Democrats have a problem with Black male voters. VP Kamala Harris is quietly trying to fix it.

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
I think it’s hilarious that USA Today thinks that getting 87% of the black male vote is a “problem.”

USA Today

Democrats have a problem with Black male voters. VP Kamala Harris is quietly trying to fix it.

January 26, 2023

During the 2020 presidential election 95% of Black women voted for Biden while 87% of Black men voted for him, according to the Pew Research Center.
I think it’s hilarious that USA Today thinks that getting 87% of the black male vote is a “problem.”

USA Today

Democrats have a problem with Black male voters. VP Kamala Harris is quietly trying to fix it.

January 26, 2023

During the 2020 presidential election 95% of Black women voted for Biden while 87% of Black men voted for him, according to the Pew Research Center.
You obviously didn't read your own link. Or you didn't comprehend it.
Khlamydia is getting a little long in the tooth to service a few million young black men, but I'm sure her handlers appreciate the effort.

kamala muscle memory.jpg
I think it’s hilarious that USA Today thinks that getting 87% of the black male vote is a “problem.”

Actually - if you're a Democrat stooge - it is indeed a problem.

And that is because they rely disproportionately on this demographic. Everyone knows it, but they're seeing their support even here slowly eroding - and in some cases moving in the precise opposite direction. (Thus, black conservatives are "Uncle Toms" - see Clarence Thomas, or "black voices of white supremacy" - see Larry Elder.)

In fact, if that number for black males was extrapolated out to include black women, the Democrats would never win another election again. (Without cheating, of course.)

And the Republicans don't even need black women, although I'm sure they'd love to win more of their votes.

All they need is the black male vote for Dems to fall below the low 80s and it's lights out for the commies.

And this scares the hell out of them.
I dont' see how Kamala is going to bring in the black male vote. I'm not a black male so correct me if I'm wrong, but she strikes me as exactly the kind of half-black Aunt Tomisa that sucks up to whites to gain status over blacks so she can Karen them. I'm sure every black guy and likely most white and brown guys had a couple of hated teachers who were just like her.

What is she going to do, brag about all the black guys that she and the Big Guy put in prison for life?

Black women voted for Biden more than black men becuase women in general vote Democrat more than men. Democrats appeal to unmarried women because they promise to be the reliable provider that they have been unable to find on
She sucked her way to the top....Something that the feminists of yore would have found appalling.

But it's all (D)ifferent now.

As far as I know she had sex with one person that might be considered that. Are you arguing this is inconceivable that they simply might have had an attraction?

Do you condemn Melania for the same thing?
I have lots of issues with Harris but none of them are the idea that as a woman she had sex.

It's not the sex, it's the sex used to garner political patronage.

Put bluntly: She fucked and sucked her way to the tippety top.

Kind of ironic that now she's supposed to be the face of female empowerment.

If you're so politically incorrect as to deign to define "female" of course...
It's not the sex, it's the sex used to garner political patronage.

Put bluntly: She fucked and sucked her way to the tippety top.

Kind of ironic that now she's supposed to be the face of female empowerment.

If you're so politically incorrect as to deign to define "female" of course...

I think you are accusing her of something without any evidence.

What would you call what Melania did?
As far as I know she had sex with one person that might be considered that. Are you arguing this is inconceivable that they simply might have had an attraction?

Do you condemn Melania for the same thing?
As far as we know......

Melania married Trump and was nowhere near the levers of national power.....Apples and submarines.
As far as we know......

Melania married Trump and was nowhere near the levers of national power.....Apples and submarines.

Sex to improve your position in life is sex to improve your position. You show that all you care about doing is calling someone a whore over their politics.

I find that quite sad.
Sex to improve your position in life is sex to improve your position. You show that all you care about doing is calling someone a whore over their politics.

I find that quite sad.
Difference being that one could possibly have her hands on the power of war and peace and the nuclear codes, while the other can just be scoffed at as a gold digger.

One is benign, while the other horrifying.

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