Democrats are The Problem

Part and parcel of the American Dream is funding a government..or as the tories call it.."Legalized Stealing".

Read your Constitution. I direct you attention to Power of Congress..the first clause.

You feel better ya did..thank me later.

Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:

Follow it alot better than the Republican god Bush. That dude wiped his ass with the constitution.

Yes Bush was bad, however... Can you really sit back and give and example of how the Dems are NOT doing worse than Mr. Evil (Bush) himself? I mean that, do it, give us some ensamples please.

From the Wars to HC, Homeland security to Illegal immigration... Bush and Obama would be in a dead heat but Obama expanded most of that very short (but important) list I just gave.

In closing, the OP is trash and represents being part of the problem more than the solution. Dems are really no worse than Republicans in the last 10 years.
Obviously the conservatives on this thread are winning. You can tell when liberals start volunteering that both parties are equally corrupt.

Can't speak for anyone else here, but sorry not a liberal. I'm an independent who knows that both political parties are a shell of their former selves. Nice try. :clap2:
Obviously the conservatives on this thread are winning. You can tell when liberals start volunteering that both parties are equally corrupt.

Can't speak for anyone else here, but sorry not a liberal. I'm an independent who knows that both political parties are a shell of their former selves. Nice try. :clap2:

They may be shells of their former selves, but the democrats are way more corrupt. When Gingrich had an affair, he immediately stepped down and took his political punishment. When Clinton had an affair, he dragged his lover's name through the mud. lied before a grand jury, lost his law license forever, was impeached and almost removed and the democrats now treat him like an 'elder statesman". the GOP would never dream of such a thing - EVER.

The democrats passed bill after bill the American people said they did not want in overwhelming numbers, like Obamacare.

It's things like that that are the reason the democrats took an historical beating last November. And now that states are demanding bona fide citizenship documents from Obama for all candidates to run for president in their states, documents that Obama's lawyers continue to fight in court to keep hidden - we will see just how really corrupt the democrats are.

There is no equality in comparison here. The GOP is vastly imperfect by their own standards, no question, though the tea party is attempting in earnest to fix that. The democrats, however, are just entirely in the sewer, now. They're so corrupt - manifestly - that it's just plain gross. This isn't theory. Simply look at the proportionality of the facts.And they're going to take the 'shellacking' of all time in 2012, because obama is clearly hiding his records for a reason, and whatever that reason is, even the most innocent, it's been played out for far too long. No matter what excuse he gives, it'll sound like crap and he'll ruin the democrat party for 50 years. He's halfway there already. Look at what happened in November. that was only the beginning.

The democrats are so deep in the corruption sewer it's astonishing.
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Obviously the conservatives on this thread are winning. You can tell when liberals start volunteering that both parties are equally corrupt.

Can't speak for anyone else here, but sorry not a liberal. I'm an independent who knows that both political parties are a shell of their former selves. Nice try. :clap2:

They may be shells of their former selves, but the democrats are way more corrupt. When Gingrich had an affair, he immediately stepped down and took his political punishment. When Clinton had an affair, he dragged his lover's name through the mud. lied before a grand jury, lost his law license forever, was impeached and almost removed and the democrats now treat him like an 'elder statesman". the GOP would never dream of such a thing - EVER.

The democrats passed bill after bill the American people said they did not want in overwhelming numbers, like Obamacare.

It's things like that that are the reason the democrats took an historical beating last November. And now that states are demanding bona fide citizenship documents from Obama for all candidates to run for president in their states, documents that Obama's lawyers continue to fight in court to keep hidden - we will see just how really corrupt the democrats are.

There is no equality in comparison here. The GOP is vastly imperfect by their own standards, no question, though the tea party is attempting in earnest to fix that. The democrats, however, are just entirely in the sewer, now. They're so corrupt - manifestly - that it's just plain gross. This isn't theory. Simply look at the proportionality of the facts.And they're going to take the 'shellacking' of all time in 2012, because obama is clearly hiding his records for a reason, and whatever that reason is, even the most innocent, it's been played out for far too long. No matter what excuse he gives, it'll sound like crap and he'll ruin the democrat party for 50 years. He's halfway there already. Look at what happened in November. that was only the beginning.

The democrats are so deep in the corruption sewer it's astonishing.

-Clinton lied about a personal matter. It had nothing to do with anything that effect Americans lives. I for one don't care what he did in his private life. Just like I don't care the GWB used to be a drug addict, and got a DUI (in the 70s!).

-The American people are split on Obamacare. There is no vast majority that is either for, or against it. 40% support it, and 41% oppose it.

Poll: Opposition to Health Care Reform Eases - CBS News

-Obama has released a live birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. That IS bona fide proof of citizenship-you can even get a passport with it.


-Even John Boehner has said that the state of Hawaii has said Obama was born there-and that's good enough for him.

-Yes the Democrats suffered big losses in November-but let's put it in perspective just two years before that the GOP lost HUGE numbers, control of the house, senate and oval office. And they did just fine in the past elections.

Take a look at what at what Marco Rubio said during his victory speach:

"But we know that tonight, the power in the United States House of Representatives will change hands. We know tonight that a growing number of Republicans will now serve in the Senate as well. And we make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party."

Anyways, question for you: why do you think Obama is hiding something? I'm honestly just curious in your reasoning-not trying to be a dick haha.

PS-full disclosure I think Obama is doing a lousy job in office.
Can't speak for anyone else here, but sorry not a liberal. I'm an independent who knows that both political parties are a shell of their former selves. Nice try. :clap2:

They may be shells of their former selves, but the democrats are way more corrupt. When Gingrich had an affair, he immediately stepped down and took his political punishment. When Clinton had an affair, he dragged his lover's name through the mud. lied before a grand jury, lost his law license forever, was impeached and almost removed and the democrats now treat him like an 'elder statesman". the GOP would never dream of such a thing - EVER.

The democrats passed bill after bill the American people said they did not want in overwhelming numbers, like Obamacare.

It's things like that that are the reason the democrats took an historical beating last November. And now that states are demanding bona fide citizenship documents from Obama for all candidates to run for president in their states, documents that Obama's lawyers continue to fight in court to keep hidden - we will see just how really corrupt the democrats are.

There is no equality in comparison here. The GOP is vastly imperfect by their own standards, no question, though the tea party is attempting in earnest to fix that. The democrats, however, are just entirely in the sewer, now. They're so corrupt - manifestly - that it's just plain gross. This isn't theory. Simply look at the proportionality of the facts.And they're going to take the 'shellacking' of all time in 2012, because obama is clearly hiding his records for a reason, and whatever that reason is, even the most innocent, it's been played out for far too long. No matter what excuse he gives, it'll sound like crap and he'll ruin the democrat party for 50 years. He's halfway there already. Look at what happened in November. that was only the beginning.

The democrats are so deep in the corruption sewer it's astonishing.

-Clinton lied about a personal matter. It had nothing to do with anything that effect Americans lives. I for one don't care what he did in his private life. Just like I don't care the GWB used to be a drug addict, and got a DUI (in the 70s!).

-The American people are split on Obamacare. There is no vast majority that is either for, or against it. 40% support it, and 41% oppose it.

Poll: Opposition to Health Care Reform Eases - CBS News

-Obama has released a live birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. That IS bona fide proof of citizenship-you can even get a passport with it.


-Even John Boehner has said that the state of Hawaii has said Obama was born there-and that's good enough for him.

-Yes the Democrats suffered big losses in November-but let's put it in perspective just two years before that the GOP lost HUGE numbers, control of the house, senate and oval office. And they did just fine in the past elections.

Take a look at what at what Marco Rubio said during his victory speach:

"But we know that tonight, the power in the United States House of Representatives will change hands. We know tonight that a growing number of Republicans will now serve in the Senate as well. And we make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party."

Anyways, question for you: why do you think Obama is hiding something? I'm honestly just curious in your reasoning-not trying to be a dick haha.

PS-full disclosure I think Obama is doing a lousy job in office.

When the president lied about a personal matter to a grand jury, that's a felony. When he dragged his lover through the mud to save his sorry ass, that's a bad president. When he does both on company time on our dime, as his employer I want him fired. He was impeached and almost removed. If you don;t care about that, fine, but don;t ever lecture anyone on ethics. Deal?

if Obama had released his birth certificate, then why did the democrat gov of Hawaii, an Obama family friend, set out to find the long form birth certificate. Even liberal Chris Matthews says what Obama posted was no good. You sound like this is getting a bit much for you and you're in denial, and I'm not trying to be clever, I mean that.

Question: what do you guess Obama will do when he can't get on the ballot in several states because he won;t show his records? the laws stipulate a long form birth certificate. Hawaii said they had one, meaning the COLB isn;t all there is. so it exists. So Obama must show it. what do you think he'll do?
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Very good points.... Obama and his progressive globalist commrads have mocked the American people and our Constitution....

The environmentalist organizations are only another tooled apect of the global progressives long range global agend moving us towards socialist/fascist world governance....

The Coming Destruction Of The United States Military
How The Progressives Have Infiltrated and Seized Control
By John McTernan & Geoffrey Grider • December 21, 2010

NOW THE END BEGINS: The Coming Destruction Of The United States Military

UN ordered depopulation of 3 billion people by food malnutrition has started.

UN ordered depopulation of 3 billion people by food malnutrition has started. | PRESS Core – Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technolgy, Health, Videos
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Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

That's not true. The reason Republicans work so hard to destroy American unions or an organization like Acorn is because of the funding those organizations provided. Much of which came from bake sales and organized contributions. Not to mention voter registration. We now know Acorn was brought down by organized Republican lies and deceit with the help of foreign and Arab owned Fox News. In fact, the made up pimp and hooker video worked so well, right wingers even tried the same tactic with Planned Parenthood.

It's the Republicans working with such organizations as the Chamber of Commerce (which is really a foreign supported money pool for Republicans). Most of the Republicans money comes from corporations. Why do you think Republicans worked to move 2.4 million jobs to China from 2001 to 2008? Why did they work to close tens of thousands of American factories? Why do you think they want to end the EPA, clean air and clean water? Why did they apologize to BP and now the guy who apologized is the head of congress energy commission. It's all right there. If right wingers don't mind being corporate slaves? So be it!
Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:

Follow it alot better than the Republican god Bush. That dude wiped his ass with the constitution.

Yes.. Democrat failures are always the Republicans fault...:lol:

Real dumb ass aren't you. Whose failure was it that Bin Laden got away after masterminding the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil? Who lied us into the war in Iraq? And then threw away the military victory through complete incompetance. And let the defeated Taliban to regain control of most of Afghanistan.

When Bin Laden launched his attacks on the US, he stated he had three goals. To get the US out of Saudi Arabia. To drive up the price of oil to at least $70 a barrel. And to embroil the US in a series of wars that would create an economic disaster for the US as Afghanstan created an economic disaster for the Soviet Union.

George W. Bush and the GOP aided him in every one of these goals.
Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

That's not true. The reason Republicans work so hard to destroy American unions or an organization like Acorn is because of the funding those organizations provided. Much of which came from bake sales and organized contributions. Not to mention voter registration. We now know Acorn was brought down by organized Republican lies and deceit with the help of foreign and Arab owned Fox News. In fact, the made up pimp and hooker video worked so well, right wingers even tried the same tactic with Planned Parenthood.

It's the Republicans working with such organizations as the Chamber of Commerce (which is really a foreign supported money pool for Republicans). Most of the Republicans money comes from corporations. Why do you think Republicans worked to move 2.4 million jobs to China from 2001 to 2008? Why did they work to close tens of thousands of American factories? Why do you think they want to end the EPA, clean air and clean water? Why did they apologize to BP and now the guy who apologized is the head of congress energy commission. It's all right there. If right wingers don't mind being corporate slaves? So be it!
It is the environmental movement united with the Endangered species Act that did in American manufacturing and the 50 million blue collar middle class jobs over the last 50 years.

It was not the Corporations it was the EPA, OSHA, DOEnergy, and a thousand other regulating agencies that effect the supply chain for a manufacturer. You can not compete with China or India that have few restrictions and allow air pollutions that America allowed during WWII which is what made LA look like the big Chinese cities look today. Think about this, we packaged up entire factories and shipped them to Asia [China and India] because they could not meet our new pollution standards. Well that worked out real well did it not - the Chinese and Indians got the jobs - we saved some little amount of pollution and the world got a gross increase in pollution - good job Sierra Club, Greenpeace, EPA. PETA and the long list of others.

Thanks to these groups they forced the US government to put our jobs into the global re-distribution of wealth goals of the Progressives. So, now Union members tell me why you are still involved with the Democrat Progressives that killed your jobs? yes 50 million jobs just gone.

However, the environmentalist organizations are only another tooled aspect of the progressives long range global agend moving us towards socialist/fascist world governance....

GATT, NFTA, WTO, US Chamber of Commerce to name a few anti-American/anti-Republic treaties and organizations that are responsible for the loss of sovereignty, real estate , and American owned business of various types to the progressive global elites one world governance agenda....

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hires Private Security Firms to Sabotage and Spy

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hires Private Security Firms to Sabotage and Spy | Mostly Water

CAFTA: Central American Free Trade Agreement

CAFTA: Central American Free Trade Agreement



U.S. Trade Policy and Job-Destroying Treaties, WTO & NAFTA

U.S. Trade Policy and Job-Destroying Treaties, WTO & NAFTA | Government Local Jobs

I watched my dad take a beating when his company was sent overseas along with pension funds and employee investment in the company.... My dad was union president and tried to do what he could to keep decent wages and benefits.... However, in the end the workers really had no say and the plant was closed down.... I watched as a bunch of Chinese workers were sent in to dismantle the plant and send it all out....

I had the same thing happen to me at another company wherein the employees were told the company was closing in two weeks, and we had to keep up production or get fired without severence pay....

Globalization and open border policy and practice allowed the govt/corporate entities to strip away private sector union power, and ship everything overseas with our tax dollars given out to corrupt corporations by the IMF corporate welfare program....

Wal-Mart in China & Slave Labor...

Wal-Mart Dungeon in China

frontline: is wal-mart good for america?: interviews: alan tonelson | PBS

IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Wal-Mart in China

Big Box Collaborative: 23 Organizations Issue Joint Report Critiquing Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Initiatives



how walmart uses all of us, abuses all of us.

Wal-Mart's Imports Lead to U.S. Jobs Exports

American Rights at Work - Anti-Union Network

Obama's Takedown of Industrial America

American Thinker: Obama's Takedown of Industrial America
Last edited by a moderator:
Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

That's not true. The reason Republicans work so hard to destroy American unions or an organization like Acorn is because of the funding those organizations provided. Much of which came from bake sales and organized contributions. Not to mention voter registration. We now know Acorn was brought down by organized Republican lies and deceit with the help of foreign and Arab owned Fox News. In fact, the made up pimp and hooker video worked so well, right wingers even tried the same tactic with Planned Parenthood.

It's the Republicans working with such organizations as the Chamber of Commerce (which is really a foreign supported money pool for Republicans). Most of the Republicans money comes from corporations. Why do you think Republicans worked to move 2.4 million jobs to China from 2001 to 2008? Why did they work to close tens of thousands of American factories? Why do you think they want to end the EPA, clean air and clean water? Why did they apologize to BP and now the guy who apologized is the head of congress energy commission. It's all right there. If right wingers don't mind being corporate slaves? So be it!
It is the environmental movement united with the Endangered species Act that did in American manufacturing and the 50 million blue collar middle class jobs over the last 50 years.

It was not the Corporations it was the EPA, OSHA, DOEnergy, and a thousand other regulating agencies that effect the supply chain for a manufacturer. You can not compete with China or India that have few restrictions and allow air pollutions that America allowed during WWII which is what made LA look like the big Chinese cities look today. Think about this, we packaged up entire factories and shipped them to Asia [China and India] because they could not meet our new pollution standards. Well that worked out real well did it not - the Chinese and Indians got the jobs - we saved some little amount of pollution and the world got a gross increase in pollution - good job Sierra Club, Greenpeace, EPA. PETA and the long list of others.

Thanks to these groups they forced the US government to put our jobs into the global re-distribution of wealth goals of the Progressives. So, now Union members tell me why you are still involved with the Democrat Progressives that killed your jobs? yes 50 million jobs just gone.

However, the environmentalist organizations are only another tooled aspect of the progressives long range global agend moving us towards socialist/fascist world governance....

GATT, NFTA, WTO, US Chamber of Commerce to name a few anti-American/anti-Republic treaties and organizations that are responsible for the loss of sovereignty, real estate , and American owned business of various types to the progressive global elites one world governance agenda....

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hires Private Security Firms to Sabotage and Spy

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hires Private Security Firms to Sabotage and Spy | Mostly Water

CAFTA: Central American Free Trade Agreement

CAFTA: Central American Free Trade Agreement



U.S. Trade Policy and Job-Destroying Treaties, WTO & NAFTA

U.S. Trade Policy and Job-Destroying Treaties, WTO & NAFTA | Government Local Jobs

I watched my dad take a beating when his company was sent overseas along with pension funds and employee investment in the company.... My dad was union president and tried to do what he could to keep decent wages and benefits.... However, in the end the workers really had no say and the plant was closed down.... I watched as a bunch of Chinese workers were sent in to dismantle the plant and send it all out....

I had the same thing happen to me at another company wherein the employees were told the company was closing in two weeks, and we had to keep up production or get fired without severence pay....

Globalization and open border policy and practice allowed the govt/corporate entities to strip away private sector union power, and ship everything overseas with our tax dollars given out to corrupt corporations by the IMF corporate welfare program....

Wal-Mart in China & Slave Labor...

Wal-Mart Dungeon in China

frontline: is wal-mart good for america?: interviews: alan tonelson | PBS

IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Wal-Mart in China

Big Box Collaborative: 23 Organizations Issue Joint Report Critiquing Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Initiatives



how walmart uses all of us, abuses all of us.

Wal-Mart's Imports Lead to U.S. Jobs Exports

American Rights at Work - Anti-Union Network

Obama's Takedown of Industrial America

American Thinker: Obama's Takedown of Industrial America

Chinese workers make 51 cents an hour. Their country is a cesspool. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT HERE?

Besides under Bush, OSHA was nearly shut down and replaced with "Volentary Complience" which only put money into the pockets of rich corporations. You have to know that. It was a scandal all the way back in 2003.

OSHA Voluntary Workplace Safety Program Needs Oversight, Says Study

Everything Bush and the Republicans did to move jobs overseas wasn't about this country. There message was "Fuck this country". The Chinese live in dorms, eat at cafeterias, make a hundred bucks a month and their country looks like this:




Republicans, with the help of Communist China, are screwing the Chinese people and screwing the middle class in this country.

You have to be seriously deranged to want this for America. I just don't get the right wing. Instead of fighting back against corporations who would do this, they want to give away what's left.
Last edited by a moderator:
House votes to overthrow 'czars'

The House voted Thursday to dethrone nine White House “czars.”

Republicans successfully added an amendment to the continuing resolution that would leave President Barack Obama’s senior advisers on policy issues including health care, energy and others out of a job.

House votes to overthrow 'czars' - Robin Bravender -


Viewer discretion is advised.

Stansberry's Investment Advisory
They may be shells of their former selves, but the democrats are way more corrupt. When Gingrich had an affair, he immediately stepped down and took his political punishment. When Clinton had an affair, he dragged his lover's name through the mud. lied before a grand jury, lost his law license forever, was impeached and almost removed and the democrats now treat him like an 'elder statesman". the GOP would never dream of such a thing - EVER.

The democrats passed bill after bill the American people said they did not want in overwhelming numbers, like Obamacare.

It's things like that that are the reason the democrats took an historical beating last November. And now that states are demanding bona fide citizenship documents from Obama for all candidates to run for president in their states, documents that Obama's lawyers continue to fight in court to keep hidden - we will see just how really corrupt the democrats are.

There is no equality in comparison here. The GOP is vastly imperfect by their own standards, no question, though the tea party is attempting in earnest to fix that. The democrats, however, are just entirely in the sewer, now. They're so corrupt - manifestly - that it's just plain gross. This isn't theory. Simply look at the proportionality of the facts.And they're going to take the 'shellacking' of all time in 2012, because obama is clearly hiding his records for a reason, and whatever that reason is, even the most innocent, it's been played out for far too long. No matter what excuse he gives, it'll sound like crap and he'll ruin the democrat party for 50 years. He's halfway there already. Look at what happened in November. that was only the beginning.

The democrats are so deep in the corruption sewer it's astonishing.

-Clinton lied about a personal matter. It had nothing to do with anything that effect Americans lives. I for one don't care what he did in his private life. Just like I don't care the GWB used to be a drug addict, and got a DUI (in the 70s!).

-The American people are split on Obamacare. There is no vast majority that is either for, or against it. 40% support it, and 41% oppose it.

Poll: Opposition to Health Care Reform Eases - CBS News

-Obama has released a live birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. That IS bona fide proof of citizenship-you can even get a passport with it.


-Even John Boehner has said that the state of Hawaii has said Obama was born there-and that's good enough for him.

-Yes the Democrats suffered big losses in November-but let's put it in perspective just two years before that the GOP lost HUGE numbers, control of the house, senate and oval office. And they did just fine in the past elections.

Take a look at what at what Marco Rubio said during his victory speach:

"But we know that tonight, the power in the United States House of Representatives will change hands. We know tonight that a growing number of Republicans will now serve in the Senate as well. And we make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party."

Anyways, question for you: why do you think Obama is hiding something? I'm honestly just curious in your reasoning-not trying to be a dick haha.

PS-full disclosure I think Obama is doing a lousy job in office.

When the president lied about a personal matter to a grand jury, that's a felony. When he dragged his lover through the mud to save his sorry ass, that's a bad president. When he does both on company time on our dime, as his employer I want him fired. He was impeached and almost removed. If you don;t care about that, fine, but don;t ever lecture anyone on ethics. Deal?

if Obama had released his birth certificate, then why did the democrat gov of Hawaii, an Obama family friend, set out to find the long form birth certificate. Even liberal Chris Matthews says what Obama posted was no good. You sound like this is getting a bit much for you and you're in denial, and I'm not trying to be clever, I mean that.

Question: what do you guess Obama will do when he can't get on the ballot in several states because he won;t show his records? the laws stipulate a long form birth certificate. Hawaii said they had one, meaning the COLB isn;t all there is. so it exists. So Obama must show it. what do you think he'll do?

1. I never said Clinton was ethical in own private life. I never said what he did was wrong (it was). I said I don't think what he did was directed towards the nation-it wasn't. It was him being a bad person/husband-not a bad president. Do you think it was ethical for Bush to get a DUI-putting the lives of other people in danger on the road. Answer that.

2. What law requires somebody to submit a long form birth certificate in order to become president? Where did you find this. Here's the requirements word for word, from the constitution:

"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Point to me where it requires a long-form birth certificate-or are you in denial?

So there are 3 qualifications for Obama:

-35 years old
-Resident in the US for at least 14 years
-natural born citizen

We know that the first two are true-nobody dispiutes that. So how about the last one? Well how do you prove if somebody is a natural born citizen?

Now here's another fact: Obama has a US passport. So how do you prove your citizenship to get a passport? One of the following ways:

1. Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
2. Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state
3. Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
4. Naturalization Certificate
5. Certificate of Citizenship

First Time Applicants

Now Obama HAD to fulfill one of points 2-5 in order to get a passport for the first time. That's a fact. If you can find any records that shows he's a naturalized citizen (not a natural born citizen), or a birth certificate from another location (abroad for example)-let's see it.

The flaw in your argument is you have no evidence of where he was born.
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Point to me where it requires a long-form birth certificate-or are you in denial?

These birthers are off in a world of their own, one where even retards fear to thread. LOL! For the 1st 100 years there were no birth certificates.
House votes to overthrow 'czars'

The House voted Thursday to dethrone nine White House “czars.”

Republicans successfully added an amendment to the continuing resolution that would leave President Barack Obama’s senior advisers on policy issues including health care, energy and others out of a job.

That ought to fuck America up. LMAO!!! :lol:
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Point to me where it requires a long-form birth certificate-or are you in denial?

These birthers are off in a world of their own, one where even retards fear to thread. LOL! For the 1st 100 years there were no birth certificates.

Yeah, that's us, nutters off in our own little world, right along with the legislators of 11 states that are initiating laws to make sure only someone who has the proper citizenship records - obama's COLB doesn't qualify - can get on the ballot in their states. Couple that with Obama hiding his citizenship records and actually taking the trouble - on the taxpayer dime - to hire and guide lawyers to fight suits for disclosure and I'd say in a few months you're going to wonder what planet YOU were on, because Little Barry won't be able to run again unless he decides to act like a grown-up, which now seems exceedingly unlikely. Not theory. Fact. You can debate like mad on constitution issues, but if Barry doesn't have the proper documents, he can't run. Period. Fact. All it takes is one state, and there are 11 initiating such laws so far, of which at least half are expected to pass easily.

I don't know what world you're in, but welcome to planet earth, on which is placed the united states of America, and of those united states 11 are passing laws which will make it impossible for Obama to run again unless he discloses his records. Have a really, really, really great day.
I do not write the articles. I find them and try to tie them together in a coomon theme.... You decide the fact from the fiction in the article.... Good propaganda is always wrapped around the truth to make it seem a natural part of the truth.... I can not do this for you because you have to decide what is true for yourself....

UPDATE 2-US Democrats would kill healthcare over abortion

UPDATE 2-US Democrats would kill healthcare over abortion | Reuters

Boehner: Permanently Ban Federal Abortion Funding

The Big Business Of Abortion

The Big Business Of Abortion

Multiculturalism and the War Against White America

Multiculturalism and the War Against White America « Locust blog

State Multi-Culturalism: Back-Door To Mass Immigration.

State Multi-Culturalism: Back-Door To Mass Immigration.

Liberal Extremists Plan to Destroy White Christian Society

Liberal Extremists Plan to Destroy White Christian Society - talk.euthanasia | Google Groups

How the Multicultural Ideology Captured America

The Social Contract - How the Multicultural Ideology Captured America

Forum List
