dems heading for a historic defeat in nov 2022 !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Inside your head.
recent polling shows a tightening in the races in many states where dems had a comfortable lead .... add to the fact that voters are hesitant at telling pollsters they are going to vote republican the midterms may be historic when it comes to how many seats the dems will lose ..

Americans are rejecting the modern democratic party ! for many moderate dems and independents its starting to sink in that todays democratic party isnt their grandparents democratic party .
It's not my mother's Demoncrat Party.

Wiliaim Proxmire and Daniel Patrick Moynahan are rolling in their graves.
recent polling shows a tightening in the races in many states where dems had a comfortable lead .... add to the fact that voters are hesitant at telling pollsters they are going to vote republican the midterms may be historic when it comes to how many seats the dems will lose ..

I have a lot of respect for Gingrich and he's usually spot on. I also think Democratic strategist James Carville is the Democrat's equivalent of Gingrich, with the exception of having never been a House Speaker. So when someone like Newt Gingrich has this much faith that the GOP will make historic gains, while Carville appears to be unenthusiastic about winning, I take this is a positive sign. Especially considering what he said during an interview recently:

"A lot of these consultants think if all we do is run abortion [advertising] spots that will win for us. I don’t think so."

How Dems primary focus on abortion could come back to bite them as midterms near
recent polling shows a tightening in the races in many states where dems had a comfortable lead .... add to the fact that voters are hesitant at telling pollsters they are going to vote republican the midterms may be historic when it comes to how many seats the dems will lose ..

I guarantee that the Dems will try a 3AM ballot dump again.
An awful lot of states have new election integrity laws that are going to make it a LOT harder for democrats to cheat again.
What we need are tough guys waiting to set trucks that are carrying "ballots" on fire.
No judge will have the guts to hear a case when blocks are being set on fire after the LibTards win.

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recent polling shows a tightening in the races in many states where dems had a comfortable lead .... add to the fact that voters are hesitant at telling pollsters they are going to vote republican the midterms may be historic when it comes to how many seats the dems will lose ..

Who is counting the votes and how are they being counted?
Lindell's propeller heads know which mathematical patterns to look at as well.
If we wait until AFTER the election to take action, we'll get fucked again.

Georgia was the center of MASSIVE election fraud in 2020. The new Georgia law addresses about 90% of the ways democrats defrauded the 2020 election.

BUT if the GOP goes home at 10 PM when the fascists tell them there is a power outage, well - hard get around that...
I sure hope the pendulum it swinging back to a more conservative direction because this left wing globalist (constant chaos) direction has lost all sense of humanity and common sense reality.
I sure hope the pendulum it swinging back to a more conservative direction because this left wing globalist (constant chaos) direction has lost all sense of humanity and common sense reality.
Don't count your chickens just yet.
PM Truss in England just got her head handed to her because of her stupid tax cuts.
Ms. Meloni in Italy is seeing that governing isn't as simple as she thought.
US conservatives need to prove competence, or they will lose again.
If we wait until AFTER the election to take action, we'll get fucked again.

Georgia was the center of MASSIVE election fraud in 2020. The new Georgia law addresses about 90% of the ways democrats defrauded the 2020 election.

BUT if the GOP goes home at 10 PM when the fascists tell them there is a power outage, well - hard get around that...

I'm not sure the Democrats have the resources or funding it took to pull off a steal like they did in 2020. They've grown fat, complacent, and lazy for one thing, and I'd guess their rich globalist contributors have realized that they didn't get their money's worth.

The 2020 BLM/Antifa riots were all part of a larger plan to dump Trump. They were in no ways a "grass roots" movement, and were being scripted and financed. You don't pull off something like the riots and the 2020 election steal unless you have unlimited financing, and it just doesn't seem to be there this time.

Plus there's the fact that too many people are on to how the Democrats stole the election. We weren't aware of what was happeneing then, but many people have figured it out by now. And they'll be watching this time.
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