Democrats want to tear down another statue of someone who helped take away their slaves!!!

Our school system has failed us

Republicans have spent decades defunding the schools, and dumbing down the cirriculum, in order to make them so bad that they can eliminate public schools altogether, and move entirely to charter schools and vouchers. That way, none of their tax dollars will be spent on poor children.

Wrong. I wish the Rs would defund the public cesspools.

The democrats of slavery are the republicans of today. We all know this, so you guys repeating a lie every day doesn't change that. Whites have dismantled cultures worldwide and for people to destroy old symbols of white supremacy allows us to place positive symbols from from all American cultures because every culture here has contributed, not just white men.
So now you're repeating the bullshit that everybody woke up one morning, and had suddenly switched political parties???

I hate to tell you this, but that didn't happen....
The democrats of slavery are the republicans of today. We all know this, so you guys repeating a lie every day doesn't change that. Whites have dismantled cultures worldwide and for people to destroy old symbols of white supremacy allows us to place positive symbols from from all American cultures because every culture here has contributed, not just white men.

Again, you're wrong. Libs continue to hold blacks in contempt and wrap them up in a nice little bouquet while throwing worthless little trinkets at them in exchange for a vote. Its despicable and sad to see how the gullible buy into this nonsense.
The democrats of slavery are the republicans of today. We all know this, so you guys repeating a lie every day doesn't change that. Whites have dismantled cultures worldwide and for people to destroy old symbols of white supremacy allows us to place positive symbols from from all American cultures because every culture here has contributed, not just white men.
So now you're repeating the bullshit that everybody woke up one morning, and had suddenly switched political parties???

I hate to tell you this, but that didn't happen....

They've been trying to project their sordid and abhorrent history onto their opposition for over a hundred and fifty years.
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Its not about confusion or our shitty public schools. Its about white culture.
...and free markets, which they hate.

Unfettered free markets see wages stagnate, prices rise, and profits go straight to the top - always.
Yet they proudly vote democrat.

Have to hand it to devil, then again is it really all that hard to fool large masses?

Let's see....

Republicans have never owned a slave, and died freeing the slaves, yet somehow will be asked to pay reparations.

Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy including the Cherokee who miss high cheekbones claims to be a descendant of and they are treated as heroes and so is THEM.

The United States actually stopped slavery. Took a while, but of course the ignorant left wing hypocrites really have no clue. Not one European country asked to pay reparations, like Spain, Portugal, Norway among others.

The left and their virtue signaling. Losers.

Republicans have essentially re-instituted slavery in for-profits prisons, hiring out prisoners to businesses and governments for less than minimum wages, often doing dangerous and dirty work, which the prisoner have no rights to refuse. This works includes cleaning up toxic environmental spills and disasters.

We also have reports of how employers, like Donald Trump, abuse their illegal immigrants workers. Trump has the illegal workers at his golf courses and construction sites, work long hours of overtime, without payment. It's not like they can complain to the Labour Department, is it? Trump brings Mexican visa workers in for his Florida golf clubs because he only has to pay them the Mexican minimum wage, not the American minimum wage. If they complain, he'll send them back to Mexico.

Republicans may not own slaves in the sense that they can buy and sell people, but all of the big Republican donor corporations have enslaved their workers with wages the workers cannot live on. The plantation owners provide food, housing, clothing and medical care for their slaves. The Walton Family, the Tyson's and the Koch Family doesn't even do that Workers need government handouts to feed their families, and few have medical care outside of MedicAid.

So yes, lots of Republicans have created their own pools of workers who are enslaved via wages which fail to provide them with a living wage, or the opportunity to earn one.
Its not about confusion or our shitty public schools. Its about white culture.
...and free markets, which they hate.

Unfettered free markets see wages stagnate, prices rise, and profits go straight to the top - always.
Yet they proudly vote democrat.

Have to hand it to devil, then again is it really all that hard to fool large masses?

Let's see....

Republicans have never owned a slave, and died freeing the slaves, yet somehow will be asked to pay reparations.

Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy including the Cherokee who miss high cheekbones claims to be a descendant of and they are treated as heroes and so is THEM.

The United States actually stopped slavery. Took a while, but of course the ignorant left wing hypocrites really have no clue. Not one European country asked to pay reparations, like Spain, Portugal, Norway among others.

The left and their virtue signaling. Losers.

Republicans have essentially re-instituted slavery in for-profits prisons, hiring out prisoners to businesses and governments for less than minimum wages, often doing dangerous and dirty work, which the prisoner have no rights to refuse. This works includes cleaning up toxic environmental spills and disasters.

We also have reports of how employers, like Donald Trump, abuse their illegal immigrants workers. Trump has the illegal workers at his golf courses and construction sites, work long hours of overtime, without payment. It's not like they can complain to the Labour Department, is it? Trump brings Mexican visa workers in for his Florida golf clubs because he only has to pay them the Mexican minimum wage, not the American minimum wage. If they complain, he'll send them back to Mexico.

Republicans may not own slaves in the sense that they can buy and sell people, but all of the big Republican donor corporations have enslaved their workers with wages the workers cannot live on. The plantation owners provide food, housing, clothing and medical care for their slaves. The Walton Family, the Tyson's and the Koch Family doesn't even do that Workers need government handouts to feed their families, and few have medical care outside of MedicAid.

So yes, lots of Republicans have created their own pools of workers who are enslaved via wages which fail to provide them with a living wage, or the opportunity to earn one.
You dont know what capitalism actually is. Just parroting ignorant rhetoric
PROGS only know what they're told to know. PROGS like to believe they're independent people, but they demonstrate and logic dictates they're highly dependent.
PROGS only know what they're told to know. PROGS like to believe they're independent people, but they demonstrate and logic dictates they're highly dependent.
Especially since whe have recently witnessed what spineless bags of mush these democratic dweebs in Seattle and Minnesota are. Good grief . Pathetic.
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Liberals have set another precedent.... if you don’t like a statue, tear it down or deface it. No consequences.
Our school system has failed us
The school system ( professors and teachers)actively go on Twitter and diagrams how to topple monuments for these morons. Specifically social studies and archaeologists.

Professor Walter Williams states that the two college majors with the LOWEST SAT scores are:
1. Education and
2. Sociology.

The average teacher graduated in the bottom third of their college class.
More to the point, learnedness has little correlation to common sense and wisdom.
Take the Unabomber, an intellectual genius but social dolt.
Take Ward Churchill, a pretend Indian, like Senatoress Elizabeth Warren. Churchill said "The people who died on 9/11 were a bunch of little Eichmanns." He was fired, not for that horrific hate speech, but when it was discovered that he lied on his applications to be a professor.
Take Nicholas deGenova of Columbia University: "I wish there could be a million Mogadishus," where 19 American troops were killed and 73 were wounded.
Take the coward in Northern California who bashed the heads of Trump supporters with a heavy bike lock while he had a mask covering his face along with other Antifa cowards. Eric Clanton, took a plea deal for three years of probation. He belonged in jail for at least three years.
Many more like these.

You NEVER hear of a right wing lunatic professor. Always Leftists.
Our school system has failed us

Republicans have spent decades defunding the schools, and dumbing down the cirriculum, in order to make them so bad that they can eliminate public schools altogether, and move entirely to charter schools and vouchers. That way, none of their tax dollars will be spent on poor children.

Republicans have spent decades defunding the schools

I wish.
All I want for Christmas is a white genocide. - George Ciccariello-Maher, political “science” professor, at Drexel University, who resigned after tweeting that racist hate speech in December 2017

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