DemonRATS don't care~Seventh illegal immigrant accused of sex crimes in Maryland county since July 2

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
All they care about is can this illegal get away with VOTING for us...and in DemonRAT controlled Maryland the answer is a resounding YES!!!!!

A Honduran national in the United States illegally has been accused of raping his 15-year-old stepdaughter in suburban Maryland, the seventh such case in the area over the past five weeks.

Emilio Carrasco-Hernandez, 37, is charged with second-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, third-degree sex offense and fourth-degree sex offense, according to WJLA.

The alleged victim spoke to Montgomery County police and claimed that her stepfather sexually assaulted her multiple times between Aug. 16 and Aug. 25. She alleged that she was unable to use the bathroom after one of the assaults because it was “very painful” and left her with a “stinging” feeling. […]

The victim’s mother reportedly booted Carrasco-Hernandez from their Wheaton home after finding the two of them together in a bedroom. While the age of consent in Maryland is 16 years old, the mother said she believed it might have been a consensual act fueled by alcohol. …

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All they care about is can this illegal get away with VOTING for us...and in DemonRAT controlled Maryland the answer is a resounding YES!!!!!

A Honduran national in the United States illegally has been accused of raping his 15-year-old stepdaughter in suburban Maryland, the seventh such case in the area over the past five weeks.

Emilio Carrasco-Hernandez, 37, is charged with second-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, third-degree sex offense and fourth-degree sex offense, according to WJLA.

The alleged victim spoke to Montgomery County police and claimed that her stepfather sexually assaulted her multiple times between Aug. 16 and Aug. 25. She alleged that she was unable to use the bathroom after one of the assaults because it was “very painful” and left her with a “stinging” feeling. […]

The victim’s mother reportedly booted Carrasco-Hernandez from their Wheaton home after finding the two of them together in a bedroom. While the age of consent in Maryland is 16 years old, the mother said she believed it might have been a consensual act fueled by alcohol. …

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Illegals disgust me-and they are giving ALL Hispanics a bad name.
The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
Take a side...there is a wrong and a right, there is a rule of law, and only the ABNORMAL DemonRATS continue to put their party over the safety and well being of ALL American citizens....Do I have to show videos of ALL the leading DemonRATS agreeing with current Republicans from 10-15years ago stressing the huge problem with illegals from costing YOU and ME billions of dollars a year to take care of these invaders, to the above INCREASED CRIME, the rape, robbery and MURDER that accompanies them....if you can't see that and continue to sit on the fence, YOU are a big part of the problem!

The answer....VOTE OUT the people that continue to hurt America and its citizens.....or wait until another Civil War erupts!
The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
Take a side...there is a wrong and a right, there is a rule of law, and only the ABNORMAL DemonRATS continue to put their party over the safety and well being of ALL American citizens....Do I have to show videos of ALL the leading DemonRATS agreeing with current Republicans from 10-15years ago stressing the huge problem with illegals from costing YOU and ME billions of dollars a year to take care of these invaders, to the above INCREASED CRIME, the rape, robbery and MURDER that accompanies them....if you can't see that and continue to sit on the fence, YOU are a big part of the problem!

The answer....VOTE OUT the people that continue to hurt America and its citizens.....or wait until another Civil War erupts!

I have taken a side but unfortunately the solution can't exist under the current environment.

We are already in a civil war. Just because we haven't all picked up guns and started shooting each other doesn't mean we aren't moving in that direction. We are working our way towards the most brutal and bloody war that this country has seen BECAUSE they aren't more people that are willing to straddle the fence and reach out to both sides.
The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
Take a side...there is a wrong and a right, there is a rule of law, and only the ABNORMAL DemonRATS continue to put their party over the safety and well being of ALL American citizens....Do I have to show videos of ALL the leading DemonRATS agreeing with current Republicans from 10-15years ago stressing the huge problem with illegals from costing YOU and ME billions of dollars a year to take care of these invaders, to the above INCREASED CRIME, the rape, robbery and MURDER that accompanies them....if you can't see that and continue to sit on the fence, YOU are a big part of the problem!

The answer....VOTE OUT the people that continue to hurt America and its citizens.....or wait until another Civil War erupts!

I have taken a side but unfortunately the solution can't exist under the current environment.

We are already in a civil war. Just because we haven't all picked up guns and started shooting each other doesn't mean we aren't moving in that direction. We are working our way towards the most brutal and bloody war that this country has seen BECAUSE they aren't more people that are willing to straddle the fence and reach out to both sides.

And the answer from the left is?...we already know what the right stands for, safety security and the right to spend our hard earned money on our families and not all sorts of invaders! So tell us what is the lefts answer!...There is NO MIDDLE GROUND ONLY RIGHT AND WRONG!
The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
Take a side...there is a wrong and a right, there is a rule of law, and only the ABNORMAL DemonRATS continue to put their party over the safety and well being of ALL American citizens....Do I have to show videos of ALL the leading DemonRATS agreeing with current Republicans from 10-15years ago stressing the huge problem with illegals from costing YOU and ME billions of dollars a year to take care of these invaders, to the above INCREASED CRIME, the rape, robbery and MURDER that accompanies them....if you can't see that and continue to sit on the fence, YOU are a big part of the problem!

The answer....VOTE OUT the people that continue to hurt America and its citizens.....or wait until another Civil War erupts!

I have taken a side but unfortunately the solution can't exist under the current environment.

We are already in a civil war. Just because we haven't all picked up guns and started shooting each other doesn't mean we aren't moving in that direction. We are working our way towards the most brutal and bloody war that this country has seen BECAUSE they aren't more people that are willing to straddle the fence and reach out to both sides.

And the answer from the left is?...we already know what the right stands for, safety security and the right to spend our hard earned money on our families and not all sorts of invaders! So tell us what is the lefts answer!

Why would you think I could represent the left's position on this? lol

I believe in immigration control beyond the southern border. The H1b and other visa programs need to be restructured as well.

If you want to address immigration then you have to address education in this country. We are giving away our top jobs at just an alarming rate as bottom tier jobs. I find it more dangerous that we are hiring immigrants with tech skills and abilities rather than training and educating our own people. BUT we don't focus on those positions because it would cost money and some leaders aren't interested in investing in American workers. They want to create this narrative that the problem is with the lower skilled workers.

The immigration situation has reached an impasse because of both parties. Their dueling policies have only eroded our ability to come to a solution. We need to move away from these "one up" policies. One party promotes a policy that only serves to piss off the other side and they respond and retaliate with an equally extreme policy.

These are the type of situations and opportunities born from this infighting.
Take a side...there is a wrong and a right, there is a rule of law, and only the ABNORMAL DemonRATS continue to put their party over the safety and well being of ALL American citizens....Do I have to show videos of ALL the leading DemonRATS agreeing with current Republicans from 10-15years ago stressing the huge problem with illegals from costing YOU and ME billions of dollars a year to take care of these invaders, to the above INCREASED CRIME, the rape, robbery and MURDER that accompanies them....if you can't see that and continue to sit on the fence, YOU are a big part of the problem!

The answer....VOTE OUT the people that continue to hurt America and its citizens.....or wait until another Civil War erupts!

I have taken a side but unfortunately the solution can't exist under the current environment.

We are already in a civil war. Just because we haven't all picked up guns and started shooting each other doesn't mean we aren't moving in that direction. We are working our way towards the most brutal and bloody war that this country has seen BECAUSE they aren't more people that are willing to straddle the fence and reach out to both sides.

And the answer from the left is?...we already know what the right stands for, safety security and the right to spend our hard earned money on our families and not all sorts of invaders! So tell us what is the lefts answer!

Why would you think I could represent the left's position on this? lol

I believe in immigration control beyond the southern border. The H1b and other visa programs need to be restructured as well.

If you want to address immigration then you have to address education in this country. We are giving away our top jobs at just an alarming rate as bottom tier jobs. I find it more dangerous that we are hiring immigrants with tech skills and abilities rather than training and educating our own people. BUT we don't focus on those positions because it would cost money and some leaders aren't interested in investing in American workers. They want to create this narrative that the problem is with the lower skilled workers.

You do know right from wrong...don't you?

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