Democrats Still Haven't Learned Their Lesson..Intend On Making America Un-American


The Democrats show signs of moving even farther left than they are today. They invent phrases intended to mislead us into thinking that being a normal, average, Middle-Class American is what they call "Alt-Right", as if we're the radicals, not them.
Democrats have descended into a political party that actually brags about wanting to flood the country with foreigners just so they can cancel out the votes of the people that have been living here for generations. An ulterior motive is one that their donors are paying billions for. Which motive is that? It's simple....they want a permanent underclass of poor Americans that can't speak the language of the country and is uneducated to the point that they'll believe anything the Democrats tell them. You can't get your average college student to understand this. They literally freaked out when Hillary lost and are unwilling to accept that Hillary was using them to expand poverty in America. Our institutions of higher learning are creating thousands of pampered babies who refuse to listen to any viewpoint that isn't completely in line with the viewpoint that has been force fed to them all of their lives. This village mentality will eventually bear fruit with the destruction of this country as a productive Capitalist world power.


The most appreciative American these days seems to be a naturalized citizen that spent most of his or her life living under the thumb of authoritarian governments Democrats admire, governments like the U.S.S.R., or Communist Cuba. Ask any Cuban immigrant, they'll tell you how wonderful Fidel Castro was. (Sarcasm intended) It's no small wonder that Hillary lost. People are paying attention to this. Still, they insist they're on the right track. They've created plenty of new voters, just not enough. Maybe next time they'll be able to create enough of them to beat back the will of the American people.


Articles: Why the Democrats Can't Stop Calling the GOP Racists

November 30, 2016
Why the Democrats Can't Stop Calling the GOP Racists
By Karin McQuillan
President Obama, Democrat politicians and the mainstream media are still calling Trump KKK. They’re tarring his team as anti-Semites and racists. The electoral map would stop any normal politicians in their tracks, but Democrat hate speech is only getting louder and more hysterical. A major course correction is not going to happen for three reasons:

1. Democrat leadership;

2. Democrat donors;

3. Democrat voting blocks.

There is no force in the party that wants to change.

Democrats don’t debate Trump on the issues, because their agenda is a turn-off. Under the leadership of Alinskyite Barack Obama, the Democratic Party has degenerated from liberalism to progressivism. It has not been pretty. A focus on preferential treatment for blacks has given way to a war on cops. Caring about Hispanic Americans suddenly means America shouldn’t have borders and should have sanctuary for rapists and killers -- as long as they are here illegally.

Browbeating college kids by empowerring feminists and black activists with Title IX money has turned college campuses against freedom of thought and speech. Women’s issues have bizarrely turned into a war on masculinity. Gay rights has morphed into men in women’s bathrooms. Pro-choice turned into third-trimester infanticide and lawsuits against the Little Sisters of the Poor. Physical violence against Republicans is encouraged by President Obama and Clinton under the euphemism ‘protest.’

Democrat progressive politics is weird and ugly and dangerous, and people across the country have recoiled from it. As Marc Thiessen says with his usual eloquence, “You can drive some 3,000 miles across the entire continental United States — from sea to shining sea — without driving through a single county that voted for Hillary Clinton.”


Yet Democrats continue to think they can win by disrespecting the white working class and religious Americans, because “demographics are on our side,” as Obama stated defiantly after Trump’s electoral college blow-out. The wealthy coastal liberals and brown-skinned America are the only ones who count in Obama’s calculus. The map above strikes no chord in his heart.

Progressives want to rule all those red counties in perpetuity: a one-party state, based on racial voting. They look forward to a colonial society with the liberal elite ruling a continent from their isolated blue enclaves.

Obama remains triumphalist about his version of the Democrat party based on race. He told David Remnick:

“Democrats are well positioned to keep winning Presidential elections just by appealing to the base. And, each year, the demographic improves.”

His interviewer Remnick spells out what Obama means by improved demographics:

To put it more bluntly than Obama did, the nonwhite percentage of the population will continue to increase.

The Democrats have paid a high price for their campaign of progressive identity politics. The Obama impact on statehouses and state governors is far more devastating than the loss of one Presidential election.

Under our current leadership, Democrats have been reduced to our smallest congressional minority since 1929. . . . We have the fewest Democrats in state and federal offices since Reconstruction.” – Rep. Tim Ryan, challenger to Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader


Yet the Democrat voices calling for a return to something resembling the Bill Clinton mainstream are few indeed – some lesser known journalists, one academic, Bill Maher, one or two Congressman from districts that voted Trump. It is not enough.

Obama so far has miraculously stood apart from the destruction he has wrought. He still aims to build a revolutionary cultural movement aiming at the “fundamental transformation of America.” Obama has no intention of retiring from politics as every President since George Washington has done.

Our outgoing President’s thoughts on the Trump victory: he and Michelle will get busy “creating… the next generation of leadership,” a new America where work and success are “disconnected.” Obama wants an America “in which productivity and wealth generation are not automatically linked to how many hours you put in, where the links between production and distribution are broken, in some sense.” His groupie interviewer, David Remnick, summarizes: Obama “seemed to be returning to the days when he was a community organizer in the Atgeld Gardens housing project, on the South Side of Chicago.”

In the immediate future, not insignificantly, there is a lot of radical leftist and racialist dirt about to be uncovered by Jeff Sessions at Obama’s DOJ, including the funneling of half a billion dollars to left-wing activist groups. That’s one reason Obama is leading the Democrats in a mad rush to delegitimize the new AG Jeff Sessions as a Klan supporter.

Obama’s race-based progressivism is shared by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The next DNC chair is likely to be the loathsome Keith Ellison, who is backed by Sanders, Warren, Schumer and Reid. Why? He is black and he is Muslim, perfect for attacking the Trump administration as racist and Islamophobic.

The structural damage to the Democratic machine has clearly been done, and the party seems incapable of realizing its own political mistakes. The influence of heavyweight progressive-movement donors continues to bind the party to its losing left-wing identity.

The most important voters in the Democrat base are sadly, our very ill served black community. Democrats are nothing without black block voting, which they curry not by helping blacks, but by hurting them with the big lie that white America is racist.

In a post-election New Yorker interview, Obama libels his own white working class voters, describing them as “people who may, nevertheless, have … biases about African-Americans or Latinos or women or gays.” Obama explained the Trump victory to his daughters as a “flare-up of bigotry.”

This is why, more than ever since the election, the Democratic Party’s organizing principle is calling Republicans racists.

Yet regardless of the facts, most liberals and their friends in the media continue to view Mr. Trump’s victory through a self-serving racial lens. Today, race is the Democratic Party’s organizing principle. Group identity is a doctrine and group grievances are to be nurtured and exploited politically no matter the damage to civil discourse.

Ugly identity politics meets the emotional needs of the Democrats’ main voting blocks and promotes the special interests of their progressive donor class. Democrat politicians at the state and county level are collateral damage.

Related Links

A Short List of Black Lives Matter's Cop-Killing Heroes - Breitbart

Articles: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Emerging Democrat Majority

Blog: The war on cops, fast food division

I noticed that after FDR was elected the fourth time you birds jumped up the first chance you got and fixed the maximum number of terms a president could serve at two. We appreciate you guys looking out for us.
I think it was an excellent idea considering the big eared prick currently in office.....but it wasn't me. The 21st Amendment was passed in 47'. I wasn't born yet.

I think it was the 22nd amendment. It wasn't ratified until 1951. I was a junior in high school.

Made because your hero FDR abused his power!

Silly far left drone!
One thing we might want remember is that the Democratic Party of today is a result of the 1960's Counter-Culture. The "Peace, Love, Dope"; "Flower Power/Children"; "Make Love Not War"; "Woodstock" generation. Most all of the "Hippy" types from that era in the Democratic Party have retired/died out, but their legacy lives on.

Those of us that were around at that time should know what I'm talking about.
Yanno, as funny as this may seem, there's a little town up north of here called Talkeetna. In the '60s and '70s, it was populated mostly with hippies living "off the land", gold miners, and mountain climbers (in season). Nowadays, those self-same hippies are the stalwart, church-going community leaders up in that little village.

The Democrats show signs of moving even farther left than they are today. They invent phrases intended to mislead us into thinking that being a normal, average, Middle-Class American is what they call "Alt-Right", as if we're the radicals, not them.
Democrats have descended into a political party that actually brags about wanting to flood the country with foreigners just so they can cancel out the votes of the people that have been living here for generations. An ulterior motive is one that their donors are paying billions for. Which motive is that? It's simple....they want a permanent underclass of poor Americans that can't speak the language of the country and is uneducated to the point that they'll believe anything the Democrats tell them. You can't get your average college student to understand this. They literally freaked out when Hillary lost and are unwilling to accept that Hillary was using them to expand poverty in America. Our institutions of higher learning are creating thousands of pampered babies who refuse to listen to any viewpoint that isn't completely in line with the viewpoint that has been force fed to them all of their lives. This village mentality will eventually bear fruit with the destruction of this country as a productive Capitalist world power.


The most appreciative American these days seems to be a naturalized citizen that spent most of his or her life living under the thumb of authoritarian governments Democrats admire, governments like the U.S.S.R., or Communist Cuba. Ask any Cuban immigrant, they'll tell you how wonderful Fidel Castro was. (Sarcasm intended) It's no small wonder that Hillary lost. People are paying attention to this. Still, they insist they're on the right track. They've created plenty of new voters, just not enough. Maybe next time they'll be able to create enough of them to beat back the will of the American people.


Articles: Why the Democrats Can't Stop Calling the GOP Racists

November 30, 2016
Why the Democrats Can't Stop Calling the GOP Racists
By Karin McQuillan
President Obama, Democrat politicians and the mainstream media are still calling Trump KKK. They’re tarring his team as anti-Semites and racists. The electoral map would stop any normal politicians in their tracks, but Democrat hate speech is only getting louder and more hysterical. A major course correction is not going to happen for three reasons:

1. Democrat leadership;

2. Democrat donors;

3. Democrat voting blocks.

There is no force in the party that wants to change.

Democrats don’t debate Trump on the issues, because their agenda is a turn-off. Under the leadership of Alinskyite Barack Obama, the Democratic Party has degenerated from liberalism to progressivism. It has not been pretty. A focus on preferential treatment for blacks has given way to a war on cops. Caring about Hispanic Americans suddenly means America shouldn’t have borders and should have sanctuary for rapists and killers -- as long as they are here illegally.

Browbeating college kids by empowerring feminists and black activists with Title IX money has turned college campuses against freedom of thought and speech. Women’s issues have bizarrely turned into a war on masculinity. Gay rights has morphed into men in women’s bathrooms. Pro-choice turned into third-trimester infanticide and lawsuits against the Little Sisters of the Poor. Physical violence against Republicans is encouraged by President Obama and Clinton under the euphemism ‘protest.’

Democrat progressive politics is weird and ugly and dangerous, and people across the country have recoiled from it. As Marc Thiessen says with his usual eloquence, “You can drive some 3,000 miles across the entire continental United States — from sea to shining sea — without driving through a single county that voted for Hillary Clinton.”


Yet Democrats continue to think they can win by disrespecting the white working class and religious Americans, because “demographics are on our side,” as Obama stated defiantly after Trump’s electoral college blow-out. The wealthy coastal liberals and brown-skinned America are the only ones who count in Obama’s calculus. The map above strikes no chord in his heart.

Progressives want to rule all those red counties in perpetuity: a one-party state, based on racial voting. They look forward to a colonial society with the liberal elite ruling a continent from their isolated blue enclaves.

Obama remains triumphalist about his version of the Democrat party based on race. He told David Remnick:

“Democrats are well positioned to keep winning Presidential elections just by appealing to the base. And, each year, the demographic improves.”

His interviewer Remnick spells out what Obama means by improved demographics:

To put it more bluntly than Obama did, the nonwhite percentage of the population will continue to increase.

The Democrats have paid a high price for their campaign of progressive identity politics. The Obama impact on statehouses and state governors is far more devastating than the loss of one Presidential election.

Under our current leadership, Democrats have been reduced to our smallest congressional minority since 1929. . . . We have the fewest Democrats in state and federal offices since Reconstruction.” – Rep. Tim Ryan, challenger to Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader


Yet the Democrat voices calling for a return to something resembling the Bill Clinton mainstream are few indeed – some lesser known journalists, one academic, Bill Maher, one or two Congressman from districts that voted Trump. It is not enough.

Obama so far has miraculously stood apart from the destruction he has wrought. He still aims to build a revolutionary cultural movement aiming at the “fundamental transformation of America.” Obama has no intention of retiring from politics as every President since George Washington has done.

Our outgoing President’s thoughts on the Trump victory: he and Michelle will get busy “creating… the next generation of leadership,” a new America where work and success are “disconnected.” Obama wants an America “in which productivity and wealth generation are not automatically linked to how many hours you put in, where the links between production and distribution are broken, in some sense.” His groupie interviewer, David Remnick, summarizes: Obama “seemed to be returning to the days when he was a community organizer in the Atgeld Gardens housing project, on the South Side of Chicago.”

In the immediate future, not insignificantly, there is a lot of radical leftist and racialist dirt about to be uncovered by Jeff Sessions at Obama’s DOJ, including the funneling of half a billion dollars to left-wing activist groups. That’s one reason Obama is leading the Democrats in a mad rush to delegitimize the new AG Jeff Sessions as a Klan supporter.

Obama’s race-based progressivism is shared by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The next DNC chair is likely to be the loathsome Keith Ellison, who is backed by Sanders, Warren, Schumer and Reid. Why? He is black and he is Muslim, perfect for attacking the Trump administration as racist and Islamophobic.

The structural damage to the Democratic machine has clearly been done, and the party seems incapable of realizing its own political mistakes. The influence of heavyweight progressive-movement donors continues to bind the party to its losing left-wing identity.

The most important voters in the Democrat base are sadly, our very ill served black community. Democrats are nothing without black block voting, which they curry not by helping blacks, but by hurting them with the big lie that white America is racist.

In a post-election New Yorker interview, Obama libels his own white working class voters, describing them as “people who may, nevertheless, have … biases about African-Americans or Latinos or women or gays.” Obama explained the Trump victory to his daughters as a “flare-up of bigotry.”

This is why, more than ever since the election, the Democratic Party’s organizing principle is calling Republicans racists.

Yet regardless of the facts, most liberals and their friends in the media continue to view Mr. Trump’s victory through a self-serving racial lens. Today, race is the Democratic Party’s organizing principle. Group identity is a doctrine and group grievances are to be nurtured and exploited politically no matter the damage to civil discourse.

Ugly identity politics meets the emotional needs of the Democrats’ main voting blocks and promotes the special interests of their progressive donor class. Democrat politicians at the state and county level are collateral damage.

Related Links

A Short List of Black Lives Matter's Cop-Killing Heroes - Breitbart

Articles: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Emerging Democrat Majority

Blog: The war on cops, fast food division

After seeing that face I dont think prostitution is in the cards.
She'd be better off selling her body to medical research.
Or perhaps selling her aborted fetuses for parts?
Economic policies rooted in class envy only serve to eliminate the middle class and lock in a true 1 percent. Latin and Central America are shining examples of that. We've tried does not work in America. Viva Fidel!
People all over America cried visibly when Roosevelt died. The only other time I've seen very much of that is after Lee Harvey Oswald killed John Kennedy. I did not suggest anything by making the statement of fact.


Roosevelt was elected four times

They changed the law so that no other could do that

I think FDR was a great man. But running for a fourth term, WHEN HE KNEW HE WAS DYING (I guess I need to emphasize that again) was selfish and foolish. Particularly when his partners in war were Churchill and Stalin, neither of whom were trustworthy.

Do you really think folks, especially busy folks, think that much about death? I'm 82 years old and so far it's never been anything I've wasted time on.

I'll agree with you about Stalin.......that last meeting could have gone better for us.
Well, for one thing, I'm not the crying bitch whining about this thread. For another thing, not agreeing with the way Democrats screwed up the government doesn't exempt me from working for it. I have even more right than you do to point out corruption and wrongdoing in the government because it's not only my job, it's my responsibility to do so.

Guy, if you think government is evil, you are a hypocrite from taking their checks. That's the point.

I wouldn't work for the tobacco industry or the firearms industry... because I think those are immoral enterprises.
Government isn't evil. People that numbnuts like you vote for are evil. And fyi, government can be a good thing as long as it stays out of the way of progress. If it becomes a hindrance to progress, then it becomes a problem. If government becomes too big, it then becomes too expensive and inefficient and a drain on the economy.
Who would hire JoeB131, and to do what? Last I looked, it was pretty much a prerequisite to gainful employment that one must be both capable of, and willing, to do productive, useful work.

I have a full time job, and made over $80,000 this year.

so, um... no. you'd be wrong again.
Is that net or gross. How much did you make after you paid your bills and your taxes?
Government isn't evil. People that numbnuts like you vote for are evil. And fyi, government can be a good thing as long as it stays out of the way of progress. If it becomes a hindrance to progress, then it becomes a problem. If government becomes too big, it then becomes too expensive and inefficient and a drain on the economy.

So Government is good when it's writing you a check. Got it.
Is that net or gross. How much did you make after you paid your bills and your taxes?

Don't know, haven't done my taxes yet. Last week, I got my annual bonus, and they took 37% of that paycheck in taxes and benefits. (Normally, they take 26%) 25% of my income comes from my side business, which is all Cash, so I have to fill out a form to pay my SOcial Security and such.

This year is probably the first year in the last 12 I won't get a check back from the Government. But we'll see.

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