Democrats’ election platform demands end to ‘forever wars’ — most of which were launched last time Biden held office

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
The pro-Russian RT press as usual has some interesting things to say about U.S. foreign policy. Here is an attack on the Democratic Party’s endless hypocrisy over “ending endless wars.” The Bernie Sander’s “left” wing of the party has here gotten a nod, but no promises.

Of course Baby Bush originated the great fiasco in Iraq (which Obama opposed) and Donald Trump himself (with his aide Pompeo) has almost doubled the number of U.S. troops in the Greater Middle East. Furthermore, this administration has increased the use of secondary and extraterritorial sanctions (and financial exclusion from the worldwide SWIFT banking clearing house) as new “weapons of war.” An “October surprise“ announcement of troop withdrawals from Afghanistan is still possible, however. Article excerpt follows:

The Democratic Party’s 2020 electoral platform includes a call to end the US’ “forever wars” - which sounds great, except that a Democratic president started many of those wars and the party has stonewalled efforts to end them.

“Democrats know it’s time to bring nearly two decades of unceasing conflict to an end,” the platform, released in draft form on Monday and expected to be approved by Democratic leaders later this week, reads.

It’s a relatively uncontroversial statement in itself: at nearly 19 years and counting, the US war in Afghanistan is the longest conflict in American history. The various satellite wars that have sprung up as part of the “War on Terror” have devastated large swathes of the Middle East - and the US itself, which has spent upwards of $6 trillion on fighting them while much of the country slid into a permanent recession - over the past two decades.

However, the responsibility for many of those satellite conflicts lies with Democrat Barack Obama’s administration, which liberally bombed Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia in addition to Afghanistan and Iraq, turning the already-disastrous two-front War on Terror of his predecessor George W. Bush into a regional quagmire. Democratic candidate Joe Biden was Obama’s vice president, cheering those wars on and defending his boss’ decisions. Now, the party wants Americans to believe only he can put an end to them...

Democrats’ election platform demands end to ‘forever wars’ — most of which were launched last time Biden held office
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Dick Chaney was VP ... the War in Afghanistan was already 6 years old when Biden replaced him ...

What's the point of making things up when so much of what Biden actually does is more than enough? ...
It is "passing strange" that one party in the duopoly would dare to bring this up. There is no escaping that recriminations are going to cling to both sides, so it furthers neither.
The entire Syria situation sums up how fubar a thing can get. The U.S. had a major hand in it getting this way, though others come close to just as unconscionably stupid.
Truly, Biden getting a pass on Iraq (and H. Clinton as well) is such a whopper that his whole party sacrifices credibility with these choices.
Dick Chaney was VP ... the War in Afghanistan was already 6 years old when Biden replaced him ...

What's the point of making things up when so much of what Biden actually does is more than enough? ...
Agreed. But I did warn everybody this is a RT pro-Russian propaganda piece. The Russian media, like the U.S. mainstream media, is not exactly scrupulous with facts. But then, to be fair, the Afghan U.S. involvement really goes back to Carter & Reagan, and Obama’s “surge” in Afghanistan was truly modeled after Bush’s supposedly successful one in Iraq.

It really ain’t easy being the single great imperialist power in the world, the world’s self-appointed policeman. One would think we might find a reasonable way of allowing other great powers to share the burden ... and the supposed “glory”!
So the Dems want to copy President Trump’s foreign policy.

At east they are admitting he is right. But does anyone trust they will actually follow through?

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