Dems in voter fraud ring.

Meanwhile, any concern from "conservatives" about Georgia's GOP candidate being in charge of his own election and abusing that power to strike 10's of thousands of black people from voter rolls? What about the GOP stripping the right to vote from Native Americans in North Dakota?
Lol you idiots found 4 people. THE VAST CONSPIRACY IS REAL :lmao::lmao::lmao:
What conspiracy are you referring to?
I hear it on the news every so often they catch more. How many are not getting caught liar?
You hear it on the news every so often that they caught 1 or 2 people who completely failed at committing voter fraud.

You consider republicans to be nazis and support committing violence to stop them.

And here you are, pretending that you do not support voter fraud.

You are a dishonest coward.
You are a dishonest coward.
^ Ooooh the irony. GFY

Note how you cut the part of the post, where I pointed out your dishonest cowardice.

You then ridiculed my conclusion, after you, instead of addressing what I said, cut it.

The REAL IRONY here, is that in doing that, you demonstrated moral cowardice, and was so soulless that you did not even realize it.

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