Democrats Flee to Distance Themselves From Obamacare


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Democrats Scramble to Distance Themselves from Obamacare

With the 2014 midterm elections just a year away, nervous Democrats have begun distancing themselves from what Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius now calls the Obamacare "debacle."

"Our guys are frustrated by Obama's unforced errors," a Senate Democrat aide told Reuters on Wednesday. "How could the president not be ready for the rollout?"

Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN) expressed frustration last week with the Obama Administration's failed rollout of Obama's signature legislative achievement.

"Some of us, myself included, are somewhat resentful [and] upset about the apparent incompetency in designing and rolling this thing out," said Nolan. "Who was it that said we are going to go ahead knowing it doesn't work? I would fire that person."

The number four Democrat in the House, Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), said, "I absolutely believe that somebody should be held accountable."

Other Democrats now say they agree with Republicans that a delay of the individual mandate may be the only way to salvage the disaster and save face.

"I think the administration is going to have to look at it [delay of the individual mandate]. and I'd encourage them to do so," said Rep. Gene Green (D-TX).

So, I guess the Democrats that are doing this 180 will now publicly apologize to Ted Cruz for slamming on the guy for simply telling the TRUTH about Obamacare?

Yeah, I wont hold my breath.

Meantime, Ted Cruzes warning about the way the ACA will interact with the proposed Immigration Reform bill has not slowed these bastards down one fraction of a second. Knowing that PRI immigrants will not be required to have Obamacare, and thus exempt the employers from the effectively $5000 per employee fines, and thus give employers a huge tax bonus to hire illegal aliens instead of American citizens or legal immigrants.

Why do these corporate thugs and whores have to wait until those proven more knowledgeable are proven right YET AGAIN and the public harmed yet again?

Wait, I just answered my own question.
Let's hope that this latest lie isn't believed by the low information voting public.
I hope President Elect Cruz does numerous ads in Spanish next summer, revealing all of the lies spewed by Democrats who take latino's for complete incompetent baffoons who just vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name. And ask them if they are richer than they were in 2008!
I hope President Elect Cruz does numerous ads in Spanish next summer, revealing all of the lies spewed by Democrats who take latino's for complete incompetent baffoons who just vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name. And ask them if they are richer than they were in 2008!

That's only about 60% or so, and that likely includes the illegals.

I think the Dims have been busy alienating Hispanics from the main stream American culture for decades now. For example this myth that Hispanics are not white. They are white, as in a good number of them are genetically close to 100% of Euro origin, and the Euro-Amerindian mix has long been considered white, such as many of the wealthiest families in Virginia and Texas are considered white though they have mixed heritage with Amerindian blood.

There is no reason to consider Hispanics anything other than white unless they have a lot of African heritage, and even then almost everyone of them are still mostly white and could easily pass as white.

That the bureau of the Census would have Hispanic as a separate racial category is just appalling racism
I didn't think I would ever hear it from my husbands lips, but today he said "Obama is a liar. He flat out lied to everyone about his Obamacare. I hate liars".

So...another one bites the dust for poor ol Obama. Worst president ever.
The Dem's are becoming like that scene from Monty Pythons "Holy Grail". I forgot the scenario, just remember a bunch of fairy's running away from an army, and the leader screaming,,,,Run Away!! Run Away !!!!
They should run. The truth about the sign ups is now out. The first day six people signed up. It's still less than 300.
I hate having to wait another 12/14 months before President Elect Cruz makes his announcement, and he better make it in a 100,000 stadium full of every species of Latino's !! the White Hispanics, the Black Hispanics, The Redskin Hispanics, The Dark Brown Skinned Hispanics, The Mexicans, Porto Reecans,,,etc ect, etc !!! then lets see if MSNBC reports the event!
If they're distancing themselves from Obamacare, why they voted NAY on repealing the law?

I believe if comes to the vote again, they will still vote NAY.
The Dem's are becoming like that scene from Monty Pythons "Holy Grail". I forgot the scenario, just remember a bunch of fairy's running away from an army, and the leader screaming,,,,Run Away!! Run Away !!!!

They were running away from a seemingly benign bunny ... until it started ruthlessly coming at you with fangs ready to shred you apart.

Quite apropos.
Ame®icano;8080859 said:
If they're distancing themselves from Obamacare, why they voted NAY on repealing the law?

I believe if comes to the vote again, they will still vote NAY.

Yes, this ^^^. Here's where we find out once and for all if we really have two opposing parties or one party pretending to be two parties. When there was no chance of repealing or defunding the PPACA the House GOP kept trying to do it anyway. Now that there's a chance so far I've heard nothing from them about it and I don't expect to.
Ame®icano;8080859 said:
If they're distancing themselves from Obamacare, why they voted NAY on repealing the law?

I believe if comes to the vote again, they will still vote NAY.

Yes, this ^^^. Here's where we find out once and for all if we really have two opposing parties or one party pretending to be two parties. When there was no chance of repealing or defunding the PPACA the House GOP kept trying to do it anyway. Now that there's a chance so far I've heard nothing from them about it and I don't expect to.

I was thinking exactly that. I believe that the big gov Rs want this, despite their claims otherwise. It puts more power into the hands of government, why wouldn't they want it?

Now is the time to roll out 'repeal and replace' but so far, I've heard nothing . . . and that speaks volumes.
Ame®icano;8080859 said:
If they're distancing themselves from Obamacare, why they voted NAY on repealing the law?

I believe if comes to the vote again, they will still vote NAY.

They did not have to vote to repeal, but only to allow exemptions for those who need it for a while and to go into a reconciliation conference where the parts that have turned out to be particularly repugnant and/or heavy handed can be revised.

For example, change the ban on substandard insurance policies to a requirement for warning messages to be prominently displayed, such as 'This insurance policy fails minimum federal standards due to: high deductibles, low benefit maximum of $50 per incident, and failure to accept 80% of the practicing physicians in its state on its coverage policy,' etc, that sort of thing and let people have an informed choice and not simply strip from them coverage they want to keep, you know, LIKE THE PRESIDENT PROMISED THE WHOLE DAMNED COUNTRY.
Obamacare Democrats are in for a shellacking in 14 and again in 16. Go ahead give us your best go nominate Chris Christie with Hillary as VP we'll destroy them in a 55, 56 state sweep
Obamacare Democrats are in for a shellacking in 14 and again in 16. Go ahead give us your best go nominate Chris Christie with Hillary as VP we'll destroy them in a 55, 56 state sweep

Not if the GOP nominates another RINO like Romney. Swing voters do not like RINOs very much, despite all the 'middle of the road' analysis. RINOs consistently lose elections while conservatives or candidates that have a conservative track record and talk conservative, they win; Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Younger are the only Republican 2 term Presidents and all three had a consistent conservative rhetoric and a general record to match.

Romney hasn't had a conservative thought that wasn't on a teleprompter in his life.
The Dem's are becoming like that scene from Monty Pythons "Holy Grail". I forgot the scenario, just remember a bunch of fairy's running away from an army, and the leader screaming,,,,Run Away!! Run Away !!!!

[ame=]Holy Grail - Killer Bunny - YouTube[/ame]
You guys are underestimating the lefts commitment to their idealism.
They do not see this the same way as we do. The left will be even more determined to roll out a single payer system. They will not see this as a failure, they will see this as another reason why single payer is what we need.
If you look at the comments of the leftist talking heads on TV about the incredible numbers between Medicaid signups and true ACA sign ups - leftist seeing 56,000 sign up for Medicaid in just two days IS A VICTORY for ACA - not a failure.
These people cannot critically think folks.
does anyone really believe that Hispanics will only give Cruz about 25% of their vote? he has two years to campaign with them, filling up rallies in all purple states. "The Presidente Cruz Tour !!!".

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