Democrats create gun crime, New York edition. 19 year old, 5th gun related arrest, keeps getting released.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party creates gun crime in our cities.....they create 95% of the gun crime and murder in the cities they control, and then blame normal people, who do not use guns for crime....for gun crime.

If we want to stop gun crime in democrat party controlled cities? We need to vote the democrats out of every office they hold........

These 19 year old cannot legally own or carry a gun.....and has a history of violent is just a matter of time until he murders someone, or may have already murdered someone we don't know about..........

The democrat party policies on bail, and prison sentences allow violent gun offenders like this thug to run free.....

As the New York Post reports, Wilson already has five open gun-related cases against him, including an armed robbery charge, but none of those cases resulted in Wilson heading to jail.

Wilson ended up in cuffs today, but just last week another Brooklyn judge released Wilson after his initial arrest, indicating that the bail reform efforts in New York State tied his hands.

Office of Court Administration spokesman Lucian Chalfen defended the judge’s decision. “Based on the facts of the case in front of him, indicating that this defendant was not the individual who possessed the gun, the judge, with the consent of the District Attorney, determined that a release on his own recognizance was the least restrictive form of bail as required by law,” Chalfen said.
Keep in mind here; Wilson hasn’t just been charged with simple possession of a firearm without a license. Back in 2016 Wilson faced murder charges as a juvenile, though the Post notes that the outcome of that case has been sealed. Since then Wilson has allegedly been involved in a number of other violent crimes.

On the afternoon of June 4 last year, in front of a shuttered storefront in Jamaica, Queens, Wilson allegedly approached another man with a silver .38-caliber pistol loaded with two rounds and barked, “Don’t move!” But the alleged robbery was thwarted when cops arrived.
In addition to the firearm, he allegedly had 33 small blue baggies of cocaine stuffed inside a tennis ball in his sweatshirt pocket, according to the complaint.

He was charged with gun possession, attempted armed robbery, drug possession and other raps — but was out six days later after posting $25,000 bail.
A month later, Wilson’s alleged crime spree resumed on July 15, 2020, when a pair of women lured two men to the Cresthaven Inn at JFK for what they thought would be a good time.

Instead, Wilson and two pals allegedly burst into the room with guns trained on the men. One of Wilson’s unapprehended cohorts whacked one of the victims in the head with a firearm, then swiped his iPhone, Rolex, the keys to his white Mercedes and $600 in cash.

Wilson then allegedly pistol-whipped the same man. “You [a] tough guy?” he snarled, according to the complaint. “I’m going to shoot you in the head.”

Wilson, his pals and the two women fled. Cops later tracked down Wilson and he was charged with robbery and assault and released on $10,000 bail. Both Queens cases are still pending.

It's quite absurd that these same Democrat Blue states want to ban guns due to violence. But yet, it's in their own democratic cities that have the highest crimes (mostly due to gun violence) than any other cities or/and states.

Hey, Democrats! You want to take our guns away? Start in your own states and cities and start doing something about the gun violence there! Start with Chicago, and then NYC and Los Angeles and SF/Oakland, and move your way up to Portland and Seattle.
And make sure you throw these bad people in prison and quit making excuses to let them back out into society, when we all know they will go back to shooting people again!
The democrat party creates gun crime in our cities.....they create 95% of the gun crime and murder in the cities they control, and then blame normal people, who do not use guns for crime....for gun crime.

If we want to stop gun crime in democrat party controlled cities? We need to vote the democrats out of every office they hold........

These 19 year old cannot legally own or carry a gun.....and has a history of violent is just a matter of time until he murders someone, or may have already murdered someone we don't know about..........

The democrat party policies on bail, and prison sentences allow violent gun offenders like this thug to run free.....

As the New York Post reports, Wilson already has five open gun-related cases against him, including an armed robbery charge, but none of those cases resulted in Wilson heading to jail.

Wilson ended up in cuffs today, but just last week another Brooklyn judge released Wilson after his initial arrest, indicating that the bail reform efforts in New York State tied his hands.

Office of Court Administration spokesman Lucian Chalfen defended the judge’s decision. “Based on the facts of the case in front of him, indicating that this defendant was not the individual who possessed the gun, the judge, with the consent of the District Attorney, determined that a release on his own recognizance was the least restrictive form of bail as required by law,” Chalfen said.
Keep in mind here; Wilson hasn’t just been charged with simple possession of a firearm without a license. Back in 2016 Wilson faced murder charges as a juvenile, though the Post notes that the outcome of that case has been sealed. Since then Wilson has allegedly been involved in a number of other violent crimes.

On the afternoon of June 4 last year, in front of a shuttered storefront in Jamaica, Queens, Wilson allegedly approached another man with a silver .38-caliber pistol loaded with two rounds and barked, “Don’t move!” But the alleged robbery was thwarted when cops arrived.
In addition to the firearm, he allegedly had 33 small blue baggies of cocaine stuffed inside a tennis ball in his sweatshirt pocket, according to the complaint.

He was charged with gun possession, attempted armed robbery, drug possession and other raps — but was out six days later after posting $25,000 bail.
A month later, Wilson’s alleged crime spree resumed on July 15, 2020, when a pair of women lured two men to the Cresthaven Inn at JFK for what they thought would be a good time.

Instead, Wilson and two pals allegedly burst into the room with guns trained on the men. One of Wilson’s unapprehended cohorts whacked one of the victims in the head with a firearm, then swiped his iPhone, Rolex, the keys to his white Mercedes and $600 in cash.

Wilson then allegedly pistol-whipped the same man. “You [a] tough guy?” he snarled, according to the complaint. “I’m going to shoot you in the head.”

Wilson, his pals and the two women fled. Cops later tracked down Wilson and he was charged with robbery and assault and released on $10,000 bail. Both Queens cases are still pending.

Need to dig up Judge Roy Bean.
The democrat party creates gun crime in our cities.....they create 95% of the gun crime and murder in the cities they control, and then blame normal people, who do not use guns for crime....for gun crime.

If we want to stop gun crime in democrat party controlled cities? We need to vote the democrats out of every office they hold........

These 19 year old cannot legally own or carry a gun.....and has a history of violent is just a matter of time until he murders someone, or may have already murdered someone we don't know about..........

And when you can prove he murdered someone, he should go to jail.

We don't have enough room in the jails to lock up the murderers, rapists and drug dealers. Locking people up for "having a gun" isn't feasible.

You catch someone with a gun. YOU TAKE HIS GUN. Done. Fini.

The Police arrest 10 million people a year. Most of them DON'T Go to jail. Most of them don't get convicted of anything.
It's quite absurd that these same Democrat Blue states want to ban guns due to violence. But yet, it's in their own democratic cities that have the highest crimes (mostly due to gun violence) than any other cities or/and states.

Hey, Democrats! You want to take our guns away? Start in your own states and cities and start doing something about the gun violence there! Start with Chicago, and then NYC and Los Angeles and SF/Oakland, and move your way up to Portland and Seattle.
And make sure you throw these bad people in prison and quit making excuses to let them back out into society, when we all know they will go back to shooting people again!

I agree. Let's start with our cities. Let's start by banning gun ownership if you want to ban gun ownership. Let's be able to hold out of state gun stores accountable if they sell a gun to someone from a big city where a gun is illegal.

Instead, when a city or a state passes a gun law, the National Rampage Association rushes off to the courts to get relief.

Then you can stop whining about how we should clean up our own house after you've taken away our brooms.
when you can prove he murdered someone, he should go to jail.

We don't have enough room in the jails to lock up the murderers, rapists and drug dealers. Locking people up for "having a gun" isn't feasible.
The reason you have so many murderers is because libs refuse to jail murderers BEFORE they murder someone
I agree. Let's start with our cities. Let's start by banning gun ownership if you want to ban gun ownership. Let's be able to hold out of state gun stores accountable if they sell a gun to someone from a big city where a gun is illegal.

Instead, when a city or a state passes a gun law, the National Rampage Association rushes off to the courts to get relief.

Then you can stop whining about how we should clean up our own house after you've taken away our brooms.
Please pardon me for the late reply JoeB131 .

First of all, I agree with you about the accountability of out of state gun owners. But as you can see, we shouldn't hold them 100% accountable. And I will tell you why.
It's the laws in these states that are suppose to enforce these rules and regulations. It's just not the gun owners at fault.
What about the ones, that carry toy guns, to fool the police. As they know they will be shot by police with real guns. Are we going to ban those toy guns, too?
The responsible gun owners outweighs the irresponsible ones by a large margin. Yes, accidents are going to happen. No, this is not an excuse to "let them off the hook".

I just think that these people that are suppose to be investigated by the Federal officials is another loophole. There have been numerous accounts that these folks somehow slip through the cracks, and these dangerous people who are suppose to be in the Federal data base (I forget what it is called). And these somehow manage to buy a gun without a problem.

I would say that, "Don't blame the the gun owners, blame the guns!" But that would be a weak argument.
The reason you have so many murderers is because libs refuse to jail murderers BEFORE they murder someone

Um, yeah, we don't have Tom Cruise and the Pre-Crime Unit working on that.


The reason why we have so many murderers is because it's too easy to get a gun. Other countries ban guns, they don't have this problem.

First of all, I agree with you about the accountability of out of state gun owners. But as you can see, we shouldn't hold them 100% accountable. And I will tell you why.
It's the laws in these states that are suppose to enforce these rules and regulations. It's just not the gun owners at fault.
What about the ones, that carry toy guns, to fool the police. As they know they will be shot by police with real guns. Are we going to ban those toy guns, too?

Actually, most toy companies have taken realistic looking toy guns off the market for that very reason.

The responsible gun owners outweighs the irresponsible ones by a large margin. Yes, accidents are going to happen. No, this is not an excuse to "let them off the hook".

here's the thing. "Responsible" gun owners wouldn't really be effected by MEANINGFUL Background checks, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, closing the private seller loophole, or any other law that would make getting a gun more of a pain in the ass, but would have no meaningful effect.

What we see every time there is a mass shooting, we find that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was troubled and 2) they still had no problem getting a gun.
Actually, most toy companies have taken realistic looking toy guns off the market for that very reason.

Yes, I have noticed that. I remember when I was a kid, I used to play with toy guns and squirt guns. Although, we had always had gun violence. It wasn't until maybe the late 1990's - early 2000s, we started to see an increase of gun violence. But kids were still allowed to buy water guns and toy guns at the store.

We have become a society now, in which, nothing anymore is sacred. I mean, we all used to play on the jungle gyms and monkey bars (among other things). But people are "afraid" kids would get hurt, so they petitioned to take these "toys" away from the kids. C'mon, kids are always going to fall down, and get hurt and stuff. Now, it's just another "nail in the coffin" for the Government to step in, and say, "We will start taking away your guns." Even if they "look realistic". I have seen many toy guns at Walmart and Costco stores.
Now, if the Democrats have it their way, they won't care, but to either limit, or take away, the Second Amendment. There will always going to be some sort of violence, no matter if it involves guns. The way I see it, the only reason why the Democrats are in favor of "saving lives", is to have more Democrats in their favor. It's just another step toward Totalitarianism.

here's the thing. "Responsible" gun owners wouldn't really be effected by MEANINGFUL Background checks, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, closing the private seller loophole, or any other law that would make getting a gun more of a pain in the ass, but would have no meaningful effect.

What we see every time there is a mass shooting, we find that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was troubled and 2) they still had no problem getting a gun.

What I meant by "loophole" is the fact, it's the Criminal system. People get sent to prison for gun violence and murders. But they never serve their full terms. If these folks enforced these laws, instead of letting them back out into society, I think it would send a strong message, we will not accept you going around shooting up people, just because. Yeah, I get that, about the Mental illness. Or people on heavy drugs and stuff. But these folks don't care, period.
They were sent to prison for a reason. It's not just some "time out" where you just go for awhile, after you just gunned down 20 people at a shopping mall. These folks are hardcore and they don't deserve to be out in society. But these folks seem to think, they will always get away with it. And so will the next set of folks out there.
Um, yeah, we don't have Tom Cruise and the Pre-Crime Unit working on that.
We dont need a fag hollywood celiberty

Just throw these pieces of shit in jail for two-five years each time they are caught with an illegal firearm

if so the murder rate will plummet
Yes, I have noticed that. I remember when I was a kid, I used to play with toy guns and squirt guns. Although, we had always had gun violence. It wasn't until maybe the late 1990's - early 2000s, we started to see an increase of gun violence. But kids were still allowed to buy water guns and toy guns at the store.

We have become a society now, in which, nothing anymore is sacred. I mean, we all used to play on the jungle gyms and monkey bars (among other things). But people are "afraid" kids would get hurt, so they petitioned to take these "toys" away from the kids. C'mon, kids are always going to fall down, and get hurt and stuff.

Actually, gun violence has been pretty level since the 1970s.. and much too high.

As far as what we take away from kids, um, yeah, we realize that some toys are too dangerous for kids to have. Which is why they got rid of Lawn darts, Easy-Bake ovens that can burn kids, and toy guns that look too much like the real thing if some racist-ass cops comes along and shoot a really tall black child.

The reason. TOY COMPANIES CAN BE SUED!!! The ironic thing is gun companies can't be sued right now, so they keep selling dangerous guns to the most dangerous people.


Now, it's just another "nail in the coffin" for the Government to step in, and say, "We will start taking away your guns." Even if they "look realistic". I have seen many toy guns at Walmart and Costco stores.
Now, if the Democrats have it their way, they won't care, but to either limit, or take away, the Second Amendment. There will always going to be some sort of violence, no matter if it involves guns. The way I see it, the only reason why the Democrats are in favor of "saving lives", is to have more Democrats in their favor. It's just another step toward Totalitarianism.

Yawn.. boring. At current, we lock up 2 million people (most industrialized countries lock up less than 100K) we have militarized police that shoot 1000 Americans every year (most industrialized countries police shootings are rare), we have a society full of metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills, etc. I'm not feeling terribly free if we are living in constant fear.

What I meant by "loophole" is the fact, it's the Criminal system. People get sent to prison for gun violence and murders. But they never serve their full terms. If these folks enforced these laws, instead of letting them back out into society, I think it would send a strong message, we will not accept you going around shooting up people, just because. Yeah, I get that, about the Mental illness. Or people on heavy drugs and stuff. But these folks don't care, period.

Again we lock up 2 million people. Most industrialized countries, not so much. If Jails make us safer, we'd be the safest country in the world.

The exact opposite is true. We give people criminal records for petty offenses, render them unemployable and then wonder why they become career criminals.

They were sent to prison for a reason. It's not just some "time out" where you just go for awhile, after you just gunned down 20 people at a shopping mall. These folks are hardcore and they don't deserve to be out in society. But these folks seem to think, they will always get away with it. And so will the next set of folks out there.

Okay, let's look at that. What are most people in prison for. They aren't in jail for murder. They are in jail for property, drug and non-lethal violence.

The democrat party creates gun crime in our cities.....they create 95% of the gun crime and murder in the cities they control, and then blame normal people, who do not use guns for crime....for gun crime.

If we want to stop gun crime in democrat party controlled cities? We need to vote the democrats out of every office they hold........

These 19 year old cannot legally own or carry a gun.....and has a history of violent is just a matter of time until he murders someone, or may have already murdered someone we don't know about..........

And when you can prove he murdered someone, he should go to jail.

We don't have enough room in the jails to lock up the murderers, rapists and drug dealers. Locking people up for "having a gun" isn't feasible.

You catch someone with a gun. YOU TAKE HIS GUN. Done. Fini.

The Police arrest 10 million people a year. Most of them DON'T Go to jail. Most of them don't get convicted of anything.
Oh look, just like that, Joe no longer believes in gun control. I imagine his position will flip flop in the next thread when it suits him to do so.
Actually, most toy companies have taken realistic looking toy guns off the market for that very reason.

Yes, I have noticed that. I remember when I was a kid, I used to play with toy guns and squirt guns. Although, we had always had gun violence. It wasn't until maybe the late 1990's - early 2000s, we started to see an increase of gun violence. But kids were still allowed to buy water guns and toy guns at the store.

We have become a society now, in which, nothing anymore is sacred. I mean, we all used to play on the jungle gyms and monkey bars (among other things). But people are "afraid" kids would get hurt, so they petitioned to take these "toys" away from the kids. C'mon, kids are always going to fall down, and get hurt and stuff. Now, it's just another "nail in the coffin" for the Government to step in, and say, "We will start taking away your guns." Even if they "look realistic". I have seen many toy guns at Walmart and Costco stores.
Now, if the Democrats have it their way, they won't care, but to either limit, or take away, the Second Amendment. There will always going to be some sort of violence, no matter if it involves guns. The way I see it, the only reason why the Democrats are in favor of "saving lives", is to have more Democrats in their favor. It's just another step toward Totalitarianism.

here's the thing. "Responsible" gun owners wouldn't really be effected by MEANINGFUL Background checks, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, closing the private seller loophole, or any other law that would make getting a gun more of a pain in the ass, but would have no meaningful effect.

What we see every time there is a mass shooting, we find that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was troubled and 2) they still had no problem getting a gun.

What I meant by "loophole" is the fact, it's the Criminal system. People get sent to prison for gun violence and murders. But they never serve their full terms. If these folks enforced these laws, instead of letting them back out into society, I think it would send a strong message, we will not accept you going around shooting up people, just because. Yeah, I get that, about the Mental illness. Or people on heavy drugs and stuff. But these folks don't care, period.
They were sent to prison for a reason. It's not just some "time out" where you just go for awhile, after you just gunned down 20 people at a shopping mall. These folks are hardcore and they don't deserve to be out in society. But these folks seem to think, they will always get away with it. And so will the next set of folks out there.

Over 95% of our gun crime and murder in the United States is committed by repeat offenders with long histories of violence and crime going back to their teen years.....

And the democrat party keeps letting them shoot and kill again.

It doesn't matter how long we temporarily lock up violent gun criminals if the end result is releasing them so they can shoot someone when they get out........
First of all, I agree with you about the accountability of out of state gun owners. But as you can see, we shouldn't hold them 100% accountable. And I will tell you why.
It's the laws in these states that are suppose to enforce these rules and regulations. It's just not the gun owners at fault.
What about the ones, that carry toy guns, to fool the police. As they know they will be shot by police with real guns. Are we going to ban those toy guns, too?

Actually, most toy companies have taken realistic looking toy guns off the market for that very reason.

The responsible gun owners outweighs the irresponsible ones by a large margin. Yes, accidents are going to happen. No, this is not an excuse to "let them off the hook".

here's the thing. "Responsible" gun owners wouldn't really be effected by MEANINGFUL Background checks, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, closing the private seller loophole, or any other law that would make getting a gun more of a pain in the ass, but would have no meaningful effect.

What we see every time there is a mass shooting, we find that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was troubled and 2) they still had no problem getting a gun.

Since you want to ban gun ownership entirely, taking your advice on anything related to guns would be like taking a brisket recipe from PETA.
If someone like this kills a member of my family, I would be hard pressed to not kill those responsible for releasing him multiple times.
Oh look, just like that, Joe no longer believes in gun control. I imagine his position will flip flop in the next thread when it suits him to do so.

Um, no, I'm sorry your English comprehension is so poor.

Must be that Home Skule.

Since you want to ban gun ownership entirely, taking your advice on anything related to guns would be like taking a brisket recipe from PETA.

Point is, I'm willing to meet you gun nuts halfway. Probably you wouldn't have as much desire to ban guns if you guys didn't keep giving them to crazy people.
Over 95% of our gun crime and murder in the United States is committed by repeat offenders with long histories of violence and crime going back to their teen years.....

Meaningless. The police arrest 10 million people a year. Half the country has a 'criminal record".

Most gun murder is domestic violence. A gun in the home turned that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best into a tragedy.

So how about this, if you really think that gun violence is a sign of lower class misbehavior, let's make owning a gun so ridiculously expensive that most of the lowlifes can't afford them. Then only the NICE people will have guns.

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