Democrats = Cancel Culture Party (DCCP)


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I am seeing this more and more but thankfully many are standing up to it. See posted link. To me cancel culture is a huge problem. And it seems to only come from one side of the aisle. Even GoFundMe is doing it. GoFundME!!! All that site does is allow persons to donate to a cause. Crazy that they are part of the DCCP too. Where does it end? Now are trying to remove congresspersons the DCCP finds offensive? This while fully backing the squad. Even Bernie Sanders is getting cancel cat calls. There needs to be a bi-partisan effort to stop this nonsense. DCCP is empowered as they ran Trump out and now want to do the same for anyone that voted for him. Amazing... The last link is a Twitter thread of a typical Leftist who sounds very much like a Stalinist.

This isn't AMERICA!

Curious to hear your thoughts.

The Frankurt School of Communist Shit Twinkle-Toed Cocksucking is hard at work.

It will take bloody war to stop this.

I'm down for the fight.

Freedom or Valhalla.
I'm thinking this cancel culture attitude the Dems have stems from their drive to become the totalitarian ruling party of our country, much like the Communist party is in China. That means they have to destroy all outside opinions or logical policies. Their need to be the only voice in the room, all powerful, is a sickness. Instead of a donkey, their symbol should be Gollum, the power hungry villain from the lord of the rings.

It's not just a slogan.

It's an order!
Cancel Culture is about the cultural suppression of mainstream middle class white voters who are refusing to join the Democrat Political Cult.
It's a form of cultural genocide.
It's is what the destruction of monuments and the renaming of schools is really about.
The Democrat Party treats white voters as their opposition and if you oppose their totalitarian rule they will brand you as a "domestic terrorist" and a "white supremacist".
Orwell: " “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless...."
The people complaining now of "cancel culture" have been nowhere to be found when people who are pro-choice on abortion or are anti-racist have spoken.
What's wrong with NH? Man-vegas is a bit sketchy, but the state as a whole is pretty solid. No sales tax, reasonably conservative folks, beautiful mountains, lakes, wildlife, etc.
Cancel Culture is about the cultural suppression of mainstream middle class white voters who are refusing to join the Democrat Political Cult.
It's a form of cultural genocide.
It's is what the destruction of monuments and the renaming of schools is really about.
The Democrat Party treats white voters as their opposition and if you oppose their totalitarian rule they will brand you as a "domestic terrorist" and a "white supremacist".
Orwell: " “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless...."
Cancel Culture is about the cultural suppression of mainstream middle class white voters who are refusing to join the Democrat Political Cult.
It's a form of cultural genocide.
It's is what the destruction of monuments and the renaming of schools is really about.
The Democrat Party treats white voters as their opposition and if you oppose their totalitarian rule they will brand you as a "domestic terrorist" and a "white supremacist".
Orwell: " “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless...."
If he could play he would be in the league...see Antonio Brown
I'm thinking this cancel culture attitude the Dems have stems from their drive to become the totalitarian ruling party of our country, much like the Communist party is in China. That means they have to destroy all outside opinions or logical policies. Their need to be the only voice in the room, all powerful, is a sickness. Instead of a donkey, their symbol should be Gollum, the power hungry villain from the lord of the rings.
I am hoping these worthy intentions will grow in monumental numbers:

From Don Jr.: ( excerpted )

“The nonsense never seems to end, but neither will our fight, neither will our resolve, neither will our will to go on. We’re going to keep pushing for the American people and make sure our kids grow up in a country that we all recognize and love,” he said.

Trump recently opened an “Office of the Former President” that seeks to advance the interests of the United States and carry on the agenda of his administration.

I am seeing this more and more but thankfully many are standing up to it. See posted link. To me cancel culture is a huge problem. And it seems to only come from one side of the aisle. Even GoFundMe is doing it. GoFundME!!! All that site does is allow persons to donate to a cause. Crazy that they are part of the DCCP too. Where does it end? Now are trying to remove congresspersons the DCCP finds offensive? This while fully backing the squad. Even Bernie Sanders is getting cancel cat calls. There needs to be a bi-partisan effort to stop this nonsense. DCCP is empowered as they ran Trump out and now want to do the same for anyone that voted for him. Amazing... The last link is a Twitter thread of a typical Leftist who sounds very much like a Stalinist.

This isn't AMERICA!

Curious to hear your thoughts.

Nah, they're going for forced conformity, just like all their favorite commie dictators or the Borg.


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