Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

You obviously have no clue what is in the Durham report.

This means any further conversation with you is a waste of time. Some things never change.
I would run too if I was you...well I probably wouldn't cause I can admit when I'm wrong, but I don't blame you.

Have a nice day.
I would run too if I was you...well I probably wouldn't cause I can admit when I'm wrong, but I don't blame you.

Have a nice day.
ii. White House briefing On August 3, 20 I 6, within days ofreceiving the Clinton Plan intelligence, Director Brennan met with the President, Vice President and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to the Attorney General (who participated remotely) and the FBI Director, in the White House Situation Room to discuss Russian election interference efforts. 406 According to Brennan's handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence.407 Specifically, Director Brennan's declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting's participants regarding the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services."408

FBI awareness The Office was unable to determine precisely when the FBI first obtained any of the details of the Clinton Plan intelligence (other than Director Corney, who attended the August 3, 2016 briefing). It appears, however, that this occurred no later than August 22, 2016. On that date, an FBI cyber analyst ("Headquarters Analyst-2") emailed a number of FBI employees, including Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten and Section Chief Moffa, the most senior intelligence analysts on the Crossfire Hurricane team, to provide an update on Russian intelligence materials.409 The email included a summary of the contents of the Clinton Plan intelligence.410 The Office did not identify any replies or follow-up actions taken by FBI personnel as a result of this email. When interviewed by the Office, Auten recalled that on September 2, 2016 - approximately ten days after Headquarters Analyst-2's email - the official responsible for overseeing the Fusion Cell briefed Auten, Moffa, and other FBI personnel at FBI Headquarters regarding the Clinton Plan intelligence.411 Auten did not recall any FBI "operational" personnel (i.e., Crossfire Hurricane Agents) being present at the meeting. 412 The official verbally briefed the individuals regarding information that the CIA planned to send to the FBI in a written investigative referral, including the Clinton Plan intelligence information.413 Auten recalled thinking at the meeting that he wanted to see the formal Referral }4emo containing the Clinton

85 p. 96 Plan intelligence.414 Separate and apart from this meeting, FBI records reflect that by no later than that same date (September 2, 2016), then-FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Bill Priestap was also aware of the specifics of the Clinton Plan intelligence as evidenced by his hand-written notes from an early morning meeting with Moffa, DAD Dina Corsi and Acting AD for Cyber Eric Sporre.415 The Office was unable to determine the exact contours of Priestap's knowledge, however, in part, because he declined to be interviewed by the Office on this subject.416 iv. CL4 referral and dissemination Five days later, on September 7, 2016, the CIA completed its Referral Memo in response to an FBI request for relevant information reviewed by the Fusion Cell.417 The CIA addressed the Referral Memo to the FBI Director and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. The Referral Memo, which mentioned the Clinton Plan intelligence, stated, in part: Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date [Source revealing information redacted]: [] An exchange ... discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server. According to open sources, Guccifer 2.0 is an individual or group of hackers whom US officials believe is tied to Russian intelligence services. Also, per open sources, Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for hacking the Democratic National Committee (ONC) this year.418

One of the biggest media rubes outed as a moron by Durham tells his minions “Nothing to see here”……..and the idiot Lakhota laps it up with a spoon. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I hope and pray Republicans wise up and use the same tactics against the democrats. And if the justice department doesn't do its job fire everyone of them
Except it isn't. Anyone indicted?

I have. Your blob lost in 2020, many (if not most) of his campaign braintrust from 2016 were found guilty of various crimes involving lying about their affairs with Russia.

Now run along.
DOJ-democrat stooge

Links to the "braintrust" lies involving about their affairs with Russia?
Trump? Yeah, just bend over and take it like a man, Candy
Why couldn’t they ever produce them?

Post them for us! Obviously Durham doesn’t have them

Members of the Trump campaign lied in their applications for security clearances about their contacts with Russians.

It seems that the FBI has wire tapped many high, ranking Russian officials in the United States of America and while

And we’re later forced to amend their security applications when the FBI started asking them questions about their contacts with Russians that the FBI were wire tapping on.
LOL, yea, I’m sure the corrupt FBI will want to charge themselves with crimes.

You really are a complete muppet.

The FBI doesn’t issue the charges. The department of justice does.
I hope and pray Republicans wise up and use the same tactics against the democrats. And if the justice department doesn't do its job fire everyone of them

Everybody is doing their job just fine. The Republicans need to stop falsely accusing the Democrats of committing crimes, and then the Republicans need to stop committing crimes themselves.
Who cares?
And Trump appointed him as FBI Director. Apparently, Wray wouldn't kiss his ass like he demands of everyone so now he's a target of your idiot cult. You can wipe your ass with Durham's report. Good things won't hurt you.
And you think that bullshit covers the fact you lied?
I don't give a rat's ass about Durham's report, Laughin' Boy. He's a Trump lackey, appointed by Barr, another Trump lackey.

This report will do nothing to stop the indictments coming from Jack Smith & Fanni Willis, so have your fun. It will be short lived.
For it to be a lie that poster has to know that it's wrong

I've never witnessed that poster know anything.
Didn't do too well on that English GED final didga, Ace?

The report is a whitewash of Trump & his mob's actions. Stick it in your ass, good things won't hurt ya.

And it won't stop Jack Smith who is about to nail your boy with an orange jumpsuit.

Someday Trump & Rudy will be showering together in a Federal Penitentiary.
Didn't do too well on that English GED final didga, Ace?

The report is a whitewash of Trump & his mob's actions. Stick it in your ass, good things won't hurt ya.

And it won't stop Jack Smith who is about to nail your boy with an orange jumpsuit.

Someday Trump & Rudy will be showering together in a Federal Penitentiary.
You are clearly too stupid to have read the report.

Also....Any. Day. Now.

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