Denmark vs The USA


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
In Denmark, they have unmanned bicycle rental dispensers, where people put a certain very small amount of money in it, and rent a bike for the day across their cities... without a human whose job it is to watch the bikes.

In the USA we can't even come close to that...we would have to be fucking bat shit nuts to even attempt it to even THINK of it..
Because people would bust open the lock and steal all the bikes.

That right there is the toll that theft takes on society.

There is no such a thing as a victimless crime, or a petty crime.
Its all crime, and it all comes at price that we all have to pay.

The price here in the USA, is that people cannot be trusted, period.

We cannot even come close to that in the "Suburbs" here.

Its gotten so bad in the USA that we can't even have an Arcade WITH human staff in them, because of theft.
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Guess someone stole his bicycle that he received at Christmas or something
Actually many US cities have FREE bicycle stations where you can borrow a bike to commute.

As far as "US vs Denmark".....we'd obliterate 'em.
In Denmark, they have unmanned bicycle rental dispensers, where people put a certain very small amount of money in it, and rent a bike for the day across their cities... without a human whose job it is to watch the bikes.

In the USA we can't even come close to that...we would have to be fucking bat shit nuts to even attempt it to even THINK of it..
Because people would bust open the lock and steal all the bikes.

That right there is the toll that theft takes on society.

There is no such a thing as a victimless crime, or a petty crime.
Its all crime, and it all comes at price that we all have to pay.

The price here in the USA, is that people cannot be trusted, period.

We cannot even come close to that in the "Suburbs" here.

Its gotten so bad in the USA that we can't even have an Arcade WITH human staff in them, because of theft.

That is probably true in some parts of the US, however I live in a 35 year old tract house in a neighborhood that has gone from 95% white when I bought the house to about 30% White and 70% Hispanic, Black or Asian. I constantly leave items in my yard and in my driveway (kids bikes, donations to AKF, two unlocked vehicles, etc.) that would be stolen if the folks wanted them and have yet to see anything gone. Not a day goes by when I am sitting on the front porch or working in the yard that almost every neighbor that drives by give me a wave and a smile.
It is a shame it there aren't more places like this town in a suburb of Metro Atlanta.
In Denmark, they have unmanned bicycle rental dispensers, where people put a certain very small amount of money in it, and rent a bike for the day across their cities... without a human whose job it is to watch the bikes.

In the USA we can't even come close to that...we would have to be fucking bat shit nuts to even attempt it to even THINK of it..
Because people would bust open the lock and steal all the bikes.

That right there is the toll that theft takes on society.

There is no such a thing as a victimless crime, or a petty crime.
Its all crime, and it all comes at price that we all have to pay.

The price here in the USA, is that people cannot be trusted, period.

We cannot even come close to that in the "Suburbs" here.

Its gotten so bad in the USA that we can't even have an Arcade WITH human staff in them, because of theft.

You haven't been out lately have you.

Bicycle 'dispensers' are available in Washington DC, San Francisco, New York- and presumably other cities.
In Luxembourg they have unmanned bicycle stations where there are bikes that can be rented for one euro per day (a couple years ago). Usually it is paid with a debit card. You can return them at any other station in the city. The bikes are very distincting in appearance and basically couldn't be stolen unless you intended to take them out of the country, which would cost more than the value of the bike.

The bikes are inspected daily, and taken to a central maintenance facility where they make sure the tires are inflated, and everything is operational and lubricated. It is NOT amazing that the government does this stuff, since everyone pays half their income in income taxes and gas or diesel are the equivalent of $8 or more per gallon.

There are some U.S. cities that are also trying this out. Again, the bikes are distinctive and ugly, so stealing one would be pointless. You would be discovered and apprehended the first time you try to use it.

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