Democrats Time Release Of CIA Report To Redirect The Media Away From Gruber Testimony

Seems to have worked. Even Fox is talking about this mess and practically ignoring Gruber falling on his sword yesterday. The Gruber grilling has turned into a non-story.

Very effective Democrats. Risking the lives of thousands of United States employees overseas just to provide a distraction.
I have no doubt that the report was timed. Dems get a tiny amount of political capital. There are larger forces at play.

The NSA can essentially read the pulse of America with their Big Data computer algorithms. The Big Government Establishment Republican is riding high after the election. He's loud and proud on the net. Ferguson gave civil disobedience a bad name, even worse of a name than it already had in this post 9-11 divergence from civil liberties.

Now was the time for such a report. Even the newly elected Republicans needed a distraction after caving on amnesty and Obamacare defunding.

Now was the time, before we're fully back at war in the ME with boots on the ground and Abu Ghraib opened back for business.

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