Denver city council woman proposes a race based tax


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
DENVER — Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.

CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges, at a Thursday forum before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

CdeBaca said a business improvement districts, or BID, could be used to enact a race-based tax on white-owned businesses.

“You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led business all over the city and redistributing them to Black and Brown-owned businesses,” CdeBaca said.

The greedy and corrupt Democrat Party has a hate and racism problem.
DENVER — Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.

CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges, at a Thursday forum before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

CdeBaca said a business improvement districts, or BID, could be used to enact a race-based tax on white-owned businesses.

“You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led business all over the city and redistributing them to Black and Brown-owned businesses,” CdeBaca said.

The greedy and corrupt Democrat Party has a hate and racism problem.
What do the other council members say?
DENVER — Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.

CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges, at a Thursday forum before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

CdeBaca said a business improvement districts, or BID, could be used to enact a race-based tax on white-owned businesses.

“You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led business all over the city and redistributing them to Black and Brown-owned businesses,” CdeBaca said.

The greedy and corrupt Democrat Party has a hate and racism problem.
That’s basically another form of reparations - confiscate money from whitey and give it to blacks who didn’t earn it.
Left Wingers are very sensitive about people being treated as groups, and not as individuals.
But they love doing it themselves.
They seem to lack a sense of self awareness.
Maybe they are blinded by their racial antipathy.
Jesus - another brain washed, mind fucked leftist indoctrinated by higher education to hate America.
Before one single white person stepped foot on North America, Indian tribes were stealing each others lands, enslaving, pillaging and raping each other constantly.
Before one single white person stepped foot on African soil, black tribes were enslaving/raiding/mass murdering and stealing from each other. More slaves - BY FAAAR - have been used by NON WHITE nations that white nations. It isn't even close.
And today - there are no white nations still using slavery. YET the very same leftist retards like this brain washed moron buys products everyday made by slaves in Asia and South Asia.
Why do people always demand others pay for the historical injustices commited by others? Can't she donate her salary and go after the billion dollar businesses in the area? She knows it will spell her end to go after businesses so she applies collective punishment . 99.999% Of citizens of Colorado do not have ancestors who were involved in those vile injustices.
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DENVER — Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.

CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges, at a Thursday forum before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

CdeBaca said a business improvement districts, or BID, could be used to enact a race-based tax on white-owned businesses.

“You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led business all over the city and redistributing them to Black and Brown-owned businesses,” CdeBaca said.

The greedy and corrupt Democrat Party has a hate and racism problem.
Leftists are truly insane
Why do people always demand others pay for the historical injustices.commited by others? Can't she donate her salary and go after the billion dollars businesses in the area? She knows it will spell her end to go after businesses so she applies collective punishment . 99.999% Of citizens of Colorado do not have anscestors who were involved in those vile injustices.
This is Dem division at it's finest. Demonize individuals and groups to pit Americans against one another.
This is Dem division at it's finest. Demonize individuals and groups to pit Americans against one another.
Divide and conquer. The question is: who is behind it all? I never trusted that Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian National who was running Obama’s show.
DENVER — Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.

CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges, at a Thursday forum before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

CdeBaca said a business improvement districts, or BID, could be used to enact a race-based tax on white-owned businesses.

“You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led business all over the city and redistributing them to Black and Brown-owned businesses,” CdeBaca said.

The greedy and corrupt Democrat Party has a hate and racism problem.
She is a clown, like all in the Democratic-controlled Colorado government, We got a moron mayor in Denver, and a moron Governor we have fees and taxes up the ass, staggering crime rates, shitty roads, and bridges, and Colorado has turned into a cesspool. Half of California has moved here to Fuck it even more. Colorado's budget is out of control. Yet they keep electing the same assholes every cycle.:clap::clap::clap::clap:
More slaves - BY FAAAR - have been used by NON WHITE nations that white nations.
And the democrats are attempting to enslave white people currently for the betterment of POC. The hypocrisy is palpable. Their line is, "SLAVERY IS WRONG---unless we are the ones practicing it." As evidence, I offer affirmative action with this appropriate statement "Descrimination is wrong--unless we are practicing it." If these things are wrong for one, they are wrong for all and should be summarily abandoned.
And the democrats are attempting to enslave white people currently for the betterment of POC. The hypocrisy is palpable. Their line is, "SLAVERY IS WRONG---unless we are the ones practicing it." As evidence, I offer affirmative action with this appropriate statement "Descrimination is wrong--unless we are practicing it." If these things are wrong for one, they are wrong for all and should be summarily abandoned.
It’s obvious this is what is going on - it’s “payback time” for slavery of hundreds of years ago in which blacks today, who not only weren’t slaves but actually have enjoyed FAVORITISM for 40 years, want to make whites today, who not only weren’t slaveowners but have lost out on college spots and jobs and promotions to less qualified blacks, into their modern-day slaves.
The left keeps enacting failed ideas and the results are always someone else’s fault. They think the solution to failed policies is to give us more of the same things which continually fail. Then when this is pointed out to them, obviously you are a racist.
The left keeps enacting failed ideas and the results are always someone else’s fault. They think the solution to failed policies is to give us more of the same things which continually fail. Then when this is pointed out to them, obviously you are a racist.
Brings to mind the old saw, "Two wrongs don't make a right."
Left Wingers are very sensitive about people being treated as groups, and not as individuals.
But they love doing it themselves. k
They seem to lack a sense of self awareness.
Maybe they are blinded by their racial antipathy.
no they are idiots like poor old least he is old and horribly senile....they are just dim witted

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