Dems kill God

He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.
It's pretty easy if you believe in the constitution.

OMG I believe in both.........what does that make me???
*shrugs* Confused?

As far as I'm aware that Democrats are against capital punishment against a person, and believe in the freedom of religion. That's what they promote anyway.

Edit: I'm not a democrat. So I guess you could ask some of them.
Innocents suffer in this world because of OUR sin, not because of God. The Bible tells us that this world was given over to Satan because in our exercise of free will, we INVITED him. Should God stop the suffering of the innocents, he also stops our free will. God is not an 'Indian giver'.

I find it rather amusing that the bold text is unbelievably convenient in God's favor. He gets all of the plaudits and praise for all the good that we do in this world and none of the blame when we screw up. Seems the odds are stacked in His favor. Why is that? Why can he do no wrong?
Innocents suffer in this world because of OUR sin, not because of God. The Bible tells us that this world was given over to Satan because in our exercise of free will, we INVITED him. Should God stop the suffering of the innocents, he also stops our free will. God is not an 'Indian giver'.

I find it rather amusing that the bold text is unbelievably convenient in God's favor. He gets all of the plaudits and praise for all the good that we do in this world and none of the blame when we screw up. Seems the odds are stacked in His favor. Why is that? Why can he do no wrong?

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.
Innocents suffer in this world because of OUR sin, not because of God. The Bible tells us that this world was given over to Satan because in our exercise of free will, we INVITED him. Should God stop the suffering of the innocents, he also stops our free will. God is not an 'Indian giver'.

I find it rather amusing that the bold text is unbelievably convenient in God's favor. He gets all of the plaudits and praise for all the good that we do in this world and none of the blame when we screw up. Seems the odds are stacked in His favor. Why is that? Why can he do no wrong?

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

Ah Predictable response. He's omnipotent and omniscient etc etc, so on and so forth. Been there, heard that. Well that's disappointing. Thought you were actually going to make me think there for a bit.

I'm generally a fan of enlightenment and strive to ask questions when curious. However, I get the feeling you don't like me asking such questions about your God. Why is that? Is it sacrilege to question his omnipotency?

I shall return to this thread in the morning.
Innocents suffer in this world because of OUR sin, not because of God. The Bible tells us that this world was given over to Satan because in our exercise of free will, we INVITED him. Should God stop the suffering of the innocents, he also stops our free will. God is not an 'Indian giver'.

I find it rather amusing that the bold text is unbelievably convenient in God's favor. He gets all of the plaudits and praise for all the good that we do in this world and none of the blame when we screw up. Seems the odds are stacked in His favor. Why is that? Why can he do no wrong?

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

Which god? The god of the OT? The god of the NT? The god first among many in the 10 commandments? The god of the holy ghost? The god with Satan as his right hand man? The god with Satan as yin to his yang? Yahweh? Jehovah? Allah? Oestre?
Would you care to show me where I said that? I really don't think I said that, Cowpie...

I didn't say that directly at you specifically... it was more encompassing of anybody who thinks that.

Apology accepted. To address the rest of that post let me say this. Innocents suffer in this world because of OUR sin, not because of God. The Bible tells us that this world was given over to Satan because in our exercise of free will, we INVITED him. Should God stop the suffering of the innocents, he also stops our free will. God is not an 'Indian giver'.

Jesus tells us in John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

If god isn't going to stop the suffering of innocents, he sure as hell isn't going to go out and punishment for doing things he doesn't like while they're still mortals.
See that's just the thing....................why are you so sure there isn't a God?? What if you're wrong??

Then I guess I burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because god has such a mother fucking complex that he has to punish people for not just a little while, but all of eternity forever and ever without any chance of redemption because they didn't believe in him?

Yeah, I guess that.

Haven't you ever wondered why the god of your holy book(once mine) is such a shallow asshole? You wouldn't respect a human who treated you like that...
See that's just the thing....................why are you so sure there isn't a God?? What if you're wrong??

Then I guess I burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because god has such a mother fucking complex that he has to punish people for not just a little while, but all of eternity forever and ever without any chance of redemption because they didn't believe in him?

Yeah, I guess that.

So, I see you know more than you're letting on. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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I find it rather amusing that the bold text is unbelievably convenient in God's favor. He gets all of the plaudits and praise for all the good that we do in this world and none of the blame when we screw up. Seems the odds are stacked in His favor. Why is that? Why can he do no wrong?

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

Ah Predictable response. He's omnipotent and omniscient etc etc, so on and so forth. Been there, heard that. Well that's disappointing. Thought you were actually going to make me think there for a bit.

I'm generally a fan of enlightenment and strive to ask questions when curious. However, I get the feeling you don't like me asking such questions about your God. Why is that? Is it sacrilege to question his omnipotency?

I shall return to this thread in the morning.

Sorry to disappoint you. If the answer is predictable does that give it more credence? One would think it should, being as it's obvious that you've heard it before.

And I have no problem with you questioning 'my' God, or anyone else's. I spent close to 30 years doing the same thing. It's not sacrilege, it's education.
We did just fine w/o all this god business for a 150+ yrs before the 'Red Scare'. Thats when god was added to the money & the pledge of allegiance in the 1950's. god doesn't belong in gov't. If god needed to be in gov't, what does that say about the god anyway?

Yeah he's just mentioned in every important document in this county. Declaration, Gettysburg Address, and emancipation proclomation, ect..... yeah never mentioned God until the 1950s, learn some history dumb ass

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