Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room!

This is what is wrong with American politics in microcasim.

I made it plain that I view both sides as foolish, yet this poster is back handedly accusing me of being a hypocrite, with zero proof, just his unfailing rose colored barryglasses that its true.

Sorry to disapoint you chauncey, but this shit has to stop.

If you stood up and condemned this stupid shit it would stop, instead of doing what so many in barryland love to do, looking for the moral equivenlcy that gives Barry a magic bullet to get a pass.

YOU should be offended your gov does these things, that should be your first and only reaction.

So let me again make it clear for you, and so many others that still don't get it, i loathe the Gop as much as I loathe the democrats, both are equaly worthless, and pointing out the stupidity done does not make someone a supporter of the other side.

That should be clear enough.

See this is the REAL problem with politics.

Back when democrats were treated this way, at least on the msnbc board, righties were cheering and laughing about it and I saw very very very few make a comment against it.

However, now that a democrat is in charge righties as a whole try to take the high road and claim that this bad behavior should stop when the majority of them said little or nothing against it in the past when it worked in their favor.

It's all about political expediency and what they think they can spin. This game has been played before and will be played again.
A perfect example is transparency, under clinton righties argued that they had the right to know everything, then came bush and they defended him and argued for national security reasons he needs to keep secrets based on executive privilege and NOW in comes obama and the righties are back to demanding the right to know everything.

It's a game pure and simple.

So it is OK to play this game.

2 wars, recession, 10% unemployemnt, credit crisis, foreclosuures everywhere....but the repubnlicans did it so it is ok to do it now.

I see.

LOL wow you really don't get it do you?? The point is that republicans as a whole weren't bothered or upset about denying someone input (which is NOT the case here) UNTIL it became politically expedient for them to be so. The righties play this game all of the time, will continue to do so and it's hilarious to see righties talking about how if we don't stand up and say something it will never change as they continue to play the game.

Well, now here is your chance to stand up and stop playing politics.


Can you do it??
They are just practicing for the day they can also do this to the American people.

Oh wait, they already are, taking our eye off the ball, when it comes to healthscare scam, by sending the big dogs out on fox news corp. And other assinine things

LOL so you watched glenn beck last night too?? LOL OMG
I just thought it was hilarious the way he was condescending to his viewers as he had to explain the "magic trick" OMG that was freaking hilarious.

I agree....the way he delivered the message was not the best....but I got past the "arrogance" he portrayed....and actually believed that his point may be the only logical scenario....I mean.....I watched NBC last night (my kid's teacher makes them watch NBC every weeknight) and I heard nothing about healthcare and lots about Fox news......Strange if you ask me.

LOL so you got past him talking to you like you were stupid??

WOW imagine that. Foxnews was talking about foxnews and so were other networks. LOL I can't imagine why that would be a topic of discussion (sarcasm).
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It seems to me that you are far more interested in the attack than you are the facts according to the excerpt of the article provided in this thread they were locked out when democrats weren't there.
So could you please explain how denying them access to the room when democrats aren't even there to discuss anything is denying the republicans a chance to provide input??
If the democrats aren't there in the first place then how are republicans going to provide input to someone who isn't there??

Soooooo....the exact reason they changed the locks and did not give the republicans a key is what?

Can you read?? According to the first line in the article the door was locked to keep republicans from meeting WHEN DEMOCRATS AREN'T THERE. So the argument presented by righties here that the republcians are being denied the opportunity to provide input is patently FALSE.

Talk about missing a forest. The room belongs to The People, not the Dems, not the GOP, not any party. Yet the Dems take control.

Obama won. The Dems won. Get over it and reap all that it's worth. You deserve it.
So there was no valid reason for taking 100 dollars that would buy 3 children winter coats to change the lock.

I see.


However, since we are going off on a tangent here I don't remember you coming back to that other thread where I showed that W was talking up global warming which you tried to claim he didn't. Did you get a chance to check out his 2007 sotu address?

Hmm? I wonder why you never came back??

I work for a living asshole.
Nice diversion from the point I made however.....100 to change a lock for no reason are a more debate with you.

LOL it's funny how people work for a living when they never respond to being shown to be WRONG.

You are here now and my guess is that if you thought you were winning the debate you would have followed up with the other thread. I guess this is the response i get for expecting righties to act like mature adults when proven wrong. instead of being mature and admitting that you were wrong you attack me and run away.

thank you for showing that you are still playing the game

BTW your point was BS and you know it. Attacking me won't change it and it won't make your point valid.
^^^^ And there we have our first open Obamatron's defense of the indefensible. Pathetic.

So in other words ....
Nope. If I wanted any editing from you, I would have requested it. My words say what I mean, and mean what I say.

LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
^^^^ And there we have our first open Obamatron's defense of the indefensible. Pathetic.

So in other words, AND ONCE AGAIN, you have NOTHING real to offer and can only respond with avoidance and personal attacks.

I am talking abotu tht FACTS which you righties seem to wish to ignore as you go on your rants.

So can you answer my simple questions concerning the FACTS or are you going to continue to avoid and run away from the facts?

The fact is the lock was changed. WHether or not democrats took advantage of this lock changing is irrelevant...the fact is the locks were changed...and the question is....Why?

So why are you so focused on the lock?? BTW how would i know why the lock was changed?? Maybe you should write your congressperson to find out why and stop asking me stupid questions?
See this is the REAL problem with politics.

Back when democrats were treated this way, at least on the msnbc board, righties were cheering and laughing about it and I saw very very very few make a comment against it.

However, now that a democrat is in charge righties as a whole try to take the high road and claim that this bad behavior should stop when the majority of them said little or nothing against it in the past when it worked in their favor.

It's all about political expediency and what they think they can spin. This game has been played before and will be played again.
A perfect example is transparency, under clinton righties argued that they had the right to know everything, then came bush and they defended him and argued for national security reasons he needs to keep secrets based on executive privilege and NOW in comes obama and the righties are back to demanding the right to know everything.

It's a game pure and simple.

So it is OK to play this game.

2 wars, recession, 10% unemployemnt, credit crisis, foreclosuures everywhere....but the repubnlicans did it so it is ok to do it now.

I see.

LOL wow you really don't get it do you?? The point is that republicans as a whole weren't bothered or upset about denying someone input (which is NOT the case here) UNTIL it became politically expedient for them to be so. The righties play this game all of the time, will continue to do so and it's hilarious to see righties talking about how if we don't stand up and say something it will never change as they continue to play the game.

Well, now here is your chance to stand up and stop playing politics.


Can you do it??

OK...we dropped the ball. Fine. Now you are OK with dropping the ball as well?
Soooooo....the exact reason they changed the locks and did not give the republicans a key is what?

Can you read?? According to the first line in the article the door was locked to keep republicans from meeting WHEN DEMOCRATS AREN'T THERE. So the argument presented by righties here that the republcians are being denied the opportunity to provide input is patently FALSE.

Talk about missing a forest. The room belongs to The People, not the Dems, not the GOP, not any party. Yet the Dems take control.

Obama won. The Dems won. Get over it and reap all that it's worth. You deserve it.

really?? can "the people" just walk in and use it anytime they want to?? I didn't think so.

On a serious note "the people" elected democrats as the majority and therefore the democrats represent the majority of the people. you are in the minority. I know it hurts but "the people" rejected the righties and you will just have to learn to deal with it.
So in other words ....
Nope. If I wanted any editing from you, I would have requested it. My words say what I mean, and mean what I say.

LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
Yeah. Telling you I didn't ask for your edit is an attack. LMAO. What a joke you are.
So it is OK to play this game.

2 wars, recession, 10% unemployemnt, credit crisis, foreclosuures everywhere....but the repubnlicans did it so it is ok to do it now.

I see.

LOL wow you really don't get it do you?? The point is that republicans as a whole weren't bothered or upset about denying someone input (which is NOT the case here) UNTIL it became politically expedient for them to be so. The righties play this game all of the time, will continue to do so and it's hilarious to see righties talking about how if we don't stand up and say something it will never change as they continue to play the game.

Well, now here is your chance to stand up and stop playing politics.


Can you do it??

OK...we dropped the ball. Fine. Now you are OK with dropping the ball as well?

you still don't get it. It's not a matter of dropping the ball this is NOTHING that righties are trying oh so desperately to make into something.

The argument WAS that the republicans were locked out and being denied input. However, that turned out to be FALSE. No one is being denied input in this instance. There is no gotcha. The false argument at the core of this thread is nothing but another part of the game.
Well, this isn't exactly offering a plan on anything. The republicans on this particular committee just want to investigate Democrats.

I'm just saying the republicans are being denied the chance to provide input because the democrats childishly locked them out.

As far as investigating the democrats, this is as much bullpoop as the dems always trying to investigate the repubs, bunch of childish B.S. on both sides.

It seems to me that you are far more interested in the attack than you are the facts according to the excerpt of the article provided in this thread they were locked out when democrats weren't there.
So could you please explain how denying them access to the room when democrats aren't even there to discuss anything is denying the republicans a chance to provide input??
If the democrats aren't there in the first place then how are republicans going to provide input to someone who isn't there??

Did you read the article?

from OP's Link said:
Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) locked Republicans out of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee room to keep them from meeting when Democrats aren’t present.

Towns’ action came after repeated public ridicule from the leading Republican on the committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), over Towns’s failure to launch an investigation into Countrywide Mortgage’s reported sweetheart deals to VIPs.

For months Towns has refused Republican requests to subpoena records in the case. Last Thursday Committee Republicans, led by Issa, were poised to force an open vote on the subpoenas at a Committee mark-up meeting. The mark-up was abruptly canceled. Only Republicans showed up while Democrats chairs remained empty. ........

Towns’s staffers told Republicans they were not happy about the presence of the video camera in the hearing room when they were not present. Issa’s spokesman said the Democrats readily acknowledged to Republicans that they changed the locks in retaliation to the videotape of the Democrats’ absence from the business meeting even though committee rules allow meetings to be taped.

"It's not surprising that they would choose to retaliate given the embarrassment we caused by catching them in a lie on tape,” said Issa spokesman Kurt Bardella. “If only they
would use their creative energy to do some actual oversight rather than resorting to immature tactics, but I guess we're getting some insight into what lengths they'll go to avoid addressing the Countrywide VIP issue."

Stop being a partisan hack only interested in attacking me personally because you are still butthurt that I called you out on hacking apart my post to misrepresent what I said last month.

[ame=]YouTube - Rep. Issa: We're Going to Get a Countrywide Subpoena, We're Going to Get to the Bottom of the Bribes[/ame]
Can you read?? According to the first line in the article the door was locked to keep republicans from meeting WHEN DEMOCRATS AREN'T THERE. So the argument presented by righties here that the republcians are being denied the opportunity to provide input is patently FALSE.

Talk about missing a forest. The room belongs to The People, not the Dems, not the GOP, not any party. Yet the Dems take control.

Obama won. The Dems won. Get over it and reap all that it's worth. You deserve it.

really?? can "the people" just walk in and use it anytime they want to?? I didn't think so.

On a serious note "the people" elected democrats as the majority and therefore the democrats represent the majority of the people. you are in the minority. I know it hurts but "the people" rejected the righties and you will just have to learn to deal with it.

Well...reading what you wrote makes it quite clear you are clueless as to how government works; how the electorate works and how a majority is determined.

Educate yourself and stop watchiung lost in space.....then maybe I will debate you.
LOL wow you really don't get it do you?? The point is that republicans as a whole weren't bothered or upset about denying someone input (which is NOT the case here) UNTIL it became politically expedient for them to be so. The righties play this game all of the time, will continue to do so and it's hilarious to see righties talking about how if we don't stand up and say something it will never change as they continue to play the game.

Well, now here is your chance to stand up and stop playing politics.


Can you do it??

OK...we dropped the ball. Fine. Now you are OK with dropping the ball as well?

you still don't get it. It's not a matter of dropping the ball this is NOTHING that righties are trying oh so desperately to make into something.

The argument WAS that the republicans were locked out and being denied input. However, that turned out to be FALSE. No one is being denied input in this instance. There is no gotcha. The false argument at the core of this thread is nothing but another part of the game.

So the reason for changing the lock was?

And dont give me that "we did not want them to use the room in our absence crap".....seeing as that is quite obvoiously NOT the reason to change the lock....if the republicans want to meet alone, there are plenty of conference rooms, living rooms and offices to meet......
Nope. If I wanted any editing from you, I would have requested it. My words say what I mean, and mean what I say.

LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
Yeah. Telling you I didn't ask for your edit is an attack. LMAO. What a joke you are.

Being dishonest and falsely claiming I edited your post when I did nothing of the sort is an attack.

BTW you still haven't offered anything real. I wonder why (sarcasm)??
LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
Yeah. Telling you I didn't ask for your edit is an attack. LMAO. What a joke you are.

Being dishonest and falsely claiming I edited your post when I did nothing of the sort is an attack.

BTW you still haven't offered anything real. I wonder why (sarcasm)??

So you make a habit out of this do you? You did this to me last month too.
LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.
Yeah. Telling you I didn't ask for your edit is an attack. LMAO. What a joke you are.

Being dishonest and falsely claiming I edited your post when I did nothing of the sort is an attack.

BTW you still haven't offered anything real. I wonder why (sarcasm)??
Morons say that when they paraphrase a person it is not part of editing. That makes you a moron.

But, I already knew that.

And here you are shitting all over another thread. Like a seagull you fly into a thread, shit all over it with your insane nonsense, only you don't fly away like a seagull does after that.


You are a useless troll with useless input.
I'm just saying the republicans are being denied the chance to provide input because the democrats childishly locked them out.

As far as investigating the democrats, this is as much bullpoop as the dems always trying to investigate the repubs, bunch of childish B.S. on both sides.

It seems to me that you are far more interested in the attack than you are the facts according to the excerpt of the article provided in this thread they were locked out when democrats weren't there.
So could you please explain how denying them access to the room when democrats aren't even there to discuss anything is denying the republicans a chance to provide input??
If the democrats aren't there in the first place then how are republicans going to provide input to someone who isn't there??

Did you read the article?

from OP's Link said:
Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) locked Republicans out of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee room to keep them from meeting when Democrats aren’t present.

Towns’ action came after repeated public ridicule from the leading Republican on the committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), over Towns’s failure to launch an investigation into Countrywide Mortgage’s reported sweetheart deals to VIPs.

For months Towns has refused Republican requests to subpoena records in the case. Last Thursday Committee Republicans, led by Issa, were poised to force an open vote on the subpoenas at a Committee mark-up meeting. The mark-up was abruptly canceled. Only Republicans showed up while Democrats chairs remained empty. ........

Towns’s staffers told Republicans they were not happy about the presence of the video camera in the hearing room when they were not present. Issa’s spokesman said the Democrats readily acknowledged to Republicans that they changed the locks in retaliation to the videotape of the Democrats’ absence from the business meeting even though committee rules allow meetings to be taped.

"It's not surprising that they would choose to retaliate given the embarrassment we caused by catching them in a lie on tape,” said Issa spokesman Kurt Bardella. “If only they
would use their creative energy to do some actual oversight rather than resorting to immature tactics, but I guess we're getting some insight into what lengths they'll go to avoid addressing the Countrywide VIP issue."

Stop being a partisan hack only interested in attacking me personally because you are still butthurt that I called you out on hacking apart my post to misrepresent what I said last month.

[ame=]YouTube - Rep. Issa: We're Going to Get a Countrywide Subpoena, We're Going to Get to the Bottom of the Bribes[/ame]

That's hilarious coming fom the poster attacking me personally as he ignores the reason listed for locking the doors and that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH DENYING REPUBLICANS INPUT as YOU falsely claimed.

oh that's rich, you made an accusation that you couldn't back up and are still trying to lean on that crutch?? I never edited or removed anything that you said and I responded to EVERYTHING in your post and you couldn't deal with the FACT that i countered you spin so you startted attacking me with your LIES.

So are you going to admit that you were WRONG about the republcians being denied input or are you going to continue to lie??

I'm just saying the republicans are being denied the chance to provide input because the democrats childishly locked them out.

Your own words in full context and your claim is FALSE.

do you have the integrity to admit it?
Talk about missing a forest. The room belongs to The People, not the Dems, not the GOP, not any party. Yet the Dems take control.

Obama won. The Dems won. Get over it and reap all that it's worth. You deserve it.

really?? can "the people" just walk in and use it anytime they want to?? I didn't think so.

On a serious note "the people" elected democrats as the majority and therefore the democrats represent the majority of the people. you are in the minority. I know it hurts but "the people" rejected the righties and you will just have to learn to deal with it.

Well...reading what you wrote makes it quite clear you are clueless as to how government works; how the electorate works and how a majority is determined.

Educate yourself and stop watchiung lost in space.....then maybe I will debate you.

Imagine that, more personal attack and no substance.

thanks for playing the game. Let me know when you have something REAL to offer.

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