Dep. Dir. of Border Patrol: Donna, TX facility 250 Covid capacity. Housing 4100


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Just saw it on the news...the Border Agent will likely have to be looking for new work after he exposed just the massive horror the Xiden/Harris humanitarian crisis is causing.
Just saw it on the news...the Border Agent will likely have to be looking for new work after he exposed just the massive horror the Xiden/Harris humanitarian crisis is causing.
Sad. I wonder if the whistle-blower law will protect him. It protected Linda Tripp, I see no difference.
The brave Border Agent admitted that the Xiden/Harris admin is openly violating the law. The law states that minors can only be detained for 72 hours....he admitted that he has, under the Xiden/Harris regime, has children there detained for over 15 days already....this child abuse by Xiden and Harris has to be dealt with....
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!

I created a thread about this earlier today and it got spiked.

Biden is holding over 5,000 unmasked and unvaccinated kids in a room built for 250. The Covid positivity rate in Biden's concentration camps is double the national average. Then the retards wonder why we can't beat this pandemic.

Where is AOC and her crocodile tears?
Likely helping Harris pick out drapes for the tax payer funded mansion that's not being renovated fast enough for her....and laughing at the idea of visiting the humanitarian crisis they helped create on the border.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!

I created a thread about this earlier today and it got spiked.

Biden is holding over 5,000 unmasked and unvaccinated kids in a room built for 250. The Covid positivity rate in Biden's concentration camps is double the national average. Then the retards wonder why we can't beat this pandemic.

They don't want to beat it. It is a distraction from what the democrats and the CCP are doing to take over this country.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.
And there you go. Another loser telling us what Trump MAY have done as opposed to addressing what Biden DID do.
Cant let go of Trump.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Sure, this fricken clown has already overwhelmed the Border Patrol, why not overwhelm the military. Our tax dollars being flushed down the toilet...dumbass.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Trump didn't have to do either of those because he fucking didn't let them in, asshole!
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.
Trump didn’t need more. He was shutting them down.

Veggie Joe’s No Border Policy is a disaster.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.
Why is Veggie Joe having to set up kid prisons all over the place if there isn't a crisis at the border?

4100 kids locked up in a cage designed for 250 qualifies as a crisis, dontcha think?
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Why didn't Super Spreader Covid Killing *Joe set up this facility months ago when he knew the caravans were on their way? What an incompetent murdering POS you leftists installed as POTUS.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Why didn't Super Spreader Covid Killing *Joe set up this facility months ago when he knew the caravans were on their way? What an incompetent murdering POS you leftists installed as POTUS.
Months ago? mean WAAAY back in February.
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Why didn't Super Spreader Covid Killing *Joe set up this facility months ago when he knew the caravans were on their way? What an incompetent murdering POS you leftists installed as POTUS.
Months ago? mean WAAAY back in February.
It has been 2 months. And upwards to 200K migrants.
You wish to minimize that impact by saying "way back"?
No link yet. Heard him on the radio.

Buden The Super Spreader!
Which is the reason FEMA is setting up a facility at Ft.Bliss to handle the overflow. Trump would have just built more cages at the Texas site.

Why didn't Super Spreader Covid Killing *Joe set up this facility months ago when he knew the caravans were on their way? What an incompetent murdering POS you leftists installed as POTUS.
Months ago? mean WAAAY back in February.
Yes. Anything else?

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