Democrats are hurting America

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I think they need to acknowledge that there is a crisis. Where is your link to prove what you just state as it is vague.
Democrats have been working on comprehensive immigration reform which is more than a wall

Why have Republicans backed away?

Because only 17% believe there is a crisis? Until we get on the same page as a country how can we address it? Do you personally believe there is a crisis?

No crisis but a huge problem with idiotic jackasses that are caught up in some kind of hysteria...based on nothing more than their hatred of Republicans in general and The Donald in particular triggered by a treasonous media with hollywood morons helping out.
Trumps policies are about as good as the six bankruptcies he went through as a terrific businessman. And he’s so good at organizing. Look at Trump foundation. Only now it’s called a criminal organization and it’s been shut down.
I’m not so sure this guy is as good at business you think he is.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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They should learn that politics is the art of compromise...democrats and republicans have always attempted to get along whilst above all doing what they think is best for America first and their party second...democrats have forgotten all about what is best for America...letting their hatred of President Trump blind them to what needs to be done...they were not sent to Wshington to conduct a hate campaign.
I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I think they need to acknowledge that there is a crisis. Where is your link to prove what you just state as it is vague.
Democrats have been working on comprehensive immigration reform which is more than a wall

Why have Republicans backed away?

Because only 17% believe there is a crisis? Until we get on the same page as a country how can we address it? Do you personally believe there is a crisis?

No crisis but a huge problem with idiotic jackasses that are caught up in some kind of hysteria...based on nothing more than their hatred of Republicans in general and The Donald in particular triggered by a treasonous media with hollywood morons helping out.

Nope there is a crisis.
It was fine with the Right when the GOP did this to Obama.

The memory of partisan zombies sure can be short.

Wingers. Funny.

Obama was a phoney protected and promoted by the propaganda machine of the msm....Trump is the real deal attacked constantly by the media, the democrats and their running dogs in hollyweird mouthing obscenities....entirely different than ever before and outrageous to the extreme....but none dare call it treason.
The Trump I see today is NOT the man he “said” he was during the election

Our greatest achievement is impeaching trump

----Donald Trump's greatest achievements----

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns

NEWS FEB 28 2017, 8:39 PM ET
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient, opening up a long process to weaken current standards and putting California and the federal government on a collision course over vehicle emissions.

Trump sons' hunting in focus as US lifts import ban on African elephant trophies

The Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions around the import of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia has turned attention back to the president’s family’s own connection to the controversial sport.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.
Jane on Twitter

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and said there will be no deal with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA.

"Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. 'Caravans' coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

Now I can add this---

After taking care of his first batch of issues, he progressed onto the next by establishing a new federal office for vaccine freedom, which has the purpose of providing people a way out of vaccination easily via religious preference
Trump moves against mandatory vaccination |

Trump mocks glasses worn by Chinese officials in rambling speech riddled with false claims

Trump is the worst president ever. He is a true con artist who has lied and cheated his way to the top. At least from there it will be a long hard fall to the rocky bottom.

Those who support Trump are either Russian moles with fleas lurking among the shadows or gullible puppets on a string
If Trump can’t get along with Democrats, he shouldn’t be president.

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It's the other way around. When the Democrats eventually take the presidency, it's time for paybacks. Make the new incumbent miserable with court actions against him/her, harass him/her, say no to everything he/she wants passed, send out red/white/blue masked crowds to threaten those that voted for him/her, et cetera. Make his/her entire four year term miserable.
If Trump can’t get along with Democrats, he shouldn’t be president.

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It's the other way around. When the Democrats eventually take the presidency, it's time for paybacks. Make the new incumbent miserable with court actions against him/her, harass him/her, say no to everything he/she wants passed, send out red/white/blue masked crowds to threaten those that voted for him/her, et cetera. Make his/her entire four year term miserable.

Highly unlikely.

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If Trump can’t get along with Democrats, he shouldn’t be president.
It's the other way around. When the Democrats eventually take the presidency, it's time for paybacks. Make the new incumbent miserable with court actions against him/her, harass him/her, say no to everything he/she wants passed, send out red/white/blue masked crowds to threaten those that voted for him/her, et cetera. Make his/her entire four year term miserable.
So, back to the 90s, eh?
Why should Democrats work with Trump?

That’s a dumb question.

Token half nervous had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He got to use his pen and phone with impunity. No two year investigation (yet) his family wasn’t attacked. He basically got left alone because he was half black.
The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in a hundred years


Trump didn’t last two days in office before he had more scandals than the Great Obama
It's the other way around. When the Democrats eventually take the presidency, it's time for paybacks. Make the new incumbent miserable with court actions against him/her, harass him/her, say no to everything he/she wants passed, send out red/white/blue masked crowds to threaten those that voted for him/her, et cetera. Make his/her entire four year term miserable.

That is exactly what the repugnants did to Obama. Instead of legislating great things for America the repugnants block everything that would have made life better for the average American.

It's the other way around. When the Democrats eventually take the presidency, it's time for paybacks. Make the new incumbent miserable with court actions against him/her, harass him/her, say no to everything he/she wants passed, send out red/white/blue masked crowds to threaten those that voted for him/her, et cetera. Make his/her entire four year term miserable.

That is exactly what the repugnants did to Obama. Instead of legislating great things for America the repugnants block everything that would have made life better for the average American.


Such as? I will not be waiting with bated breath.hehheh

Why afraid of an investigation by Congress?

It is Congress's job to investigate.

Trump is refusing to do his job.

Fuck Trump. Fuck his supporters.[/QUOT

The matter has been investigated....Trump was exonerated....get over it and the democrats in congress need to also....and most importantly get on with the business of America...enough already of these distractions and phoney charges that just keep the masses coinfused and devided.

Why afraid of an investigation by Congress?

It is Congress's job to investigate.

Trump is refusing to do his job.

Fuck Trump. Fuck his supporters.[/QUOT

The matter has been investigated....Trump was exonerated....get over it and the democrats in congress need to also....and most importantly get on with the business of America...enough already of these distractions and phoney charges that just keep the masses coinfused and devided.

Trump was not exonerated dumbass.

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