Democrats Planned the large response in Charlottesville


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
The large turnout of Antifa and other anti-Protesters was planned and coordinated for the purpose of using it as propaganda in next year's elections.

While free speech is guaranteed under the 1st Amendment, any group can gather in protest of any other gathering.

The goal was for the Left media to get biased video that appeared to show the non Democrat side as violent, hateful and bigoted (big surprise there) and thus turn more voters against Republicans by associating ALL Republicans with White Supremacists.

That's why it was so critical for the left media to twist whatever President Trump said as supporting hate.

This video is going to reappear ad-nausea leading up to the mid terms next year. The right does not have a ready and willing mass media outlet to present it's opposing POV so the left will again be at an advantage.

The Left will stop at nothing to portray the Republican party in it's entirety as white supremacists..and unfortunately they have the power of nearly all the media to back their agenda. It's amazing that Trump won the election against that.
If the Democrats arranged protests to NAZIs, how is that a bad thing?

NAZIs used to be the bad guys...

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