Democrats Clinton, Obama clash at S.C. debate


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Dec 27, 2004
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The Republic of Texas
Associated Press
updated 12:21 a.m. CT, Tues., Jan. 22, 2008

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. - A simmering feud between Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama erupted into charges of distortion and exaggeration in a gloves-off presidential debate Monday, with Clinton accusing him of representing a Chicago slumlord and Obama countering that she was a corporate lawyer for anti-union Wal-Mart.

Even in the superheated atmosphere of their fight for the party's nomination, the statements and exchanges between Clinton and Obama were unusually acrimonious and personal. The debate came as the two campaigns continued to complain about dirty politics and disenfranchisement of voters in last Saturday's Nevada caucuses.

As Obama tried to defend his recent comments about Republican ideas and Ronald Reagan, Clinton interrupted and said she has never criticized his remarks on Reagan.

"Your husband did," said Obama, who has accused the former president of misrepresenting his record.

"I'm here. He's not," she snapped.

"Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes," Obama said.

He persisted, suggesting the Clintons were both practicing the kind of political tactics that had alienated voters.

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Was only a matter of time before this happened. In thos regard, I happen to agree with Obama. Probably the only thing I agree with him on, but he IS getting tag-teamed. Bill doesn't have to defend what he says to Obama and Hillary can just say she isn't Bill.
Was only a matter of time before this happened. In thos regard, I happen to agree with Obama. Probably the only thing I agree with him on, but he IS getting tag-teamed. Bill doesn't have to defend what he says to Obama and Hillary can just say she isn't Bill.

Boo Hoo Hoo. Obama is a dangerous man, we do not need him in the White House. As for Clintons, they are a pair of liars crooks and criminals, BUT the dems loved them for it, lets see how that works now.
Boo Hoo Hoo. Obama is a dangerous man, we do not need him in the White House. As for Clintons, they are a pair of liars crooks and criminals, BUT the dems loved them for it, lets see how that works now.

I am not endorsing Obama for President by any means. Just drawing attention to the Clinton's tactics.
Boo Hoo Hoo. Obama is a dangerous man, we do not need him in the White House. As for Clintons, they are a pair of liars crooks and criminals, BUT the dems loved them for it, lets see how that works now.

Obama is dangerous how? Oh yeah, he's opposed to sending our troops to death in Iraq. God, that's just so fucking dangerous of him to want to not send out troops to death in Iraq. :eusa_wall:
What moronic drivel.

Well? Why don't you post something in defense of your assertion then? Just SAYING he's "dangerous" is a bit of a stretch without at least saying SOMETHING to back it up, don't you think?
No more a stretch then a bunch of retards claiming for 8 years Bush lied.

It is my opinion, you do not like it? To damn bad.

One need only look at what he supports, what Church he belongs to and whom he surrounds himself with to realize he is a dangerous man to want to have President.

Lets all hope Hillary gets the Nomination.
No more a stretch then a bunch of retards claiming for 8 years Bush lied.

It is my opinion, you do not like it? To damn bad.

One need only look at what he supports, what Church he belongs to and whom he surrounds himself with to realize he is a dangerous man to want to have President.

Lets all hope Hillary gets the Nomination.

If you think healthcare, peace in the middle east, and tax breaks for the ones hurt most by taxation are dangerous things, then may god have mercy on your soul.

If this country has survived 7 years of one of the worst presidents in our history, I think we can survive a black man in power.
If you think healthcare, peace in the middle east, and tax breaks for the ones hurt most by taxation are dangerous things, then may god have mercy on your soul.

If this country has survived 7 years of one of the worst presidents in our history, I think we can survive a black man in power.

A liberal is not a good choice for President, now or ever. As to his race, he makes it an issue by belonging to a racist church.

And Bush is far from one of the worst presidents. Your ignorant rants beside the point.
jesus.. is it tapioca pudding time at the home again?

You know, they say mental capacity is the first to go.
A liberal is not a good choice for President, now or ever. As to his race, he makes it an issue by belonging to a racist church.

And Bush is far from one of the worst presidents. Your ignorant rants beside the point.

Well, since I think 99% of the country is smart enough to know that being a liberal won't automatically make you a bad president (Clinton was a good president and a liberal).

Someone smart said, "if the founding fathers were conservatives, then we would be answering to the queen"

Old white men are the only ones making an issue out of Obama's race. He talks about it when brought up, but you don't see him declaring himself as the black candidate. You don't see him asking for the black vote. He doesn't do these things, because there isn't a black America. There is just America. All black folks aren't going to vote for the same person. All black folks aren't going to think the same. Unfortunately, the media would want us to think otherwise. Obama is a true leader, and he is hands down the best candidate to lead this country. Hell, he's running against Ms. Bill Clinton and the GOP will likely nominate the guy who couldn't even beat Bush in a primary.

As for Bush, please name another president that has been caught in bold lies on a near monthly basis?
Well, since I think 99% of the country is smart enough to know that being a liberal won't automatically make you a bad president (Clinton was a good president and a liberal).

Someone smart said, "if the founding fathers were conservatives, then we would be answering to the queen"

Old white men are the only ones making an issue out of Obama's race. He talks about it when brought up, but you don't see him declaring himself as the black candidate. You don't see him asking for the black vote. He doesn't do these things, because there isn't a black America. There is just America. All black folks aren't going to vote for the same person. All black folks aren't going to think the same. Unfortunately, the media would want us to think otherwise. Obama is a true leader, and he is hands down the best candidate to lead this country. Hell, he's running against Ms. Bill Clinton and the GOP will likely nominate the guy who couldn't even beat Bush in a primary.

As for Bush, please name another president that has been caught in bold lies on a near monthly basis?

Bush hasn't been caught in a single lie and your pretending otherwise doesn't change that.

Now if a white candidate belonged to a church with a white only congregation and a stated policy of segregation and "white Pride" and a policy to teach "white History" you would be screaming for that politicians head on a platter and calling him a racist.
Did someone order an oxygen tank?

Not caught in a single lie.. HA!

yes, we've been finding WMDs almost every weekend since 2003 just like was promised!

Mobile Chem Labs? Circles and Arrows? Oh, yea... uh, never mind those... As long as some star stuck dipshit still has the will to worship at the alter of the W...
Did someone order an oxygen tank?

Not caught in a single lie.. HA!

yes, we've been finding WMDs almost every weekend since 2003 just like was promised!

Mobile Chem Labs? Circles and Arrows? Oh, yea... uh, never mind those... As long as some star stuck dipshit still has the will to worship at the alter of the W...

I'll start off with this one, but if RSG/Gunny want more I'll be glad to lay out many of Bush's lies to the American public.

I'll start off with this one, but if RSG/Gunny want more I'll be glad to lay out many of Bush's lies to the American public.


You of course are aware, retard, that the mission accomplished sign was for a SINGLE Aircraft Carrier that HAD in fact accomplished it's mission?
You of course are aware, retard, that the mission accomplished sign was for a SINGLE Aircraft Carrier that HAD in fact accomplished it's mission?

Haha, what a jackass you really are. The WH made the banner, hung the banner, and mr. bush flew in on the jet (which he claimed was necessary, yet the carrier was just 30 milies from shore), then mr. bush made a speech about how major combat operations in Iraq were done, yet over 95% of Iraq deaths have occurred after this speech.

Oh, but I'm sure you're right. All the presidents fly onto carriers to give speeches about an accomplished mission with mission accomplished banners, solely to celebrate the ending of that boat's tour of duty.

I really find it hard to believe that you're being serious here. If you are, then it's truly sad to see how much dedication a person will put into being ignorant.
Haha, what a jackass you really are. The WH made the banner, hung the banner, and mr. bush flew in on the jet (which he claimed was necessary, yet the carrier was just 30 milies from shore), then mr. bush made a speech about how major combat operations in Iraq were done, yet over 95% of Iraq deaths have occurred after this speech.

Oh, but I'm sure you're right. All the presidents fly onto carriers to give speeches about an accomplished mission with mission accomplished banners, solely to celebrate the ending of that boat's tour of duty.

I really find it hard to believe that you're being serious here. If you are, then it's truly sad to see how much dedication a person will put into being ignorant.

How anyone can take you serious after this is beyond me.
Haha, what a jackass you really are. The WH made the banner, hung the banner, and mr. bush flew in on the jet (which he claimed was necessary, yet the carrier was just 30 milies from shore), then mr. bush made a speech about how major combat operations in Iraq were done, yet over 95% of Iraq deaths have occurred after this speech.

Oh, but I'm sure you're right. All the presidents fly onto carriers to give speeches about an accomplished mission with mission accomplished banners, solely to celebrate the ending of that boat's tour of duty.

I really find it hard to believe that you're being serious here. If you are, then it's truly sad to see how much dedication a person will put into being ignorant.

no kidding...

"derr.. uh.. it ONLY meant that strapping a flight suit onto the president was MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! derr uhh duhh"

he's a fanboy. nothing more.

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