Democrats first resolution NOOOOOOOPE

That didn’t happen. Again, if you stop lying, the case against Biden crumbles.
So what did joe say ? Lol
He acted for our country.

Trump acted for his campaign.
Protecting his sons cash flow is not American lol it’s money laundering
trump never said anything about personal interest, but biden did and this fk doesn't see it. dude, that's all anyone needs to know.
So why ask for an investigation in Joe Biden? Would this investigation tarnish Biden in the election? If so, who would that benefit?
I have no fking idea. but if he illegally used tax payer money for his own personal gain, then i want his ass in jail. You can still vote for him. I don't see how it nullifies your vote. explain that to me.
Yes he absolutely does TDS boy and commie patriot.

Putin is your man because you have TDS, remember when tRUMP said he believes Putin over the Intelligence agencies of the US.

Wow Adam shit head looks pissed
Elections have consequences

Republicans 1
Democrats 0

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
No Do Overs for You.
Go Tell Putin it doesn't work that way.
Trump hit a bulls-eye
Yes he absolutely does TDS boy and commie patriot.

Putin is your man because you have TDS, remember when tRUMP said he believes Putin over the Intelligence agencies of the US.

Wow Adam shit head looks pissed
Elections have consequences

Republicans 1
Democrats 0

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
No Do Overs for You.
Go Tell Putin it doesn't work that way.
Trump hit a bulls-eye
yes he did. he proved that our intelligence agencies spied on americans. that's worse than anything putin could ever do.
The worst that your boy Putin can do...! Are you really that ignorant or are you just f*cking stupid.
Ok. I get it you are both.
Commie boy.

Yes he absolutely does TDS boy and commie patriot.

Putin is your man because you have TDS, remember when tRUMP said he believes Putin over the Intelligence agencies of the US.

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
No Do Overs for You.
Go Tell Putin it doesn't work that way.
Trump hit a bulls-eye
yes he did. he proved that our intelligence agencies spied on americans. that's worse than anything putin could ever do.
The worst that your boy Putin can do...! Are you really that ignorant or are you just f*cking stupid.
Ok. I get it you are both.
Commie boy.

Yes he absolutely does TDS boy and commie patriot.

Putin is your man because you have TDS, remember when tRUMP said he believes Putin over the Intelligence agencies of the US.

No Do Overs for You.
Go Tell Putin it doesn't work that way.
Trump hit a bulls-eye
yes he did. he proved that our intelligence agencies spied on americans. that's worse than anything putin could ever do.
so you agree the agencies spied on americans. Nothing can be worse than that.
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.

Sorry Dude....people don't prove innocence...accusers must prove guilt.
They cannot...



So if you were on trial & you had proof of innocence, you would remain silent?
sure! when someone doesn't have anything to prove your guilt, which is our rule of law, why would I? It's on them to pursue getting me convicted.

Trump will always be guilty to them.

Trump is a piece of shit.

He did it.

I know it.

You know it

Trup knows it

Republicans in the Senate know it.

Hence the " So what" defense.
You know bursimia wa raided in 2016 then joe demanded shokin get fired? Lol
Allow me to introduce you to American justice. You are innocent until proven guilty. It's on you and your ilk to prove Trump guilty. To date, that hasn't happened. Accusations and innuendo isn't proof. You are going to need more than general claims of abuse of power. If that's the best you've got, why didn't you impeach Obama when he admitted that his DACA ruling was unconstitutional?

It hasn’t happened because Trump is allowed to conceal the truth.

If one of us ignored all subpoenas in an investigation, we’d be in jail.
Again......let me introduce you to the American justice system. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. It is up to the prosecution to prove their case, not the defendant to prove his innocence. You're not very good at this. Have you spent much time in our great nation?

So, the only thing Trump could testify to would incriminate him.
Does it physically hurt to be THAT stoopid? Every time you type a post, you put your ignorance on display. Go back to junior high and take a civics class. I realize you guys admire socialism and communism, but our justice system operates differently than that. No one is required to testify against themselves. Moron.

If Trump has evidence that he is innocent, why would he hide it?

If you admired our country & the Constitution, you would not be here supporting Trump.
Your willful ignorance is astounding. Have you found that walking around with your head up your ass has worked for you as a life strategy? So far I'm not impressed with your lack of understanding of how the justice system works. Perhaps you should use the google machine on the interwebs and educate yourself before making yourself look like an idiot.
It hasn’t happened because Trump is allowed to conceal the truth.

If one of us ignored all subpoenas in an investigation, we’d be in jail.
Again......let me introduce you to the American justice system. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. It is up to the prosecution to prove their case, not the defendant to prove his innocence. You're not very good at this. Have you spent much time in our great nation?

So, the only thing Trump could testify to would incriminate him.
Does it physically hurt to be THAT stoopid? Every time you type a post, you put your ignorance on display. Go back to junior high and take a civics class. I realize you guys admire socialism and communism, but our justice system operates differently than that. No one is required to testify against themselves. Moron.

If Trump has evidence that he is innocent, why would he hide it?

If you admired our country & the Constitution, you would not be here supporting Trump.
Your willful ignorance is astounding. Have you found that walking around with your head up your ass has worked for you as a life strategy? So far I'm not impressed with your lack of understanding of how the justice system works. Perhaps you should use the google machine on the interwebs and educate yourself before making yourself look like an idiot.
Nice try but you failed to answer anything.

I understand that the accused need not provide any defense. I have asked why they would not present evidence than exonerated them.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.

This is never going to lead to removal. Anything less than removal will be screamed at as unfair and corrupt even if it's not. They believe the election was unfair and corrupt to begin with. The Level of confirmation bias has reached total mental and emotional blindness. No amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. They would not even believe their own eyes if it was there to see. The Republicans must keep moving forward and thank God they have the majority otherwise a gross Injustice would be taking place right now.

Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.
Sooooooooo.... you didn't either else you would know that the Republicans were there & could ask questions. Republicans wanted witnesses that had nothing to add or to try to push the investigation to others. Like the whistleblower, only to find out his identity. Biden & Biden's son, who had nothing to do with Trump's bribe attempt.

The House was an investigation, not a trial. The Senate is holding a trial.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible.
a juror isn't allowed to ask for witnesses. when did that change in our due process system? you're merely mistaken friend. Jurors are to be impartial on the evidence presented by a prosecutor. I dare you to show me where it is different. When the prosecutor states he needs additional witnesses, tells me he doesn't believe in his own evidence. Why should I? In fact, after schitt's making that statement, any senator that votes for the articles is not acting impartial.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.

This is never going to lead to removal. Anything less than removal will be screamed at as unfair and corrupt even if it's not. They believe the election was unfair and corrupt to begin with. The Level of confirmation bias has reached total mental and emotional blindness. No amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. They would not even believe their own eyes if it was there to see. The Republicans must keep moving forward and thank God they have the majority otherwise a gross Injustice would be taking place right now.


If the President refuses to turn over the documents that he said he had & the only evidence presented is what the Democrats present, then a vote for removal is called for. There would be no evidence exonerating Trump.

A vote not to remove would be a violation of their oath & a cover up.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.

This is never going to lead to removal. Anything less than removal will be screamed at as unfair and corrupt even if it's not. They believe the election was unfair and corrupt to begin with. The Level of confirmation bias has reached total mental and emotional blindness. No amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. They would not even believe their own eyes if it was there to see. The Republicans must keep moving forward and thank God they have the majority otherwise a gross Injustice would be taking place right now.


If the President refuses to turn over the documents that he said he had & the only evidence presented is what the Democrats present, then a vote for removal is called for. There would be no evidence exonerating Trump.

A vote not to remove would be a violation of their oath & a cover up.

It's not going to happen dude. It's a Mexican standoff there are too many dirty politicians that stand to lose. This will go away the same way it came in as a great big nothing Burger. You're trying to impeach somebody for crimes that are committed every day of the week on every level of government. It doesn't matter what the law says... They are all law breakers. The only way this could happen is if they could start the process with impunity but I'm telling you right now they cannot. You want everything to be as if it was in a perfect world but you only want it this one time and in this one situation other than that you do not want it and trust me neither do they.

Last edited:
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible.
a juror isn't allowed to ask for witnesses. when did that change in our due process system? you're merely mistaken friend.
It was discussed before the Senate. Schumer made motions for certain witnesses. He is a juror. Republicans voted them down, they are jurors. I guess that makes your post dumber than shit.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.

This is never going to lead to removal. Anything less than removal will be screamed at as unfair and corrupt even if it's not. They believe the election was unfair and corrupt to begin with. The Level of confirmation bias has reached total mental and emotional blindness. No amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. They would not even believe their own eyes if it was there to see. The Republicans must keep moving forward and thank God they have the majority otherwise a gross Injustice would be taking place right now.


If the President refuses to turn over the documents that he said he had & the only evidence presented is what the Democrats present, then a vote for removal is called for. There would be no evidence exonerating Trump.

A vote not to remove would be a violation of their oath & a cover up.

It's not going to happen dude. It's a Mexican standoff there are too many dirty politicians that stand to lose. This will go away the same way it came in as a great big nothing Burger. You're trying to impeach somebody for crimes that are committed every day of the week on every level of government. It doesn't matter what the law says... They are all law breakers. The only way this could happen is if they could start the process with impunity but I'm telling you right now they cannot.

So "the everyone does it" approach.

I'll use it the next time I get pulled over for speeding.
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible. didn't watch the proceedings in the House? Dolt.
Sooooooooo.... you didn't either else you would know that the Republicans were there & could ask questions. Republicans wanted witnesses that had nothing to add or to try to push the investigation to others. Like the whistleblower, only to find out his identity. Biden & Biden's son, who had nothing to do with Trump's bribe attempt.

The House was an investigation, not a trial. The Senate is holding a trial.
too fking funny, the fact is, why do the left need more witnesses? isn't their presented articles overwhelming? why then would they need more witnesses? fk anything about the repubs and that they weren't allowed to bring in witnesses. you know that's so. you know it. you can't make it so, no matter how many times you wish to say it. wrong. but what you can comment on is why there are witnesses needed by the left? OVERWHELMING those articles. Are those legitimate or not? wasn't there a vote? shouldn't the evidence stand as voted on?
Wow Adam shit head looks pissed
Elections have consequences

Republicans 1
Democrats 0

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
Evidence of what? Making leftist traitors cry?
Republicans are violating their oaths they just took. An impartial juror would want as much evidence as possible.
a juror isn't allowed to ask for witnesses. when did that change in our due process system? you're merely mistaken friend.
It was discussed before the Senate. Schumer made motions for certain witnesses. He is a juror. Republicans voted them down, they are jurors. I guess that makes your post dumber than shit.
he's a juror, he doesn't get to ask for witnesses. I said that already. where do jurors get to ask for witnesses? Isn't the evidence within the articles that were presented? Are you saying the left fked up? just say it if you think they need additional witnesses.
So, this proves there are no documents in the White House that would clear Trump.
why didn't schitt's go to court and find out? it's his impeachment proceedings that you all are now saying failed. I agree. bigly in fact.
They have evidence.

I guess the decision will be based on all the already gathered evidence from all those witness who had testified that Trump did it.
Yessssss……..and Schitt's going to show you any day now just like he was over the last few years. Oh, and Schitt promises not to cum in our mouth. He'll also respect you in the morning. Rube.

Arte you just stupid? The evidence already presented shows that Trump withheld aid to get a announcement about Biden.

As for Schiff cumming in your mouth, that is your fantasy. Not mine.
BTW, the fact that schitt's is asking to bring in additional witnesses is a white flag!! Surrender that he didn't do his own job. too fking funny. now, he wants to play the shame game, when he is the one shamed. by his own mthr fking words. hahaahhaahahahahaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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