Democrats Launch Their Latest Hoax....."Trump Didn't Do What He Could About Coronavirus"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Last December, president Trump was already doing everything he could to prevent the spread of Coronavirus into the US at the same time the Democrats were busy trying to kick him out of office....yet yesterday they claimed he was being irresponsible and incompetent.

Last week I predicted that Schumer and Pelosi would launch a campaign to make the virus seem like a worse problem than it was in yet another attempt to destroy the economy and remove Trump from office. With the help of our media....they launched their phony campaign. Almost every question at the press conference yesterday was about the Democrap's fearmongering about the spread of the virus.....and this is the shit they're talking.....and it's all a political campaign:

I don't even bother watching MSNBC anymore because I don't want to end up blowing a hole in my 55 inch TV. But even Faux News is spreading this nonsense. My wife is suffering from the early signs of dementia....and when I got home yesterday she was worried about the spread of this beer virus....because that's all these journalists are talking about now. Whatever hoax the Democrats hatched last week has been totally forgotten, and now it's on to THIS CRAPOLA FEST.
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Brian Williams yesterday was trying to cause a panic by falsely claiming that President Trump was lying about the virus and that this "Bullshitter" was a threat to the safety of the country.
He of course omitted the fact that Democrats have been working against him since before he took office, to prevent him from keeping the virus out of the country with a "Racist Wall".

This had me so angry I was screaming at the TV.
The unmitigated gall of these assholes!!!!
Undermining the country during a supposed national emergency is what the Democrats and their corrupt media are doing.

So....ask yourself if yet this emergency made up?
They tried a dry-run under Obama with the Ebola scare.
Now the Chinese are involved in a massive suppression campaign.
How much of it is even real????

February 27, 2020
The Democrat response to the coronavirus is scarier than the virus
By Andrea Widburg

The Democrats claim Trump is mishandling the coronavirus threat and that they’d do better. They’re wrong. Their proposals are redundant, vapid, or dangerous.

During the recent debate, three candidates discussed coronavirus:

Amy Klobuchar urged treatment and quarantine – which is (a) obvious and (b) what Trump is doing. She accused Trump of ignoring the world (he hasn’t) and wants to improve education.

Biden did his inevitable “I already did that response,” referring to Ebola (which, thankfully for America, stayed in Africa).

Bernie Sanders accused Trump of idiocy for predicting the virus would end in April. What Trump said was that influenzas generally go away once winter ends, something that is scientifically correct. Bernie said he would work with WHO (which Trump has done).

In addition to those statements, all three say Trump cannot address coronavirus because he withdrew funds from the CDC and NIH.

On Wednesday, Pelosi issued a formal statement that also says Trump cannot fight the virus because he has shrunk government:

“The American people need a well-coordinated, whole-of-government, fully-funded response to keep them safe from the coronavirus threat. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration has mounted an opaque and chaotic response to this outbreak.

“The Trump Administration has left critical positions in charge of managing pandemics at the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security vacant. The Trump Budget called for slashing almost $700 million from the Centers for Disease Control. And even now, the Administration continues to devalue Americans’ health security by ransacking funding from other vital public health needs.

“The House will be advancing a strong, strategic funding package with transparency and accountability that fully addresses the scale and seriousness of this public health crisis.”

She held a short little press conference making the same point:

At a town hall on Wednesday, Elizabeth Warren insisted she’d stop work that is our southern border:

Warren seems to have forgotten that, when Obama allowed illegal immigrants to overrun America’s southern border, America was hit by a rash of contagious diseases that hadn’t been seen in America for decades.

Trump’s Thursday press conference destroyed this silliness. He attacked Pelosi for her unserious political attacks:

I think Speaker Pelosi is incompetent. She lost the Congress once. I think she's going to lose it again. I think she's incompetent and I think she's not thinking about the country. Instead of making a statement like that, where I've been beating her routinely, at everything, instead of making a statement like that she should be saying, “We have to work together because we have a big problem, potentially, and maybe it's going to be a very little problem, I hope that it's a very little problem, but we have to work together.” Instead she wants to do the same thing as crying Chuck's so bad for the country.

She's trying to create a panic and there's no reason to panic. All they're trying to do is get a political advantage, This isn't about political advantage. We're all trying to do the right thing.

He also explained that his decision to cut deadweight in government health departments during the good times in no way hampered his ability to call on their resources in times of crisis.

Lastly, Trump emphasized how helpful it had been that he’d quickly stopped flights from China. Moreover, the administration has started quarantining those people who were arriving from China. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar emphasized what a gift these actions have been to America:

Finally, we’ve been implementing the prudent policies the president announced last week to reduce the risk of transmission by travelers. We’ve implemented temporary quarantines of U.S. persons who have recently been to Hubei province, and we’ve asked for voluntary self-monitoring quarantines for U.S. persons who have recently been elsewhere in mainland China. We’ve required that all other individuals who have recently been to mainland China wait 14 days, the outer limit of the incubation period of the virus, before coming to the United States. These steps are a targeted approach aimed at slowing the virus’s spread to and within the United States, giving our government and the global community more time to take preparedness measures, understand the virus and develop medical countermeasures.

Trump is right about the Democrats. They offer nothing in the way of solutions and some of their plans -- such as weakening the border -- are actually counterproductive. They’re just talking in the hopes of diminishing Trump’s election chances, with no regard for the fact that they may be increasing the existential risk of epidemic disease in America.
Last December, president Trump was already doing everything he could to prevent the spread of Coronavirus into the US at the same time the Democrats were busy trying to kick him out of office....yet yesterday they claimed he was being irresponsible and incompetent.

Last week I predicted that Schumer and Pelosi would launch a campaign to make the virus seem like a worse problem than it was in yet another attempt to destroy the economy and remove Trump from office. With the help of our media....they launched their phony campaign. Almost every question at the press conference yesterday was about the Democrap's fearmongering about the spread of the virus.....and this is the shit they're talking.....and it's all a political campaign:

I don't even bother watching MSNBC anymore because I don't want to end up blowing a hole in my 55 inch TV. But even Faux News is spreading this nonsense. My wife is suffering from the early signs of dementia....and when I got home yesterday she was worried about the spread of this beer virus....because that's all these journalists are talking about now. Whatever hoax the Democrats hatched last week has been totally forgotten, and now it's on to THIS CRAPOLA FEST.

You watched MSNBC?

Don't you know Trump CREATED the Corona virus? He has gutted the CDC in order to kill millions and keep the vaccine all to himself and his rich friends so he has more money and power for himself! YEAH! That's it!
  • If Trump boosts the budget for the CDC: the Orange Threat cares nothing about our deficit!
  • If Trump cuts the CDC budget: he's recklessly exposing us to a pandemic!



Last December, president Trump was already doing everything he could to prevent the spread of Coronavirus into the US at the same time the Democrats were busy trying to kick him out of office....yet yesterday they claimed he was being irresponsible and incompetent.

Last week I predicted that Schumer and Pelosi would launch a campaign to make the virus seem like a worse problem than it was in yet another attempt to destroy the economy and remove Trump from office. With the help of our media....they launched their phony campaign. Almost every question at the press conference yesterday was about the Democrap's fearmongering about the spread of the virus.....and this is the shit they're talking.....and it's all a political campaign:

I don't even bother watching MSNBC anymore because I don't want to end up blowing a hole in my 55 inch TV. But even Faux News is spreading this nonsense. My wife is suffering from the early signs of dementia....and when I got home yesterday she was worried about the spread of this beer virus....because that's all these journalists are talking about now. Whatever hoax the Democrats hatched last week has been totally forgotten, and now it's on to THIS CRAPOLA FEST.

Yes, surprisingly even Tucker has been spreading the fear. So I've switched over again to Rush, who seems to be on the money with calling the Corona virus fear mongering for what it is.
Last December, president Trump was already doing everything he could to prevent the spread of Coronavirus into the US at the same time the Democrats were busy trying to kick him out of office....yet yesterday they claimed he was being irresponsible and incompetent.

Last week I predicted that Schumer and Pelosi would launch a campaign to make the virus seem like a worse problem than it was in yet another attempt to destroy the economy and remove Trump from office. With the help of our media....they launched their phony campaign. Almost every question at the press conference yesterday was about the Democrap's fearmongering about the spread of the virus.....and this is the shit they're talking.....and it's all a political campaign:

I don't even bother watching MSNBC anymore because I don't want to end up blowing a hole in my 55 inch TV. But even Faux News is spreading this nonsense. My wife is suffering from the early signs of dementia....and when I got home yesterday she was worried about the spread of this beer virus....because that's all these journalists are talking about now. Whatever hoax the Democrats hatched last week has been totally forgotten, and now it's on to THIS CRAPOLA FEST.

You think the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control are both controlled by the Democrats?
I think you need to give politics a break. I agree with you that the Democrats should not be using this health threat as a political football--there is no reason to criticize the administration's response when there has been minimal response needed so far. However, it is happy horseshit to say that only Democrats are worried about the virus.

How do you think the President did last night in his address on the virus? I didn't see it.
So, Dems are finally agreeing to close our borders and build the wall. What if Trump conquers the coronavirus like he said in 2020?


My choice for first lady in 2020.


Not these.
Last December, president Trump was already doing everything he could to prevent the spread of Coronavirus into the US at the same time the Democrats were busy trying to kick him out of office....yet yesterday they claimed he was being irresponsible and incompetent.

Last week I predicted that Schumer and Pelosi would launch a campaign to make the virus seem like a worse problem than it was in yet another attempt to destroy the economy and remove Trump from office. With the help of our media....they launched their phony campaign. Almost every question at the press conference yesterday was about the Democrap's fearmongering about the spread of the virus.....and this is the shit they're talking.....and it's all a political campaign:

I don't even bother watching MSNBC anymore because I don't want to end up blowing a hole in my 55 inch TV. But even Faux News is spreading this nonsense. My wife is suffering from the early signs of dementia....and when I got home yesterday she was worried about the spread of this beer virus....because that's all these journalists are talking about now. Whatever hoax the Democrats hatched last week has been totally forgotten, and now it's on to THIS CRAPOLA FEST.

You think the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control are both controlled by the Democrats?
I think you need to give politics a break. I agree with you that the Democrats should not be using this health threat as a political football--there is no reason to criticize the administration's response when there has been minimal response needed so far. However, it is happy horseshit to say that only Democrats are worried about the virus.

How do you think the President did last night in his address on the virus? I didn't see it.

Lady, I can see the same irresponsible buildup used by the Left in this as they used in Russian Collusion and every other hoax they dream up. Clearly it's timed to effect the election.

Imagine this.......the same political party that screwed up counting in the Iowa Caucus is telling us that Trump is a dumpster fire, when inf act THEY are just rolling out yet again another one of their chicken little routines.

One of the reasons Trump clearly stated for building THAT RACIST WALL was to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Guess what..... California has made sure that they have the distinction of having the first American to transmit the disease without spending time in China. So now reckless irresponsible open-border loving Democrats are spreading the disease.
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February 27, 2020
The Democrat response to the coronavirus is scarier than the virus
By Andrea Widburg

The Democrats claim Trump is mishandling the coronavirus threat and that they’d do better. They’re wrong. Their proposals are redundant, vapid, or dangerous.

During the recent debate, three candidates discussed coronavirus:

Amy Klobuchar urged treatment and quarantine – which is (a) obvious and (b) what Trump is doing. She accused Trump of ignoring the world (he hasn’t) and wants to improve education.

Biden did his inevitable “I already did that response,” referring to Ebola (which, thankfully for America, stayed in Africa).

Bernie Sanders accused Trump of idiocy for predicting the virus would end in April. What Trump said was that influenzas generally go away once winter ends, something that is scientifically correct. Bernie said he would work with WHO (which Trump has done).

In addition to those statements, all three say Trump cannot address coronavirus because he withdrew funds from the CDC and NIH.

On Wednesday, Pelosi issued a formal statement that also says Trump cannot fight the virus because he has shrunk government:

“The American people need a well-coordinated, whole-of-government, fully-funded response to keep them safe from the coronavirus threat. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration has mounted an opaque and chaotic response to this outbreak.

“The Trump Administration has left critical positions in charge of managing pandemics at the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security vacant. The Trump Budget called for slashing almost $700 million from the Centers for Disease Control. And even now, the Administration continues to devalue Americans’ health security by ransacking funding from other vital public health needs.

“The House will be advancing a strong, strategic funding package with transparency and accountability that fully addresses the scale and seriousness of this public health crisis.”

She held a short little press conference making the same point:

At a town hall on Wednesday, Elizabeth Warren insisted she’d stop work that is our southern border:

Warren seems to have forgotten that, when Obama allowed illegal immigrants to overrun America’s southern border, America was hit by a rash of contagious diseases that hadn’t been seen in America for decades.

Trump’s Thursday press conference destroyed this silliness. He attacked Pelosi for her unserious political attacks:

I think Speaker Pelosi is incompetent. She lost the Congress once. I think she's going to lose it again. I think she's incompetent and I think she's not thinking about the country. Instead of making a statement like that, where I've been beating her routinely, at everything, instead of making a statement like that she should be saying, “We have to work together because we have a big problem, potentially, and maybe it's going to be a very little problem, I hope that it's a very little problem, but we have to work together.” Instead she wants to do the same thing as crying Chuck's so bad for the country.

She's trying to create a panic and there's no reason to panic. All they're trying to do is get a political advantage, This isn't about political advantage. We're all trying to do the right thing.

He also explained that his decision to cut deadweight in government health departments during the good times in no way hampered his ability to call on their resources in times of crisis.

Lastly, Trump emphasized how helpful it had been that he’d quickly stopped flights from China. Moreover, the administration has started quarantining those people who were arriving from China. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar emphasized what a gift these actions have been to America:

Finally, we’ve been implementing the prudent policies the president announced last week to reduce the risk of transmission by travelers. We’ve implemented temporary quarantines of U.S. persons who have recently been to Hubei province, and we’ve asked for voluntary self-monitoring quarantines for U.S. persons who have recently been elsewhere in mainland China. We’ve required that all other individuals who have recently been to mainland China wait 14 days, the outer limit of the incubation period of the virus, before coming to the United States. These steps are a targeted approach aimed at slowing the virus’s spread to and within the United States, giving our government and the global community more time to take preparedness measures, understand the virus and develop medical countermeasures.

Trump is right about the Democrats. They offer nothing in the way of solutions and some of their plans -- such as weakening the border -- are actually counterproductive. They’re just talking in the hopes of diminishing Trump’s election chances, with no regard for the fact that they may be increasing the existential risk of epidemic disease in America.

A real hit piece, filled with the usual lies, half-truths, innuendos, rumors and character assassinations. A classic example of pointing fingers and putting blame on the Democrats. Anyone familiar with the American Thinker understands this internet blog is not to be trusted, and only the biddable (a shout out to Mud) take this and other Op-Ed's as credible.

Has anyone wondered why trump would appoint pence to be the lead on this serious illness, which maybe heading to be a pandemic? I expect pence will pray for the infected, since he likely doesn't have a degree or any experience in medicine.

In fact the Corona Virus is not a medical crisis to Pence and Trump, it is a political crisis and trump picked to control the issue and what is to be officially released to the public will be screened by Pence, not the head of the CDC.

Keep in mind, when Pence was Governor of Indian, he was opposed to allowing clean needles to be provided to his constituents which resulted in the largest number of HIV victims in our nation in Scott County; of course he later acted with an Executive Order in Scott County for a Needle Exchange.

I wonder if his politics will prevent needed methods only the CDC and WHO can provide until that too is too late.

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