burns my ass!
2. The USA Department of Homeland Security, won't be doing their freakin job in deporting the illegals caught in Arizona!!!!
3. *F* the bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Do your *F*ing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Link and sample:FOXNews.com - Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona

"A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.

A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.

John Morton, assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, made the comment during a meeting on Wednesday with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, the newspaper reports.

"I don't think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution," Morton told the newspaper.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, he said, and not a patchwork of state laws.

Immigrant rights' supporters around the country took to the streets on May 1 to protest Arizona's new immigration law which seeks to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants. Take a look at the massive protests.

The law, which criminalizes being in the state illegally and requires authorities to check suspects for immigration status, is not "good government," Morton said.

In response to Morton's comments

6. My response to morton is, *You're *F*ing FIRED*!!!!!!!!
7. How does this grab you folks???

Well, the Arizona law is almost a mirror image of the FEDERAL law that has been on the books for a long time.

With people like this guy, it's no wonder we're overrun with illegals of every stripe.
I cannot WAIT to see the shitstorm that will descend on these people the first time we turn over an illegal and they refuse to do their jobs.
Actually I didn't see from the article where Morton actually said this.

Does anyone else?
What do you expect when we are living in the Obama age??? More to come people, so hold on tight!
Sorry bout that,

1. This burns my ass!
2. The USA Department of Homeland Security, won't be doing their freakin job in deporting the illegals caught in Arizona!!!!
3. *F* the bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Do your *F*ing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Link and sample:FOXNews.com - Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona

"A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.

A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.

John Morton, assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, made the comment during a meeting on Wednesday with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, the newspaper reports.

"I don't think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution," Morton told the newspaper.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, he said, and not a patchwork of state laws.

Immigrant rights' supporters around the country took to the streets on May 1 to protest Arizona's new immigration law which seeks to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants. Take a look at the massive protests.

The law, which criminalizes being in the state illegally and requires authorities to check suspects for immigration status, is not "good government," Morton said.

In response to Morton's comments

6. My response to morton is, *You're *F*ing FIRED*!!!!!!!!
7. How does this grab you folks???


Check out from the 5 minute mark:

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rStiZvy_5cY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rStiZvy_5cY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Sorry bout that,

1. When Illegal Immigration Is The Biggest Thing Dragging America Down!!!!!!!!!!!
2, The Feds Are Sitting On Their Collective Hands!!!!!!!!!!
3. Fire The Whole Lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What have ICE done with the 34,150 illegal aliens the Arizona Sheriff department has turned over the them for deportation? NOTHING?
Arizona should sue them for not doing their jobs. I have "reasonable suspicion" that they have not been processing illegal aliens for deportation for a very long time. Like since "operation wetback" It's no wonder we have 30 million is this country.
Fire John Morton's ASS!!! NOW!!! They are ALL Obama's cronies doing his bidding and being his puppets! THEY are the fall guys.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think its a *High Crime*.
2. And I think its *High Time* we do something about it.
3. And I think its an *Impeachable Offence*.


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