Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

Not a Monkeys Uncle

Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2022
Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

The marked decline in support for President Biden and his administration nationally and in key swing states indicates that the Democratic Party could endure a blowout defeat in the 2022 midterm elections.

Moreover, Biden is in a significantly weaker position now than both of his most recent Democratic predecessors — Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — at this point in their presidencies, which suggests that Democrats could suffer even more substantial losses in 2022 than the party did in 1994 and 2010.

Indeed, voters nationally and in seven key swing states disapprove, rather than approve, of the job Biden is doing by a margin of 7 points or greater, according to a Civiqs survey released last week.

Nationally, 50 percent of voters disapprove of the job Biden is doing as president, while just 42 percent approve.

For reference, at the same point in Obama’s first term, Obama’s net approval rating was 19 points higher than Biden’s is right now. At the time, a majority of voters (52 percent) approved of Obama, while 41 percent disapproved, according to a Gallup survey released on Sept. 13, 2009.

That being said, in the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats lost a net of 64 House seats and Republicans gained six seats in the Senate.

OP comment: In a just world the Democrat party would be dismantled and banned for unAmerican activities, and their holding would be used for reparations to the blacks they enslaved.
Don't tell me Putin will rig another election

Biden said elections were all rigged anyway cuz democrats did not get their voting laws passed.

So there you have it, government is 100% illegitimate no matter which party you identify with, but I could have told you this decades ago.
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Don't tell me Putin will rig another election

Biden said elections were all rigged anyway cuz democrats did not get their voting laws passed.

So there you have it, government is 100% illegitimate no matter which party you identify with, but I could have told you this decades ago.

LOL. Well, if Putin gets rid of the Marxist Democrats then that means he has turned capitalist. LOL

These 3 issues will clobber Democrats in 2022​

Three issues will crush Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections. In a recent Ipsos survey, respondents listed the economy, health and crime as the country’s most urgent problems. Bad news for Democrats: Republicans win on all three, hands down.

Number one is COVID-19. During last year’s final presidential debate, candidate Joe Biden said this about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic: “220,000 Americans dead. If you hear nothing else that I say tonight, hear this...anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”

Those words haunt President Biden today, as more people have died of COVID under his watch than during the Trump presidency, despite the availability of vaccines and improved treatments.
Number two is inflation. Prices will not stand still. Supply chains may normalize, relieving some of the pressure on transportation costs or prices on certain scarce goods, but that’s only one part of the problem.
Number three is crime. In a recent Ipsos survey, Americans said that crime was the country’s third most pressing problem. No wonder: Our streets are unsafe, and looting has become widespread.

Progressive Democrats have led their party’s efforts to defund the police and hobble law enforcement. Crime is up, especially in large Democrat-run cities such as Chicago and Philadelphia. Republicans have historically been viewed as tough on crime; when public safety becomes an issue, as it is today, they win.
It seems like it's been at least 4 years, but you are right.

By the time 4 years rolls around, there won't be anything left of the country, so what is the point?
The truckers fight is required, because waiting for the next election cycle will be too late. They knew that. I know that. Exposure of the elites was needed immediately.
Can I get some time on that Space Laser?
You need to provide your Deep State membership card, but I'm afraid all the timeshares are taken until February 2025.

Uh oh. I think I just heard some tard shouting, "You have to provide ID to use the Jewish Space Laser but not to vote?!?!"
You need to provide your Deep State membership card, but I'm afraid all the timeshares are taken until February 2025.

Uh oh. I think I just heard some tard shouting, "You have to provide ID to use the Jewish Space Laser but not to vote?!?!"
After I present that card and use the laser, will the new world order arise? :auiqs.jpg:

Back to the topic. I think it's way too early to predict a bloodbath for Democrats. Traditionally, the President's party loses seats in the first midterm. So far, Biden hasn't gotten a lick of positive news in his favor. He had to play janitor from Day 1. Sure, he's bumbled some things, but he doesn't deserve the avalanche of vitriol he's getting.
Dimm's and Dimm MSM are already in a full press, fake news, spin cycle!!


Complete with a deep state 'anonymous source' offense!!
Jack, even astronomers can tell an asteroid is going to hit the Earth even if it is still years in the distance! Go back to wishing you had that garage.
Oh looky, it's the one hit wonder. You got anything new. You're kinda stale. Something you probably hear every day. :)
Again, way too early to predict a Democratic bloodbath.

And if it doesn't happen, you know I'll be here to remind you of all the ways (just like your constant braying about non-existent voter fraud and stolen election) you were WRONG!!
I think it's way too early to predict a bloodbath for Democrats.
A near CERTAINTY to anyone with a brain. Only ones who can F it up now are the inept Old Guard GOP if they squander the opportunity.

Sure, he's bumbled some things, but he doesn't deserve the avalanche of vitriol he's getting.
An incredible statement from a guy who blasted Trump on every front despite him doing nothing but good for the country! Joe has "bumbled" EVERYTHING!
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