Dems are so much better at politics!

Well race relations are set back 50 years. We even have a black lives leader saying Matthew was environmental racism.
the fact you are now more aware of racism doesn't mean race relations have gone backwards, do you know how stupid it is to say the first black president set race relations backwards but racists who attacked him from day one aren't responsible.... because its his fault for being black

Terrorist attacks becoming the norm now.
compared to bush are you crazy? have you ever heard of 9/11? Even from a bipartisan perspective white supremacist terrorists have been killing people for years. This is just the first time youve been a target

The economy does suck.
how does it suck? and please dont pull out some obscure statistic like labor force participation rates or something, or say it just "feels like it sucks"

Obama Care raised healthcare.
I agree we should have universal healthcare but other than just letting 10's of millions of people not have insurance... republicans have no other plan

Men in women's locker rooms.
at this point your just blaming the future on who is president. Are you going to blame the fact that your kid is always on faceboook on obama as well?

Irs attacking Americans for their political beliefs.
if your political beliefs are how to cheat on your taxes. If democrats got together and formed tax cheating clubs the IRS would go after them too

Corruption, fast and furious, lied about Bengazi.
conspiracy theories

Oh and you are free to vote for whoever you want this is a free country.
thanks you too
Great talking points. Obama police acted stupidly before he knew what went on. Trevon could've been my son. His support of blm his plan is to be the divider not the United.
We had 911 the what? Until Obama got into office.
Non profits don't pay taxes, so how are they gonna cheat? Fast and furious guns killed an American and hundreds of Mexicans and are still popping up.
And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america

So you are saying to us what I already said...

You know hillary will be caught in more scandals and the GOP Will obstruct her so why vote for her?

The more of The same, what are you insane?
because we dont negotiate with terrorists like you
Lol, please don't tell Iran. Lol you're an idiot.
i think what it must be to be good at politics, or in anyway better at it than someone else... people who are good at politics, don't really want to be friends, in fact, it's the kind of people they come anywhere near me or mine i think the courts ought to put restraining order on them, make them register on some list, stay so many feet away from elementary schools and whatnot. see how the shillary wants to make a virtue signaling holiday about how trump talks about grabbing women by the pussy or something, and then look at how for so many years the lgbt people have been kaine-terrupting every chance they get every avenue of political discourse in this country in hopes to grab everyone by the genitals and rub it in our faces, and frame it all in the news media like they're the victims, and it's disgusting. so the better the democrats get at politics, the less hope i have for this country and the world.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conjured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama because he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future president hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america

So you are saying to us what I already said...

You know hillary will be caught in more scandals and the GOP Will obstruct her so why vote for her?

The more of The same, what are you insane?
because we dont negotiate with terrorists like you
Lol, please don't tell Iran. Lol you're an idiot.
What I thought it was funny? lol
And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama becase he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future resident hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright
Keep telling yourself that. I really didn't care about the blow job. It's when he went on national tv and wagged his finger in my face and lied about it. Or how about you liberals telling kids a blow job isn't really sex? You made a lot of boys happy on that one
Like I said if they for once told the truth none of it would've happened. That's asking to much though.
Last edited:
And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conjured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama because he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future president hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright

Calm down..could you repost that in 10 words or less?

Why would Bernie be investigated ?

Who would impeach someone because they are black?

What is your point?
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conjured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama because he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future president hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright

Calm down..could you repost that in 10 words or less?

Why would Bernie be investigated ?

Who would impeach someone because they are black?

What is your point?
He doesn't have one, spewing talking points hoping one will stick. Or he thinks telling the truth is bad.
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conjured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama because he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future president hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright

Calm down..could you repost that in 10 words or less?

Why would Bernie be investigated ?

Who would impeach someone because they are black?

What is your point?
He doesn't have one, spewing talking points hoping one will stick. Or he thinks telling the truth is bad.

True a cluster fuck of word salad hoping one sticks, I feel like I am talking to a bot on this one.
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
What trap you basically said "why does everyone hate trump" and then listed a bunch of conspiracy theories and nonsense about Clinton.

nonsense that if it was directed at trump (or any republican) you would probably completely dismiss. you can't just deflect very real problems and concerns that both republicans and democrats have about trump by making up some hysterical bullshit about clinton and say its the same

Was it your reference to reagan? was that the trap? because if you didn't notice donald trump has talked bad about plenty of republicans
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
What trap you basically said "why does everyone hate trump" and then listed a bunch of conspiracy theories and nonsense about Clinton.

nonsense that if it was directed at trump (or any republican) you would probably completely dismiss. you can't just deflect very real problems and concerns that both republicans and democrats have about trump by making up some hysterical bullshit about clinton and say its the same

Was it your reference to reagan? was that the trap? because if you didn't notice donald trump has talked bad about plenty of republicans

Once again, you are proof. I said Democrats are better at politics because they protect their own at all cost essentially, and in those instances when the person is beyond protection, the person falls on their sword for the party (Anthony See My Weiner, Debbie Wasserman I can steal an election Schultz). That was the point of the original post, and you and every liberal has confirmed it with a very tactic in the book. Republicans are running from Trump, not a single dem I have every heard has expressed any concern over any of the bulldykes issues. They ignore them, defend her like good little sheep. It's something to marvel!
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama becase he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future resident hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright
Keep telling yourself that. I really didn't care about the blow job. It's when he went on national tv and wagged his finger in my face and lied about it. Or how about you liberals telling kids a blow job isn't really sex? You made a lot of boys happy on that one
Like I said if they for once told the truth none of it would've happened. That's asking to much though.
Trump lies all the time but you forgive him no matter what lie he tells. So why would i care that over 20 years ago, bill clinton lied to congress about getting a blowjob, well who the hell wouldn't? why was he being asked those questions in the first place, is my only question.

the reason that happened is because christian conservatives wanted him impeached, the same christian conservatives who are now dropping their support for trump.
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
What trap you basically said "why does everyone hate trump" and then listed a bunch of conspiracy theories and nonsense about Clinton.

nonsense that if it was directed at trump (or any republican) you would probably completely dismiss. you can't just deflect very real problems and concerns that both republicans and democrats have about trump by making up some hysterical bullshit about clinton and say its the same

Was it your reference to reagan? was that the trap? because if you didn't notice donald trump has talked bad about plenty of republicans

Once again, you are proof. I said Democrats are better at politics because they protect their own at all cost essentially, and in those instances when the person is beyond protection, the person falls on their sword for the party (Anthony See My Weiner, Debbie Wasserman I can steal an election Schultz). That was the point of the original post, and you and every liberal has confirmed it with a very tactic in the book. Republicans are running from Trump, not a single dem I have every heard has expressed any concern over any of the bulldykes issues. They ignore them, defend her like good little sheep. It's something to marvel!
are you kidding I have a million criticisms about hillary clinton, you wanna hear them?
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
What trap you basically said "why does everyone hate trump" and then listed a bunch of conspiracy theories and nonsense about Clinton.

nonsense that if it was directed at trump (or any republican) you would probably completely dismiss. you can't just deflect very real problems and concerns that both republicans and democrats have about trump by making up some hysterical bullshit about clinton and say its the same

Was it your reference to reagan? was that the trap? because if you didn't notice donald trump has talked bad about plenty of republicans

Once again, you are proof. I said Democrats are better at politics because they protect their own at all cost essentially, and in those instances when the person is beyond protection, the person falls on their sword for the party (Anthony See My Weiner, Debbie Wasserman I can steal an election Schultz). That was the point of the original post, and you and every liberal has confirmed it with a very tactic in the book. Republicans are running from Trump, not a single dem I have every heard has expressed any concern over any of the bulldykes issues. They ignore them, defend her like good little sheep. It's something to marvel!
are you kidding I have a million criticisms about hillary clinton, you wanna hear them?

Criticism yes, but you never abandoned her. You will still vote for her. You didn't insist on another canidate. How do you think the orange clown ended up as the nominee? Because conservatives said F-off to the GOP leadership. In spite of all the shit in Hellary's past, the party stood behind her, and vehemently defended her. Many experts have said that if the GOP had nominated any other canidate against her they would likely win. You can agree or disagree with that, but Trump is a horrible canidate and the party is abandoning him, and he will not quit. He won't do what is best for the party like Debbie Wassermann or Anthony Weiner and quit. Why?

Because the democrats are better at politics. The died in the wool democrats support the party no matter what. The party comes first. They are better and more committed to their party regardless of the issue. How anybody can deny that is beyond me. I live in Colorado. The GOP party leader pulled some shit during the primary season and he caught hell. He never quit.
Colorado GOP Leader to Disgruntled Trump Supporter: Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down

Bernie Sanders gets screwed in the primary process against Hellary. What happens? Shultz resigns and Bernie endorses the bulldyke. Come on man, you gotta see this.
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
yes something wouldve happened to them regardless of what they said or did. I have no doubt if bernie sanders (or anyother democrat) had won the primary a blowjob or benghazi email story wouldve been conured up and republicans would be trying to impeach him

They tried to impeach bill over a blowjob, then nominated a sleazebag like trump, they tried to impeach obama becase he was black and thought he might not have been born in america, then came close to nominating ted cruz who was born in canada, your trying to impeach future resident hilllary over an embassy attack, despite not giving a shit about the 13 embassy attacks (and 9/11!!!) under bush. because you are the hypocritical dishonest manipulative stooges of the wealthy class..... just this time you nominated the robber baron instead of letting him buy a republican puppet outright
Keep telling yourself that. I really didn't care about the blow job. It's when he went on national tv and wagged his finger in my face and lied about it. Or how about you liberals telling kids a blow job isn't really sex? You made a lot of boys happy on that one
Like I said if they for once told the truth none of it would've happened. That's asking to much though.
Trump lies all the time but you forgive him no matter what lie he tells. So why would i care that over 20 years ago, bill clinton lied to congress about getting a blowjob, well who the hell wouldn't? why was he being asked those questions in the first place, is my only question.

the reason that happened is because christian conservatives wanted him impeached, the same christian conservatives who are now dropping their support for trump.

Another post where you make my point. Hellary and slick Willie get caught red handed and you don't care. Trump says some stupid shit 10 years ago and the GOP is telling him to get out and they pull their support.

Dems- support the party nominee no matter what.
GOP- couldn't give a shit about the party, I ain't going down with the ship.
There has not been a single liberal response to this thread that didnt prove my point, and none of them have yet to call me out on the trap that was set for them, which they all stepped in. Is there not a clever one in the bunch?
What trap you basically said "why does everyone hate trump" and then listed a bunch of conspiracy theories and nonsense about Clinton.

nonsense that if it was directed at trump (or any republican) you would probably completely dismiss. you can't just deflect very real problems and concerns that both republicans and democrats have about trump by making up some hysterical bullshit about clinton and say its the same

Was it your reference to reagan? was that the trap? because if you didn't notice donald trump has talked bad about plenty of republicans

Once again, you are proof. I said Democrats are better at politics because they protect their own at all cost essentially, and in those instances when the person is beyond protection, the person falls on their sword for the party (Anthony See My Weiner, Debbie Wasserman I can steal an election Schultz). That was the point of the original post, and you and every liberal has confirmed it with a very tactic in the book. Republicans are running from Trump, not a single dem I have every heard has expressed any concern over any of the bulldykes issues. They ignore them, defend her like good little sheep. It's something to marvel!
are you kidding I have a million criticisms about hillary clinton, you wanna hear them?

Criticism yes, but you never abandoned her. You will still vote for her. You didn't insist on another canidate. How do you think the orange clown ended up as the nominee? Because conservatives said F-off to the GOP leadership. In spite of all the shit in Hellary's past, the party stood behind her, and vehemently defended her. Many experts have said that if the GOP had nominated any other canidate against her they would likely win. You can agree or disagree with that, but Trump is a horrible canidate and the party is abandoning him, and he will not quit. He won't do what is best for the party like Debbie Wassermann or Anthony Weiner and quit. Why?

Because the democrats are better at politics. The died in the wool democrats support the party no matter what. The party comes first. They are better and more committed to their party regardless of the issue. How anybody can deny that is beyond me. I live in Colorado. The GOP party leader pulled some shit during the primary season and he caught hell. He never quit.
Colorado GOP Leader to Disgruntled Trump Supporter: Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down

Bernie Sanders gets screwed in the primary process against Hellary. What happens? Shultz resigns and Bernie endorses the bulldyke. Come on man, you gotta see this.
My criticisms would be that she's not left wing enough, so imagine the next election was between hillary clinton and obama, you might vote for one but you would think both choices are too left wing. To be honest none of the recent trump scandals bother me. If none of them existed i still woldn't vote for him, if someone more left wing had a reasonable chance of winning i would drop hillary in a second. Understand?

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