Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late
July 16, 3019 ~ By Henry Olsen Columnist
It’s been decades since Democrats had to confront a genuine challenge from the far left... The cracks in the party were most evident last week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) casually deployed the race card against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). To be sure, Ocasio-Cortez’s side swipe — implying Pelosi singled her and her progressive allies out for criticism because they are women of color — was bad enough. But the real depth of the challenge Democrats face is better seen by looking at comments from Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti... Observers may wonder why Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff are engaging in this internecine battle. From the viewpoint of the evolutionary left, such efforts are futile and self-defeating... Chakrabarti let the cat out of the bag in a recent extensive profile in The Post magazine. According to the report, Chakrabarti told an aide for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), a presidential candidate, that his boss’s Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti says, “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” You can’t get much more revolutionary than that... It’s no coincidence that the Green New Deal speaks as much about ensuring quality jobs and helping “frontline and vulnerable communities” as it does about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls for an “economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II,” uprooting the U.S. economy with the government calling the shots... If the entire U.S. economy must be uprooted — if the United States is inherently a “racist system” — then those who propose evolutionary change are as culpable as those who oppose any change at all. They must be opposed as strenuously...
President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was written off as a goner when the progressives and the racist Southern Democrats both split from his party to run their own candidates. But Truman kept faith with the American center by letting both extremes walk, and he won one of the greatest political upsets in history.
Democrats should follow Truman and say goodbye to their party’s bomb throwers before it’s too late.

Saikat Chakrabarti is the puppet master behind AOC. And he's one damn scary individual.
Now President Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi and her entire democrat caucus to embrace and coalesce with these radical un-American leftist socialists.
I don’t think that there is anyone else besides Trump with the fortitude to stand up to these demons.
Democrats are now openly supporting full-blown socialism, open borders, free healthcare, free education, and the entire green new deal that is admittedly (by AOC's chief of staff - a radical socialist/fascist revolutionary) designed to bring down our free-market economy and usher in full government control over all of us. Strangely though, they refuse to admit the disastrous failure of Obamacare so now they've upped the ante and say this new proposal of free healthcare, education and the Green New Deal will work. Typical Marxist Socialist behavior. When did their Marxist Socialist programs ever work anywhere. Look at their latest efforts in Venezuela.
I think that Democrats are past the point of no return. As you say, they've “embrace(d) and coalesce(d)” around the worst, most divisive policies and platforms possible to imagine and I believe are alienating their base.
By defending the hateful, anti-American, racist, anti-Semitic Marxist Socialist views of "The Quad Squad", aka the Four Stooges, the Dems have sealed their 2020 fate, i.e. the reelection Donald Trump. The beauty of it is that they are powerless to prevent this. It's like an addiction. They defend their own no matter what rather than defending the truth.....

Donald Trump is the man who removed the mask of the Democrat Party. I believe this is a truly historical feat. No one else has done this ever to this party of snakes.
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It's too late, Trump has already launched his plan to move the "squad" to the forefront, turn them into the ideological flagship of the Democratic Party and the Left (which they are, behind all the deception and fraud). Trump and his campaign will be mentioning them, what they have said in the past and stand for, at every turn. It really doesn't matter at that point who Democrat nominee will be, in essence Trump will not be running against that person.
Its already too late....look at the squads individual approval numbers...I have democrat friends that say they are voting for Trump because of what has happened to the democrat party....
If they do, the party splinters. They have to try to hold all the extreme factions together somehow and they can't do that. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's a beautiful thing to watch (to me, anyway).
Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late
July 16, 3019 ~ By Henry Olsen Columnist
It’s been decades since Democrats had to confront a genuine challenge from the far left... The cracks in the party were most evident last week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) casually deployed the race card against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). To be sure, Ocasio-Cortez’s side swipe — implying Pelosi singled her and her progressive allies out for criticism because they are women of color — was bad enough. But the real depth of the challenge Democrats face is better seen by looking at comments from Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti... Observers may wonder why Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff are engaging in this internecine battle. From the viewpoint of the evolutionary left, such efforts are futile and self-defeating... Chakrabarti let the cat out of the bag in a recent extensive profile in The Post magazine. According to the report, Chakrabarti told an aide for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), a presidential candidate, that his boss’s Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti says, “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” You can’t get much more revolutionary than that... It’s no coincidence that the Green New Deal speaks as much about ensuring quality jobs and helping “frontline and vulnerable communities” as it does about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls for an “economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II,” uprooting the U.S. economy with the government calling the shots... If the entire U.S. economy must be uprooted — if the United States is inherently a “racist system” — then those who propose evolutionary change are as culpable as those who oppose any change at all. They must be opposed as strenuously...
President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was written off as a goner when the progressives and the racist Southern Democrats both split from his party to run their own candidates. But Truman kept faith with the American center by letting both extremes walk, and he won one of the greatest political upsets in history.
Democrats should follow Truman and say goodbye to their party’s bomb throwers before it’s too late.

Saikat Chakrabarti is the puppet master behind AOC. And he's one damn scary individual.
Now President Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi and her entire democrat caucus to embrace and coalesce with these radical un-American leftist socialists.
I don’t think that there is anyone else besides Trump with the fortitude to stand up to these demons.
Democrats are now openly supporting full-blown socialism, open borders, free healthcare, free education, and the entire green new deal that is admittedly (by AOC's chief of staff - a radical socialist/fascist revolutionary) designed to bring down our free-market economy and usher in full government control over all of us. Strangely though, they refuse to admit the disastrous failure of Obamacare so now they've upped the ante and say this new proposal of free healthcare, education and the Green New Deal will work. Typical Marxist Socialist behavior. When did their Marxist Socialist programs ever work anywhere. Look at their latest efforts in Venezuela.
I think that Democrats are past the point of no return. As you say, they've “embrace(d) and coalesce(d)” around the worst, most divisive policies and platforms possible to imagine and I believe are alienating their base.
By defending the hateful, anti-American, racist, anti-Semitic Marxist Socialist views of "The Quad Squad", aka the Four Stooges, the Dems have sealed their 2020 fate, i.e. the reelection Donald Trump. The beauty of it is that they are powerless to prevent this. It's like an addiction. They defend their own no matter what rather than defending the truth.....

Donald Trump is the man who removed the mask of the Democrat Party. I believe this is a truly historical feat. No one else has done this ever to this party of snakes.

What tramp has done is shown how the GOP masks are off, but it was mainly shown when Obama was President. Also tramp lies, but as far as I know the "squad" has not lied about anything.
The dems are already sunk. There's no shutting up "The Squad," and they're sinking the democrat party faster than the Titanic.
It's too late, Trump has already launched his plan to move the "squad" to the forefront, turn them into the ideological flagship of the Democratic Party and the Left (which they are, behind all the deception and fraud). Trump and his campaign will be mentioning them, what they have said in the past and stand for, at every turn. It really doesn't matter at that point who Democrat nominee will be, in essence Trump will not be running against that person.
Political Aikido.

Take the aggressor's momentum and use it against them.
No political party should allow the extreme elements to come across as the “face”. The moderate coalition of Democrats should call out the “four” if they make statements that are inflammatory.

There are two options, speak up and risk offending those four members or allow the GOP to paint them as the party narrative.
No political party should allow the extreme elements to come across as the “face”. The moderate coalition of Democrats should call out the “four” if they make statements that are inflammatory.

There are two options, speak up and risk offending those four members or allow the GOP to paint them as the party narrative.
Pelosi is screwed...

The left have put the haters in charge of the party.... Candidates are actually having to apologize for saying a Republican is a "nice guy" or "All Lives Matter"...

For the left it's all about hate mongering and spite. They have no positive agenda for America, just a sore ass and a mouth full of bile.
William Buckley got rid of the the lunatic fringe Right from the GOP back in the 1960's, which paved the way for Nixon and Reagan/Bush. He died, though, so they're back, which is why the percentages are so narrow these days.

Don't underestimate the great capacity of the right wingnuts to snatch defeat from the jaws of landslide victory. Trump and other moderates should be winning by 40% margins, but he isn't, at least not yet.
William Buckley got rid of the the lunatic fringe Right from the GOP back in the 1960's, which paved the way for Nixon and Reagan/Bush. He died, though, so they're back, which is why the percentages are so narrow these days.

Don't underestimate the great capacity of the right wingnuts to snatch defeat from the jaws of landslide victory. Trump and other moderates should be winning by 40% margins, but he isn't, at least not yet.
That's true because Trump has opponents from both sides and the MSM. They're called the establishment or the swamp. We have to root for common sense and fairness. That means Trump.
Hillary's historic loss ended any chance of LEGITIMATELY destroying America via 5 anti-American SCOTUS judges. The finale would have had hordes of Illegal democrat voters shipped to FL and TX.

As a result, Soros weaponized Progressive Fascism and put it in charge of his Party. HE backed The Squad and made them face of the modern "Death to America, Death to Israel" Fascist democrat Party.

Can their Kristallnacht be far behind?
Hillary's historic loss ended any chance of LEGITIMATELY destroying America via 5 anti-American SCOTUS judges. The finale would have had hordes of Illegal democrat voters shipped to FL and TX.

As a result, Soros weaponized Progressive Fascism and put it in charge of his Party. HE backed The Squad and made them face of the modern "Death to America, Death to Israel" Fascist democrat Party.

Can their Kristallnacht be far behind?

Well, we're going to find out soon enough; my guess is the DNC rolls back the rhetoric which in turn will have their sicko deviant base frothing at the mouth come Convention time. I also predict they spend a lot on getting illegals to the polls in all four of the big states.

Then there is the very real possibility they hire tens of thousands of thugs to disrupt opposition rallies, start another campaign of hate crimes against whites, and step up their encouragement and support of cop killing in response to losing yet again, only on a larger scale with a bigger budget.
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Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late
July 16, 3019 ~ By Henry Olsen Columnist
It’s been decades since Democrats had to confront a genuine challenge from the far left... The cracks in the party were most evident last week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) casually deployed the race card against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). To be sure, Ocasio-Cortez’s side swipe — implying Pelosi singled her and her progressive allies out for criticism because they are women of color — was bad enough. But the real depth of the challenge Democrats face is better seen by looking at comments from Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti... Observers may wonder why Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff are engaging in this internecine battle. From the viewpoint of the evolutionary left, such efforts are futile and self-defeating... Chakrabarti let the cat out of the bag in a recent extensive profile in The Post magazine. According to the report, Chakrabarti told an aide for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), a presidential candidate, that his boss’s Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti says, “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” You can’t get much more revolutionary than that... It’s no coincidence that the Green New Deal speaks as much about ensuring quality jobs and helping “frontline and vulnerable communities” as it does about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls for an “economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II,” uprooting the U.S. economy with the government calling the shots... If the entire U.S. economy must be uprooted — if the United States is inherently a “racist system” — then those who propose evolutionary change are as culpable as those who oppose any change at all. They must be opposed as strenuously...
President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was written off as a goner when the progressives and the racist Southern Democrats both split from his party to run their own candidates. But Truman kept faith with the American center by letting both extremes walk, and he won one of the greatest political upsets in history.
Democrats should follow Truman and say goodbye to their party’s bomb throwers before it’s too late.

Saikat Chakrabarti is the puppet master behind AOC. And he's one damn scary individual.
Now President Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi and her entire democrat caucus to embrace and coalesce with these radical un-American leftist socialists.
I don’t think that there is anyone else besides Trump with the fortitude to stand up to these demons.
Democrats are now openly supporting full-blown socialism, open borders, free healthcare, free education, and the entire green new deal that is admittedly (by AOC's chief of staff - a radical socialist/fascist revolutionary) designed to bring down our free-market economy and usher in full government control over all of us. Strangely though, they refuse to admit the disastrous failure of Obamacare so now they've upped the ante and say this new proposal of free healthcare, education and the Green New Deal will work. Typical Marxist Socialist behavior. When did their Marxist Socialist programs ever work anywhere. Look at their latest efforts in Venezuela.
I think that Democrats are past the point of no return. As you say, they've “embrace(d) and coalesce(d)” around the worst, most divisive policies and platforms possible to imagine and I believe are alienating their base.
By defending the hateful, anti-American, racist, anti-Semitic Marxist Socialist views of "The Quad Squad", aka the Four Stooges, the Dems have sealed their 2020 fate, i.e. the reelection Donald Trump. The beauty of it is that they are powerless to prevent this. It's like an addiction. They defend their own no matter what rather than defending the truth.....

Donald Trump is the man who removed the mask of the Democrat Party. I believe this is a truly historical feat. No one else has done this ever to this party of snakes. they should not. They should let their radical, America hating members speak loud and proud, all the way to 2020....
Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late
July 16, 3019 ~ By Henry Olsen Columnist
It’s been decades since Democrats had to confront a genuine challenge from the far left... The cracks in the party were most evident last week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) casually deployed the race card against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). To be sure, Ocasio-Cortez’s side swipe — implying Pelosi singled her and her progressive allies out for criticism because they are women of color — was bad enough. But the real depth of the challenge Democrats face is better seen by looking at comments from Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti... Observers may wonder why Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff are engaging in this internecine battle. From the viewpoint of the evolutionary left, such efforts are futile and self-defeating... Chakrabarti let the cat out of the bag in a recent extensive profile in The Post magazine. According to the report, Chakrabarti told an aide for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), a presidential candidate, that his boss’s Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti says, “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” You can’t get much more revolutionary than that... It’s no coincidence that the Green New Deal speaks as much about ensuring quality jobs and helping “frontline and vulnerable communities” as it does about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls for an “economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II,” uprooting the U.S. economy with the government calling the shots... If the entire U.S. economy must be uprooted — if the United States is inherently a “racist system” — then those who propose evolutionary change are as culpable as those who oppose any change at all. They must be opposed as strenuously...
President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was written off as a goner when the progressives and the racist Southern Democrats both split from his party to run their own candidates. But Truman kept faith with the American center by letting both extremes walk, and he won one of the greatest political upsets in history.
Democrats should follow Truman and say goodbye to their party’s bomb throwers before it’s too late.

Saikat Chakrabarti is the puppet master behind AOC. And he's one damn scary individual.
Now President Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi and her entire democrat caucus to embrace and coalesce with these radical un-American leftist socialists.
I don’t think that there is anyone else besides Trump with the fortitude to stand up to these demons.
Democrats are now openly supporting full-blown socialism, open borders, free healthcare, free education, and the entire green new deal that is admittedly (by AOC's chief of staff - a radical socialist/fascist revolutionary) designed to bring down our free-market economy and usher in full government control over all of us. Strangely though, they refuse to admit the disastrous failure of Obamacare so now they've upped the ante and say this new proposal of free healthcare, education and the Green New Deal will work. Typical Marxist Socialist behavior. When did their Marxist Socialist programs ever work anywhere. Look at their latest efforts in Venezuela.
I think that Democrats are past the point of no return. As you say, they've “embrace(d) and coalesce(d)” around the worst, most divisive policies and platforms possible to imagine and I believe are alienating their base.
By defending the hateful, anti-American, racist, anti-Semitic Marxist Socialist views of "The Quad Squad", aka the Four Stooges, the Dems have sealed their 2020 fate, i.e. the reelection Donald Trump. The beauty of it is that they are powerless to prevent this. It's like an addiction. They defend their own no matter what rather than defending the truth.....

Donald Trump is the man who removed the mask of the Democrat Party. I believe this is a truly historical feat. No one else has done this ever to this party of snakes.

What tramp has done is shown how the GOP masks are off, but it was mainly shown when Obama was President. Also tramp lies, but as far as I know the "squad" has not lied about anything.
Really? Interesting to see if that holds up.

Um, speaking of lies...can you cite any instances of Barry lying to everyone?
Democrats should confront their revolutionaries before it’s too late
July 16, 3019 ~ By Henry Olsen Columnist
It’s been decades since Democrats had to confront a genuine challenge from the far left... The cracks in the party were most evident last week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) casually deployed the race card against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). To be sure, Ocasio-Cortez’s side swipe — implying Pelosi singled her and her progressive allies out for criticism because they are women of color — was bad enough. But the real depth of the challenge Democrats face is better seen by looking at comments from Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti... Observers may wonder why Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff are engaging in this internecine battle. From the viewpoint of the evolutionary left, such efforts are futile and self-defeating... Chakrabarti let the cat out of the bag in a recent extensive profile in The Post magazine. According to the report, Chakrabarti told an aide for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), a presidential candidate, that his boss’s Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti says, “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” You can’t get much more revolutionary than that... It’s no coincidence that the Green New Deal speaks as much about ensuring quality jobs and helping “frontline and vulnerable communities” as it does about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls for an “economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II,” uprooting the U.S. economy with the government calling the shots... If the entire U.S. economy must be uprooted — if the United States is inherently a “racist system” — then those who propose evolutionary change are as culpable as those who oppose any change at all. They must be opposed as strenuously...
President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was written off as a goner when the progressives and the racist Southern Democrats both split from his party to run their own candidates. But Truman kept faith with the American center by letting both extremes walk, and he won one of the greatest political upsets in history.
Democrats should follow Truman and say goodbye to their party’s bomb throwers before it’s too late.

Saikat Chakrabarti is the puppet master behind AOC. And he's one damn scary individual.
Now President Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi and her entire democrat caucus to embrace and coalesce with these radical un-American leftist socialists.
I don’t think that there is anyone else besides Trump with the fortitude to stand up to these demons.
Democrats are now openly supporting full-blown socialism, open borders, free healthcare, free education, and the entire green new deal that is admittedly (by AOC's chief of staff - a radical socialist/fascist revolutionary) designed to bring down our free-market economy and usher in full government control over all of us. Strangely though, they refuse to admit the disastrous failure of Obamacare so now they've upped the ante and say this new proposal of free healthcare, education and the Green New Deal will work. Typical Marxist Socialist behavior. When did their Marxist Socialist programs ever work anywhere. Look at their latest efforts in Venezuela.
I think that Democrats are past the point of no return. As you say, they've “embrace(d) and coalesce(d)” around the worst, most divisive policies and platforms possible to imagine and I believe are alienating their base.
By defending the hateful, anti-American, racist, anti-Semitic Marxist Socialist views of "The Quad Squad", aka the Four Stooges, the Dems have sealed their 2020 fate, i.e. the reelection Donald Trump. The beauty of it is that they are powerless to prevent this. It's like an addiction. They defend their own no matter what rather than defending the truth.....

Donald Trump is the man who removed the mask of the Democrat Party. I believe this is a truly historical feat. No one else has done this ever to this party of snakes.

What tramp has done is shown how the GOP masks are off, but it was mainly shown when Obama was President. Also tramp lies, but as far as I know the "squad" has not lied about anything.
Really? Interesting to see if that holds up.

Um, speaking of lies...can you cite any instances of Barry lying to everyone?

Put Obama and the "squad" on who pretty much told the truth. I can't even count the lies of tramp.
The dems are already sunk. There's no shutting up "The Squad," and they're sinking the democrat party faster than the Titanic.

I agree.

You have a whacko dingbat and two death cult members who are Dems and Jew hating racists. Real racists.

I'm sure the DNC and the party leadership are fed up with all of them. Here's hoping none of them get re elected.

Although they sure are a boost for Trump. LOL
The dems are already sunk. There's no shutting up "The Squad," and they're sinking the democrat party faster than the Titanic.

I agree.

You have a whacko dingbat and two death cult members who are Dems and Jew hating racists. Real racists.

I'm sure the DNC and the party leadership are fed up with all of them. Here's hoping none of them get re elected.

Although they sure are a boost for Trump. LOL

The self immolation of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and the coming 2020 election loss will set back the Democrats for at least a decade. Meanwhile it's up to the GOP to go forward and build our economy and slash the regulations that have strangled us. There's much to do and thanks to Trump the opportunity is now there. Will Republicans move forward and use their position and time wisely?

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