Democrats, Islam and madness in America


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Muslim woman granted $85G after suing California police for removing her hijab

It's just an opinion of course, but this nation has gone mad. It's California so hopefully only the anti-American Democrat infested states would do this, but for a moment imagine a Christian had a bible with them in this same situation instead of a hijab. Do you think this would have ever made the news?
What are the odds of a Christian winning a lawsuit in California over their Bible being taken away or even a prayer cloth?

Many in this country are bent of promoting and protecting an anti-Christian agenda (big surprise right?)

Muslim woman granted $85G after suing California police for removing her hijab

I'm going to say this again....The United States Constitution is NOT compatible with every religion. It was created in a time when a muslim takeover of the nation was not even a thought or concept.

Allowing everyone to "interpret" the Constitution as they will is going to lead to the death of a nation.
Aren't we already seeing the beginnings of that clearly?

I am convinced that there will either be a Civil War to restore sanity and the Constitution.....or the USA will fade into a broken nation of lawlessness, chaos and secular violence. Diversity is a great idea....until you actually try it.

Maybe there will eventually be black states and white states, democrat states and republican states, hispanic states and muslim states etc...all demanding their own set of laws and having their own culture. Republicans are already fleeing California in droves while California contemplates succession.

As Islam spreads in the US, and their numbers grow only a fool would doubt that they will begin to DEMAND sharia law in places here in the USA. That is an extreme contradiction to our Constitution. It has already happened in a big way in the UK where Islam has been embraced.

Personally I am against the spread of Islam in the US because it simply is not compatible with the American way of life. But by no means against blacks, hispanics or whites (as long as they are decent people).
Let the caterwauling begin. Hope the police rip the headgear off a nun. That would be different though.
Let the caterwauling begin. Hope the police rip the headgear off a nun. That would be different though.

Hijab just an FYI has nothing to do with Islam. Neither does a burqa. They are not traditional dress.

This is like when some backwater inbred redneck white trash trailer dwelling hillbilly wants to "inform" me about black folk hon. If it ain't a deal then clean yourself up and get into some fresh drawers.
Muslim woman granted $85G after suing California police for removing her hijab

It's just an opinion of course, but this nation has gone mad. It's California so hopefully only the anti-American Democrat infested states would do this, but for a moment imagine a Christian had a bible with them in this same situation instead of a hijab. Do you think this would have ever made the news?
What are the odds of a Christian winning a lawsuit in California over their Bible being taken away or even a prayer cloth?

Many in this country are bent of promoting and protecting an anti-Christian agenda (big surprise right?)

Muslim woman granted $85G after suing California police for removing her hijab

I'm going to say this again....The United States Constitution is NOT compatible with every religion. It was created in a time when a muslim takeover of the nation was not even a thought or concept.

Allowing everyone to "interpret" the Constitution as they will is going to lead to the death of a nation.
Aren't we already seeing the beginnings of that clearly?

I am convinced that there will either be a Civil War to restore sanity and the Constitution.....or the USA will fade into a broken nation of lawlessness, chaos and secular violence. Diversity is a great idea....until you actually try it.

Maybe there will eventually be black states and white states, democrat states and republican states, hispanic states and muslim states etc...all demanding their own set of laws and having their own culture. Republicans are already fleeing California in droves while California contemplates succession.

As Islam spreads in the US, and their numbers grow only a fool would doubt that they will begin to DEMAND sharia law in places here in the USA. That is an extreme contradiction to our Constitution. It has already happened in a big way in the UK where Islam has been embraced.

Personally I am against the spread of Islam in the US because it simply is not compatible with the American way of life. But by no means against blacks, hispanics or whites (as long as they are decent people).
Whoever Changes Language Changes Thought

Even the very word "Muslim" is an appeasement. It was unnecessarily and forcibly changed from "Moslem," but few noticed and nobody asked why. To aggravate their arrogance, the Illiterate Language Lords spelled it so that the first syllable gets mispronounced "Muzz" instead of "Moose." How did these pushy dummies get into such influential positions?
That progressives embrace Islam is nothing short of bizarre.
Whole Lot of Sheiking Going On

No, it's perfectly consistent with their goal of frustrating the will of the majority and tearing the country apart. Besides, they don't really believe that sharia law will be ever be applied them, because their fellow hereditary ruling classes in the Moslem countries don't bother following it.
Hijab just an FYI has nothing to do with Islam. Neither does a burqa. They are not traditional dress.

The burka isn't a religious requirement but the hijab is. Muhammad was asked about how much a woman should reveal of her body. He pointed to his hands and his face.

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