Democrats will have their work cut out for them after we get rid of this blight on our history.

Whether or not Trump is impeached. Whether or not he is reelected. Democommiecrats will NEVER be forgiven for the damage they have done. They will be obstructed, stopped and stymied in every act. Not only in politics but everything needs sabotage.

Brother against brother, father against son, friendships have ended because of the stupidity of the left. They are beyond the pale and they can't come back, nor will they be allowed to if they wanted, they will wander in the wilderness at least a generation. So be it.
That's funny considering you will be forced back under the rock you came from, as the charges and indictment come rolling in on scum bag. They literally might start before he leaves office and if they don't there will be a line outside on the white house steps waiting for the pile of shit when he leaves office with enough ammunition I may add to keep him in court or in jail for the rest of his life.
True. Democommiecrats never run out of lies
They need to be strung up by the ankles and left to rot.
Well let me see, they are not bigots, they are not controlled by hatred , they don't think Mexicans are rapist and criminals. they don't hold hands with our enemy's while they shit on our allies , they don't grab women's pussy's that they don't even know and then say afterwords that women like that kind of thing. They don't lie 13000 times during their first 3 years in office, they don't tell people that it is ok to call their daughter a piece of ass. None of the democrats are seriously mentally ill, They are not Islamophobic, they are not chauvinistic, they are not cruel mean and ugly, they aren't this countries biggest threat and this countries biggest enemy , they don't rape 13 year olds then threaten to kill them if they talk. and they don't rape their wives. They aren't a joke to the rest of the world and they aren't totally hated by the rest of the world. and last but not least they are not pond scum.
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
We also need to get rid of all the unqualified partisan nut-jobs he put on various courts.
/——-/ You Dems also need to repeal the Bill of Rights and put Americans under Marshall Law.
Why would you want us to do that?
How come stupid is displayed with the American flag behind it or a picture of the constitution or other symbol of this great nation. Stupid doesn't deserve these symbols. Why do the worst of us seem to think that their ugliness and stupidity should be back dropped with this countries great symbols. We will add that Jesus is not the backdrop for the hate of this country. They don't deserve or get either symbol ,while they are taking us to their land of all things ugly and hateful. It makes me sick
"Why do the worst of us seem to think that their ugliness and stupidity should be back dropped with this countries great symbols."

I don't know. Why do you believe that?
Obama has already been ALMOST erased from history...give president Trump a little more time & that blight will be gone forever!

(Whew! I can't imagine the stench he left in the white house...poor president Trump!)
Obama will live on in the minds of white supremacists for generations.
Along with the Black Americans that got off Food Stamps and got a job thanks to President Trump and the GOP's Tax Cuts.
And now the truth, Unemployment chart under scum bag , slow down after scum bag was elected . would have been better without him
View attachment 287362
The stock markets again looks like they would have done better without scumbag
View attachment 287363

Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes
View attachment 287365
Trump never said that, douchebag, and you know it. He said MS-13 gang members were animals.
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
The Dimocrats: End nationality, end borders, bring in millions of migrants so that what forests remain, must be cut down so that those millions of new mouths to feed can have housing, more businesses to support them, roads, highways, streets, parking lots, initiate Leninism/Marxism to end the individual liberties and overall freedoms enjoyed by millions. Allow in drug-cartel members, murderers, rapists, sex-traffickers, terrorists, all in the name of inclusion, as no vetting needed for open borders. Lie to the millions of people, claiming that the U.S. can somehow afford to pay for all their health needs, as if this nation was made of actual gold. This is the Dimocrats idea of values and greatness.
The Republicans (aka: Trump): Keep borders, as have been through other presidents. Vet (screen) those that wish to enter the U.S. to reduce the likelihood of criminals fleeing prosecution from their own nations, possible terrorist cells from entering, drug-cartel members from bringing in more drugs that kill our citizens and sex-traffickers of minors and women. Try to reduce government growth. Protect the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights (aka Amendments).
The only true scumbag douche-bags are the new Marxist/Leninist Dimocrats who keep saying we should hate our nation. The one which millions have fled oppressive/tyrannical Marxist/Leninist regimes, Military Juntas and other sh*thole countries to, to seek individual liberties....freedom to live without much government interference and pursue to their dreams.
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
The Dimocrats: End nationality, end borders, bring in millions of migrants so that what forests remain, must be cut down so that those millions of new mouths to feed can have housing, more businesses to support them, roads, highways, streets, parking lots, initiate Leninism/Marxism to end the individual liberties and overall freedoms enjoyed by millions. Allow in drug-cartel members, murderers, rapists, sex-traffickers, terrorists, all in the name of inclusion, as no vetting needed for open borders. Lie to the millions of people, claiming that the U.S. can somehow afford to pay for all their health needs, as if this nation was made of actual gold. This is the Dimocrats idea of values and greatness.
The Republicans (aka: Trump): Keep borders, as have been through other presidents. Vet (screen) those that wish to enter the U.S. to reduce the likelihood of criminals fleeing prosecution from their own nations, possible terrorist cells from entering, drug-cartel members from bringing in more drugs that kill our citizens and sex-traffickers of minors and women. Try to reduce government growth. Protect the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights (aka Amendments).
The only true scumbag douche-bags are the new Marxist/Leninist Dimocrats who keep saying we should hate our nation. The one which millions have fled oppressive/tyrannical Marxist/Leninist regimes, Military Juntas and other sh*thole countries to, to seek individual liberties....freedom to live without much government interference and pursue to their dreams.
Oh good grief what a pile of make believe, the commie remark even. There isn't a American that I have ever talked to or overheard that would want anything at all to do with Socialism or communism. That makes whatever goes along with a comment , absolutely stupid insane to waste your time reading. This is simple if you buy this your 100% stupid. Now back to the real point. This countries biggest threat and enemy , the person who can convince himself that there is on iota of truth in any of this commenters stupid brain dead comment. They simply have to be disposed of. I'm a patriot , you can't have my country, you can't spit on my Flag you can't destroy the constitution, you can't shit on this countries values and you can't continue with your hate driven right wing hate policy.

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