Democrats elect another stellar social justice warrior


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Virtue signalers reign supreme, with the help of the media, of course. It's the only way they can keep things going like they are

Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California has been accused by a former staffer of denigrating people for "reporting sexual harassment" and of other demeaning remarks.

These claims come just days after text messages leaked indicating Porter may have fired a staffer over her COVID-19 diagnosis.

What are the details?

The Huffington Post noted in 2018 that Porter, endorsed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Vice President Kamala Harris, was previously in an abusive relationship and subjected to sexual harassment at home.

Despite Porter's possible personal insights into the gravity of the issue, one of her former staffers, Sasha Georgiades, indicated that the Democratic congresswoman berated at least one other staffer who had reported sexual harassment in her office, reported Fox News Digital.

A U.S. Navy veteran and former Wounded Warrior fellow for Porter, Georgiades suggested the congresswoman "ridiculed people for reporting sexual harassment."

Georgiades said one staffer, who has yet to "file anything with [the] ethics committee," spoke about the matter of sexual harassment in the congresswoman's office with Porter personally.

Porter "basically told the individual to grow up," said Georgiades, prompting the staffer to leave her post shortly thereafter.

Extra to allegedly dissuading people from highlighting potential abuse in her office, Georgiades said Porter "made fun of individuals whose parents passed away from COVID."

While COVID suffered by others may be a laughing matter for the Democrat representative, the laughing evidently stops at her front door. TheBlaze previously reported that Georgiades was apparently fired over her COVID-19 diagnosis that led to Porter's infection.

A leaked text message exchange appears to show Porter ousting the Navy veteran — who for two years served her office — over her alleged "failure to follow office policies."

The Twitter account Dear White Staffers, allegedly operated by black and indigenous congressional staffers, shared the messages:
Blah, what disgusting land whale.


Virtue signalers reign supreme, with the help of the media, of course. It's the only way they can keep things going like they are

Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California has been accused by a former staffer of denigrating people for "reporting sexual harassment" and of other demeaning remarks.

These claims come just days after text messages leaked indicating Porter may have fired a staffer over her COVID-19 diagnosis.

What are the details?

The Huffington Post noted in 2018 that Porter, endorsed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Vice President Kamala Harris, was previously in an abusive relationship and subjected to sexual harassment at home.

Despite Porter's possible personal insights into the gravity of the issue, one of her former staffers, Sasha Georgiades, indicated that the Democratic congresswoman berated at least one other staffer who had reported sexual harassment in her office, reported Fox News Digital.

A U.S. Navy veteran and former Wounded Warrior fellow for Porter, Georgiades suggested the congresswoman "ridiculed people for reporting sexual harassment."

Georgiades said one staffer, who has yet to "file anything with [the] ethics committee," spoke about the matter of sexual harassment in the congresswoman's office with Porter personally.

Porter "basically told the individual to grow up," said Georgiades, prompting the staffer to leave her post shortly thereafter.

Extra to allegedly dissuading people from highlighting potential abuse in her office, Georgiades said Porter "made fun of individuals whose parents passed away from COVID."

While COVID suffered by others may be a laughing matter for the Democrat representative, the laughing evidently stops at her front door. TheBlaze previously reported that Georgiades was apparently fired over her COVID-19 diagnosis that led to Porter's infection.

A leaked text message exchange appears to show Porter ousting the Navy veteran — who for two years served her office — over her alleged "failure to follow office policies."

The Twitter account Dear White Staffers, allegedly operated by black and indigenous congressional staffers, shared the messages:
Santos lied about every aspect of his life and repubs still elected him, and you've got the nerve to whine about Porter? That's dumber than usual.
Santos lied about every aspect of his life and repubs still elected him, and you've got the nerve to whine about Porter? That's dumber than usual.
The model is Fetterman

You can't complete a sentence and still get elected.

He literally does not have enough cognitive function to even try to lie if he wanted to.
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Virtue signalers reign supreme, with the help of the media, of course. It's the only way they can keep things going like they are

Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California has been accused by a former staffer of denigrating people for "reporting sexual harassment" and of other demeaning remarks.

These claims come just days after text messages leaked indicating Porter may have fired a staffer over her COVID-19 diagnosis.

What are the details?

The Huffington Post noted in 2018 that Porter, endorsed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Vice President Kamala Harris, was previously in an abusive relationship and subjected to sexual harassment at home.

Despite Porter's possible personal insights into the gravity of the issue, one of her former staffers, Sasha Georgiades, indicated that the Democratic congresswoman berated at least one other staffer who had reported sexual harassment in her office, reported Fox News Digital.

A U.S. Navy veteran and former Wounded Warrior fellow for Porter, Georgiades suggested the congresswoman "ridiculed people for reporting sexual harassment."

Georgiades said one staffer, who has yet to "file anything with [the] ethics committee," spoke about the matter of sexual harassment in the congresswoman's office with Porter personally.

Porter "basically told the individual to grow up," said Georgiades, prompting the staffer to leave her post shortly thereafter.

Extra to allegedly dissuading people from highlighting potential abuse in her office, Georgiades said Porter "made fun of individuals whose parents passed away from COVID."

While COVID suffered by others may be a laughing matter for the Democrat representative, the laughing evidently stops at her front door. TheBlaze previously reported that Georgiades was apparently fired over her COVID-19 diagnosis that led to Porter's infection.

A leaked text message exchange appears to show Porter ousting the Navy veteran — who for two years served her office — over her alleged "failure to follow office policies."

The Twitter account Dear White Staffers, allegedly operated by black and indigenous congressional staffers, shared the messages:
This is Sasha Georgiades is the same person who was let go after breaking COVID rules, getting COVID and then not renewed after term was up.
She is not saying it about herself but about someone else...

Seriously I wouldn't have renewed her as well..

When she was let go:
"Sasha — I cannot allow you back in the office, given your failure to follow office policies. Cody will be in touch anout [sic] having your personal effects shipped or delivered to your home, and will lay out your remote work schedule and responsibilities for your last few weeks," Porter replied.
"I understand. Thank you for the last two years and all that I have learned," Georgiades texted back. "I hate to have disappointed you in the manner, as I know it isn't an excuse I had found out my friend from the navy had been murdered and my head was not in the best place. Not an excuse but the reasoning for the lack of forethought. I appreciate everything this office has done for me."

Porter was pissed that one of her staff broke the rules, got COVID and then gave her COVID...
You build such intricate straw men.
I take that back, the politician in PA that died a month before the election and still won is the DNC model

You people have made the US a laughingstock of the entire world.

It's not a Swamp, its a Circus.
I take that back, the politician in PA that died a month before the election and still won is the DNC model

You people have made the US a laughingstock of the entire world.

It's not a Swamp, its a Circus.
So a dead guy is a better representative than a repub. That's not my fault.
So a dead guy is a better representative than a repub. That's not my fault.
Considering that is the best democrats could do, I guess I understand?

Don't get me wrong, we would all be happier if more dead people were elected.

In fact, they should hang if they are alive and get elected.

It should be a Constitutional amendment of some sort.

Virtue signalers reign supreme, with the help of the media, of course. It's the only way they can keep things going like they are

Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California has been accused by a former staffer of denigrating people for "reporting sexual harassment" and of other demeaning remarks.

These claims come just days after text messages leaked indicating Porter may have fired a staffer over her COVID-19 diagnosis.

What are the details?

The Huffington Post noted in 2018 that Porter, endorsed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Vice President Kamala Harris, was previously in an abusive relationship and subjected to sexual harassment at home.

Despite Porter's possible personal insights into the gravity of the issue, one of her former staffers, Sasha Georgiades, indicated that the Democratic congresswoman berated at least one other staffer who had reported sexual harassment in her office, reported Fox News Digital.

A U.S. Navy veteran and former Wounded Warrior fellow for Porter, Georgiades suggested the congresswoman "ridiculed people for reporting sexual harassment."

Georgiades said one staffer, who has yet to "file anything with [the] ethics committee," spoke about the matter of sexual harassment in the congresswoman's office with Porter personally.

Porter "basically told the individual to grow up," said Georgiades, prompting the staffer to leave her post shortly thereafter.

Extra to allegedly dissuading people from highlighting potential abuse in her office, Georgiades said Porter "made fun of individuals whose parents passed away from COVID."

While COVID suffered by others may be a laughing matter for the Democrat representative, the laughing evidently stops at her front door. TheBlaze previously reported that Georgiades was apparently fired over her COVID-19 diagnosis that led to Porter's infection.

A leaked text message exchange appears to show Porter ousting the Navy veteran — who for two years served her office — over her alleged "failure to follow office policies."

The Twitter account Dear White Staffers, allegedly operated by black and indigenous congressional staffers, shared the messages:

This is totally typical for DemoKKKrats.

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