Depression in todays world


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.
The death of a beloved pet can linger on for many, many years. I remember and still think about the day I had to put down my beloved cat, Pepe, on September 29th of 2009, over 10 and a half years ago. I still tear up from time to time when I think of him. We've had two cats in our household now for almost 10 years, they have helped ease the pain of losing Pepe considerably. We adopted one cat in June of 2010 and the other in October of 2010. Do you have any pets now? It could help ease your pain of losing Karma. And are you taking any medication for depression? I've been taking Effexor for almost 8 years now, and it has helped keep me on an even keel, with no major bouts of depression since I started taking it. Hang in there, I know what's it like to battle depression. If you can, try to keep your mind occupied by reading, watching TV or movies or surfing topics on the Internet that you really enjoy. Please don't give up, we WILL be over this virus craziness in the next couple months. I really believe this. Take care, Gracie. Signed, Steve (bluzman61)
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.

I'm sorry Gracie. Staying in touch virtually is important, I think. Now is the time to reach out for online groups, of which I think there are plenty! And I know this sounds too simplified, and I don't mean it to, I really don't. But I am a big "creature of habit" person, and habits of mind are important for me. I know they will not cure depression but they don't hurt. Finding something that helps you, whatever it is, and sticking with that can really help. I have friends that knit, crochet, garden, journal, cook, play guitar--there are TONS of online free stuff out there right now! Even virtual games.

Hang in there. It's a tough time for all of us I think
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.

I'm sorry Gracie. Staying in touch virtually is important, I think. Now is the time to reach out for online groups, of which I think there are plenty! And I know this sounds too simplified, and I don't mean it to, I really don't. But I am a big "creature of habit" person, and habits of mind are important for me. I know they will not cure depression but they don't hurt. Finding something that helps you, whatever it is, and sticking with that can really help. I have friends that knit, crochet, garden, journal, cook, play guitar--there are TONS of online free stuff out there right now! Even virtual games.

Hang in there. It's a tough time for all of us I think
Nice post, Sue.
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.

I live with depression every day, Gracie. Mostly for others and for the sake of others. I can sometimes find a temporary escape from it in a lot of different ways (like you, my brain is always in overdrive) but my depression is always there. In fact, just reading your post makes me realize how I have wasted another day, myself.

It sucks.

Just know that you are you are not alone and you are appreciated. (that's my impression, anyway)
My own depression has kick started big time. All I did today was cry. Why am I missing Karma so much? It will be 3 long years June 20th that I had to put her down. Cry cry cry. Can't go wander about in thrift shops. Can't go to the lake. Can't go to the park. Can't bury ourselves in ordinary things we used to be able to do just to cope with our misery. Daily bombardment of virus virus virus virus virus. Doom and gloom constantly on tv, on the internet, from neighbors from MSM from etc etc etc.

I'm tired of this constant barragement of downer stuff. Soul tired, body tired. And its harder to deal with as each day comes along. Can't sleep, not eating much but still gaining weight, stuck inside, brain in overdrive. How do those of you who have depression cope? I'm barely hanging on.
If you play this song real loud and sing along with the chorus it might make you feel better.

Don't forget to sing along.

Bow-bow-bow-bow-buh-bow bow, bow bow, doo da doodladoo
Bow-bow-bow-bow-buh-bow bow, bow bow, yeah
I semi snapped out of it..for the time being. Reading the book Scarlett. Part 2 of Gone With the Wind. I can take my anger out on that airhead. What a horrible person Scarlett was.

Yes, I have two cats now. Both semi feral that I rescued from the alley. Although I love them both, I have held back. They do not replace Karma.

I have a bottle of lexapro that I never took. I hesitate to begin taking it. I'd rather have xanax. No need to take it every day. Just when really down. Other depressants you have to take every day. I'm not bummed every day. Well, I am, but not like last night. I let it build and build and build and then fall apart. which is what happened when I posted this thread.
Its just so....sad. This whole thing. I'm glad usmb is here and you folks in it with me. Not so socially distant that way.

I semi snapped out of it..for the time being. Reading the book Scarlett. Part 2 of Gone With the Wind. I can take my anger out on that airhead. What a horrible person Scarlett was.

Yes, I have two cats now. Both semi feral that I rescued from the alley. Although I love them both, I have held back. They do not replace Karma.

I have a bottle of lexapro that I never took. I hesitate to begin taking it. I'd rather have xanax. No need to take it every day. Just when really down. Other depressants you have to take every day. I'm not bummed every day. Well, I am, but not like last night. I let it build and build and build and then fall apart. which is what happened when I posted this thread.
Its just so....sad. This whole thing. I'm glad usmb is here and you folks in it with me. Not so socially distant that way.

Hang in there, Gracie. You WILL it make through this. Please don't hesitate to start a private conversation with me. As I posted before, I've been through severe depression as well, and I do know what you're going through. Take care.

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