Democrats Share Doctrines and Methods With ....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....check out Godwin's Rule.

1. There are two sides in conflict, no matter what you name them.

Mika Brzezinski: “Our Job” to “Control Exactly What People Think”


"I posit that the guaranteed right to debate any idea (freedom of speech and thought) coupled with a commitment to reason and science to test competing ideas (the scientific method) are what have made Western Civilization great."
Gad Saad

2. "Google Censorship Kicks Into High Gear

It’s no secret that Big Tech is especially committed to promoting leftist ideology. This reality has been borne out in its various efforts to silence, censor, and ban alternative voices, including those of many conservatives, all under the guise of preventing the spread of “misinformation.”

Advocating for and seeking to protect Americans’ free speech rights is clearly not a priority for the likes of Google, which recently announced its decision to demonetize YouTube videos posted by people it classifies as “climate deniers.” Google explained that this would “include content referring to climate change as a hoax or a scam, claims denying that long-term trends show the global climate is warming, and claims denying that greenhouse gas emissions or human activity contribute to climate change.”
...if you happen to be a content creator who has a problem with vaccines — and not merely the COVID-19 vaccine, but all vaccines — then you are an anti-vaxxer and Google will be banning you.
Wrestling with such questions is called scientific inquiry and political debate. Google calls it “misinformation.”

Yet Google not only has no problem allowing the questioning of this sound science but in fact promotes the denial of this reality. Or what about those abortion advocates who falsely claim that a preborn child is not a human being? Why isn’t Google jumping in to stop the spread of this scientific misinformation that literally leads to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of preborn children every year? Who are the science deniers?

The reality here is that Google is acting to limit and censor speech it deems problematic based on its own leftist ideological perspective, not because of any real concern for contending for the truth."

3. Biden voters have both a poor understanding of freedom, and of how the concept should be applied to the censorship by Leftist Big Tech. They twist the concept of freedom until it is unrecognizable, with this sort of misunderstanding:

“Social media companies are not the government. They have the right to choose which content will be carried on their platforms.”

In a sane world, this would a laughable position to hold, and yet it is endlessly repeated without any reflection on its nefarious implications. Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have implications. Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have more global control over us than all other companies combined. It is not hyperbole to say that they have more collective power, in terms of the information they control, than all the rulers, priests, and politicians of history.

If knowledge is power, then these social media giants are nearly all-powerful when they decide which information we can have and whether we can be allowed a social media platform. Big tech companies routinely ban right-leaning commentators, but of course this is all an unfortunate “algorithmic coincidence.”
What could be more sinister?"
Gad Saad, "The Parasitic Mind."

4. Censorship is a political weapon used by every totalitarian regime, from Nazi, Bolshevik, Maoist, right up to and including the Democrats. works.

5. Possibly you recall the reaction from lots of Biden voters when they learned, too late, that the Bidenistas had censored the story of Hunter Biden's laptop revelations and Joe's getting 10% of all the bribes.....

"Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They ...

Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They Knew About Stories the Media Censored
Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They Knew About Stories the Media Censored. As many as 17 percent of those who voted for Democrat Joe Biden might have chosen differently at the polls, had they been given fair media coverage of the candidates in the weeks leading up to the election, according to a report."

And that was right after the election.

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More crap to clutter the digital world..


What sucks is Poliblimp can't see the corruption of the side she is on.
More crap to clutter the digital world..


What sucks is Poliblimp can't see the corruption of the side she is on.

Upton would shit himself if he saw how "politically-corrupt" Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia are. Having ran for Governor of California as a "Democrat", he'd probably also shit himself if he saw how "politically-corrupt" the Democrat Party has become.
Upton would shit himself if he saw how "politically-corrupt" Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia are. Having ran for Governor of California as a "Democrat", he'd probably also shit himself if he saw how "politically-corrupt" the Democrat Party has become.
The GOP is no less corrupt than the Dems you just refuse to see it.
Feel free to tell me about all those hundred of millions of dollars in cash President Trump took from Ukraine, Russia, and China.

"10 percent for the Big Guy."

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease​

Trump’s children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden’s son​


Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease​

Trump’s children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden’s son​

You have yet to prove one thing about Trump being corrupt while he was in office. Why is that?
Let's see some examples of the similarity between the censorship by the Democrats and that of their forebears.

Censorship in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia​ › wiki › Censorship_in_the_So...

All media in the Soviet Union was controlled by the state including television and radio broadcasting, newspaper, magazine, and book publishing.

Printed media in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia › wiki › Printed_media_in_the...

Printed media in the Soviet Union, i.e., newspapers, magazines and journals, were under strict control of the Communist Party and the Soviet state.


If Socialism, Nazism, Communism, are such grand ideas......why not have them debated???

"Just as your electricity or phone line is not shut off if the electric com- pany or phone company doesn’t like what you say, social media plat- forms should not be in the business of monitoring and punishing speech."
Gad Saad
How should social media be considered?

"Social media as a public utility is a theory postulating that social networking sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat etc.) are essential public services that should be regulated by the government, in a manner similar to how electric and phone utilities are typically government regulated. It is based on the notion that social media platforms have monopoly power and broad social influence.

...advocates say that in the 21st century, using such websites are as necessary for communication as using traditional public utilities such as telephone, water, electricity, and natural gas are for other everyday uses. Specifically, advocates note that Google search should be treated as a public utility and needs to be regulated because it dominates the search engine market and no website can afford to ignore it.[15] There is the position that a social media website such as Google "is a common carrier and should be regulated as such (Newman 2011)."[16] These are reinforced by a perception that social media companies fail to properly maintain fair platforms for discourse.[14]"
Germany more free than Democrat's America??????????

"German Court Rules YouTube Cannot Suspend Accounts for Sharing Covid ‘Misinformation’

American politicians and judges, pay attention. A German court has ruled that YouTube cannot arbitrarily suspend accounts that express concerns over Covid-related topics ranging from lockdowns to face masks to vaccines.

JUST IN – German court rules suspension of @YouTube channel, created by artists and actors who criticized the #COVID19 restrictions of the government, is unlawful.
— (@disclosetv) October 11, 2021

YouTube has taken their already-draconian censorship to much higher levels in recent weeks....."

And Democrats still resist admitting to being Nazis.

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