Democrats Time Release Of CIA Report To Redirect The Media Away From Gruber Testimony


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are about to release a report that could cause violence and even death around the world

It makes one wonder why are Democrats doing this? Jonathan Gruber will be grilled on the Hill this morning and the Democrats are going to attempt to put up a wall of coverage using a report that cost taxpayers $40 million simply to cancel out anything that is discovered. This is an investigation that has been on going for 5 years about the techniques that the CIA used to capture KSM and kill UBL. They are going to risk the lives of thousands of embassy employees all over the world just so they can cover up the truth of the implementation of Obamacare.

Figure the odds of any foreign intelligence agency ever sharing information with the United States government after they throw them under the bus this morning. Why should any member of the CIA ever stick his or her neck out if later down the line, for purely political purposes, the party in power eventually exposes them. The outing of Valarie Plame is nothing in comparison. This is a major lapse in national security and it will be all over the news. What's worse is, it's highly doubtful that anything new will be revealed, and what's worse, none of this was against the law at the time. It just makes us look bad.

We can't be critical of Obama without feeling the same of all of the Democrats in Washington that are responsible for this insanity. Elections have consequences, and this is one of the consequences of voting into power people who's policies are about as anti-American as you can get. This is why al Qaeda supported Democrat candidates, because they knew what these low-lifes would eventually do, attempt to totally destroy our government's reputation. Some insiders say that the report is an attempt to re-write history with half-truths. This information was briefed to the House and Senate 11 years ago, which means it will just be a rehashing of old information that was used to help the Democrats win Congress in 2006. This is a total act of desperation.

The White House welcomes the release of this information even though people could get killed because of it. Of course. Funny thing is, reports from ABC don't even mention that Democrats are the party entirely responsible for this release. NBC has already given them full credit. This is Dianne Fienstein's report, yet the Democrats will attempt to blame it on Republicans if it goes bad. If they are hailed for their transparency they'll take full credit until it becomes politically expedient not to. It all depends on how the media is able to twist the findings in this report.

ABC Continues to Omit Role of Democrats in Release of Graphic CIA Torture Report
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I wouldn't doubt it. that's all they do is PLAY GAMES with our lives to protect their asses
"Democrats Time Release Of CIA Report To Redirect The Media Away From Gruber Testimony"

Why is it that RWs can't manage to think about more than one thing at a time?
The media had run out of steam on Ferguson, so they need another diversion.

This might be it.
I believe you're right. Even liberal NPR this morning mentioned that people will be killed abroad if this is released. The democrats and this White House are creating one crisis after another.
The head of the ACLU is calling on Obama to pardon Bush II and some of his henchmen. It's a great idea, showing they promoted torture while pardoning them.
Democrats want Americans killed. Especially those who are designated to be protectors of the country. Democrats are at war with the military, the police and the intelligence network.
They have been doing this for years

Democrats are about to release a report that could cause violence and even death around the world

It makes one wonder why are Democrats doing this? Jonathan Gruber will be grilled on the Hill this morning and the Democrats are going to attempt to put up a wall of coverage using a report that cost taxpayers $40 million simply to cancel out anything that is discovered. This is an investigation that has been on going for 5 years about the techniques that the CIA used to capture KSM and kill UBL. They are going to risk the lives of thousands of embassy employees all over the world just so they can cover up the truth of the implementation of Obamacare.

Figure the odds of any foreign intelligence agency ever sharing information with the United States government after they throw them under the bus this morning. Why should any member of the CIA ever stick his or her neck out if later down the line, for purely political purposes, the party in power eventually exposes them. The outing of Valarie Plame is nothing in comparison. This is a major lapse in national security and it will be all over the news. What's worse is, it's highly doubtful that anything new will be revealed, and what's worse, none of this was against the law at the time. It just makes us look bad.

We can't be critical of Obama without feeling the same of all of the Democrats in Washington that are responsible for this insanity. Elections have consequences, and this is one of the consequences of voting into power people who's policies are about as anti-American as you can get. This is why al Qaeda supported Democrat candidates, because they knew what these low-lifes would eventually do, attempt to totally destroy our government's reputation. Some insiders say that the report is an attempt to re-write history with half-truths. This information was briefed to the House and Senate 11 years ago, which means it will just be a rehashing of old information that was used to help the Democrats win Congress in 2006. This is a total act of desperation.

The White House welcomes the release of this information even though people could get killed because of it. Of course. Funny thing is, reports from ABC don't even mention that Democrats are the party entirely responsible for this release. NBC has already given them full credit. This is Dianne Fienstein's report, yet the Democrats will attempt to blame it on Republicans if it goes bad. If they are hailed for their transparency they'll take full credit until it becomes politically expedient not to. It all depends on how the media is able to twist the findings in this report.

ABC Continues to Omit Role of Democrats in Release of Graphic CIA Torture Report
, when they know they are loosing the argument they deflect by creating another crisis.
The head of the ACLU is calling on Obama to pardon Bush II and some of his henchmen. It's a great idea, showing they promoted torture while pardoning them.
Torture was needed to get information on finding and killing Al Qeada heads behind 9-11.
Democrats want Americans killed. Especially those who are designated to be protectors of the country. Democrats are at war with the military, the police and the intelligence network.
I don`t want Americans killed but a teabagger dying makes America a better place to live.
Democrats want Americans killed. Especially those who are designated to be protectors of the country. Democrats are at war with the military, the police and the intelligence network.
I don`t want Americans killed but a teabagger dying makes America a better place to live.
Libtards dying would make the world a better place. Idiot libtards are the problem.
Democrats want Americans killed. Especially those who are designated to be protectors of the country. Democrats are at war with the military, the police and the intelligence network.
I don`t want Americans killed but a teabagger dying makes America a better place to live.

Yep, anyone who likes to suck their buddy's hairy ballsack must die. This means fewer Looney Leftists.......including that fag Obama.
The media had run out of steam on Ferguson, so they need another diversion.

This might be it.

The protests over Ferguson, et al., is the attack on the United States internally. The release of this information is to instigate attacks on the United States externally. Democrats imagine that between the two, the United States will be crushed.
Democrats want Americans killed. Especially those who are designated to be protectors of the country. Democrats are at war with the military, the police and the intelligence network.
I don`t want Americans killed but a teabagger dying makes America a better place to live.

Yep, anyone who likes to suck their buddy's hairy ballsack must die. This means fewer Looney Leftists.......including that fag Obama.
Why are you bringing your gay fantasies here?

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