Democrats Hold the Senate, as Cortez Masto Ekes Out a Victory in Nevada

Democrats sealed control of the Senate on Saturday as Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada narrowly defeated Adam Laxalt, a Republican former state attorney general, a decisive moment in an extraordinary midterm election in which Democrats defied historical patterns and predictions of major losses.

The Georgia runoff between Walker and Warnoff will determine if the Democrats come out with a bigger majority than they had before the election.

Democrats Hold the Senate, as Cortez Masto Ekes Out a Victory in Nevada​

But but but….you’re a fiscal conservative…..remember? may be the weakest debater I have ever seen in a political forum.

Please, show us another example.

So call the fucking cops.

I'll put on a pot of coffee and unlock the front door and when they get here, we'll enjoy a cup of coffee and have a good laugh reading some of YOUR posts!

Tell them to just come on in and come down to the basement. I'm looking forward to it.

The Biden Administration is attempting to make America Great Again, not rusting away as it has been when a Republican Party is in power of the Senate and H. or Rep.

You wonder why the election of 2022 resulted as it has, it's the BIG LIES that they feed to get their votes. Did any Republican Pol in The Congress, the State Governors' or in State Legislatures even suggest anything but negativity and clichés?
So call the fucking cops.

I'll put on a pot of coffee and unlock the front door and when they get here, we'll enjoy a cup of coffee and have a good laugh reading some of YOUR posts!

Tell them to just come on in and come down to the basement.
Thank you. You always come through. Lol.
I don't care how either party looks, I care about stopping the spending and it needs to be done by stopping the spending and raising taxes on all of us, we got ourselve into this mess and we need to get ourselves out. Biden's agenda is just more spending which will add to the problem, I am glad he won't get his spending agenda passed.

Yes, I know you live in mortal terror that the Billionaires might have to pay their fair share.
Seriously? Biden is the cause of inflation, the USA is the most powerful nation on earth Care4all, he is the root cause

All Biden has to do is wave his hand and the war in Ukraine would be over.

It's cute and disingenuous when they try to convince us that they don't know this.

No it means what cutting spending and raising taxes. We need to cut spending across the board starting with corporate welfare and defense, then move to other cuts, then raise taxes on everyone. We got ourselves into this and we need to get ourselves out of it. I don't think all people are idiots, just partisans that think binary.

Or we can just make the rich pay there fair share.

There really isn't anything to "cut".
"shaming" doesn't work.

You shamed the hell out of us for covid and we were right about everything.

But go on. Waste your time

No moronic leftist vermin shamed me for a minute. NOT ONE FUCKING MINUTE. I knew from about the fifth day that we were looking at a total scam.

But it was entertaining to watch them piss themselves with the fear that their TV's fed to them.

I loved taunting the idiots who bought the whole covid lie hook, line and sinker. Made a couple of twenty-something soibois on the bus actually cry with fear! Those were good days.

God, it was fun!
Some taxes are worthless, and some are necessary. When dollars create public parks, public transportations and fixing bridges, dams, roads, tunnels and damages to our nation's infrastructure a result of hurricanes and tornados every year, billions are wasted building when two of the little pigs rebuilt them with same materials.
The issue is Washington DC is full of the two little pigs and no smart pigs.
No moronic leftist vermin shamed me for a minute. NOT ONE FUCKING MINUTE. I knew from about the fifth day that we were looking at a total scam.

But it was entertaining to watch them piss themselves with the fear that their TV's fed to them.

I loved taunting the idiots who bought the whole covid lie hook, line and sinker. Made a couple of twenty-something soibois on the bus actually cry with fear! Those were good days.

God, it was fun!
:itsok: So salty.

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