Democrats: Americans Overwhelmingly Do Not Want Impeachment

Oh but they VERY much proceed based on whether they will be re-elected or not. These cretins are nothing if not self-interested, as I have already stated. So to proceed with impeachment when only 27% of the population is in favor? Is committing political hari-kari in one way or another. They're not going to do it, and you and I both know this.
They are not going to do it because they are not as vicious as the repubs which have a history of doing it...and they have nothing as concrete as a blowjob to indict upon.

They are not going to do it because POLLING SAYS PEOPLE DON'T WANT IT

Write this down, folks: Moonglow is making the point that politicians pay no attention to polls because it's not ALL the people. Just some of the people.

If they could think know the rest
That is correct they do what they want because of political motivations and poll are the last to push a politician..Thusly the reason why they create situations to act upon ie; Russiagate, Blowjobgate etc, etc...

Okay. If you're right, the Democrats will move forward with impeachment.

Let's wait and see who's right, shall we?
They can't move forward because they have no ability to proceed in majority. Right now all they are doing is the chicken walk. Where they act like they be doing something they are not.

If the American electorate were chomping at the bit for impeachment they would do it anyway. Why? Because it would look good for them in the election. Make no mistake: if the polls were reversed--if 66% of those polled WANTED impeachment--the Dems would do it, even if Trump wouldn't actually be removed from office. You bet they would.

They only do things AGAINST polling when their palms are getting greased by lobbyists. Surely you've figured this out by now
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Or maybe you're just not seeing it clearly. Ever think of that?
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
/——/ America had a chance to elect a squeaky clean Boy Scout, Mitt Romney, but chose a guy with a secret past.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that. & that needs to happen now.

I laughed out loud. I mean that. Right out loud.

Yes, Nixon. Only your boys are ACTUALLY closer to committing Nixon-like crimes.

of course you laughed. your head is as orange as trump's colon.
/——/ Well, since you’re the USMB expert on the color of men’s colons, we’ll take your word on it.
Or maybe you're just not seeing it clearly. Ever think of that?
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
/——/ America had a chance to elect a squeaky clean Boy Scout, Mitt Romney, but chose a guy with a secret past.

I see your point but I'm not even sure it's a secret past to be honest with you. His broken marriage and affairs are certainly no secret.

It truly breaks Leftists' brains how Christians could vote for him. They do not understand that politicians are not, in fact, gods. I mean they cannot conceive of it--it does not compute for them.
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
/——/ America had a chance to elect a squeaky clean Boy Scout, Mitt Romney, but chose a guy with a secret past.

I see your point but I'm not even sure it's a secret past to be honest with you. His broken marriage and affairs are certainly no secret.

It truly breaks Leftists' brains how Christians could vote for him. They do not understand that politicians are not, in fact, gods. I mean they cannot conceive of it--it does not compute for them.
/——/ No. I mean instead of choosing the Boy Scout Mitt, they chose Obozo with a secret past. No college transcripts, questions about his multiple social security numbers, things like that.
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
/——/ America had a chance to elect a squeaky clean Boy Scout, Mitt Romney, but chose a guy with a secret past.

I see your point but I'm not even sure it's a secret past to be honest with you. His broken marriage and affairs are certainly no secret.

It truly breaks Leftists' brains how Christians could vote for him. They do not understand that politicians are not, in fact, gods. I mean they cannot conceive of it--it does not compute for them.

Well he is a male slut, female assauter, and most like lusting after children not of age. But you know all of this, and yet you voted for the scum.

I do not want to be a soulless person like you.
You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
/——/ America had a chance to elect a squeaky clean Boy Scout, Mitt Romney, but chose a guy with a secret past.

I see your point but I'm not even sure it's a secret past to be honest with you. His broken marriage and affairs are certainly no secret.

It truly breaks Leftists' brains how Christians could vote for him. They do not understand that politicians are not, in fact, gods. I mean they cannot conceive of it--it does not compute for them.

Well he is a male slut, female assauter, and most like lusting after children not of age. But you know all of this, and yet you voted for the scum.

I do not want to be a soulless person like you.
/----/ "Well he is a male slut, female assauter, and most like lusting after children not of age. But you know all of this, and yet you voted for the scum."

Now don't be so hard on Old Joe. He's just being Joe. But I never voted for him.
He is obstructing as we type.

SO WHAT, Penny. He obstructed an investigation in which there were no crimes. Unless you want to count Obama's crimes

And we're just getting to that.

No crime think again. LOL. Yes name me some of Obama's crimes???
/----/ "Yes name me some of Obama's crimes???["
Take your pick: The Complete List of Barack Obama’s Scandals, Misdeeds, Crimes and Blunders – Investment Watch
1.) In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit card verification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyone from any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity; in both elections
2.) Operation Fast & Furious — a government-sponsored illegal gun-running scheme designed to purposely go awry so as to induce public outcry for gun control.
3.) Militarily intervened in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act — technically an impeachable offense.
He is obstructing as we type.

SO WHAT, Penny. He obstructed an investigation in which there were no crimes. Unless you want to count Obama's crimes

And we're just getting to that.

No crime think again. LOL. Yes name me some of Obama's crimes???
/--- Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.”(words of a guilty person) "
Or words of an innocent person being railroaded by powerful people.
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail
What you meant to say was: Those polled on a question of impeachment the majority wanted no impeachment. They did not ask three hundred million people their opinions.
Oh. So you're saying they asked THE WRONG PEOPLE, because THE RIGHT PEOPLE want impeachment.

They polled THE RIGHT PEOPLE before the election. That's why they predicted Hillary in a landslide.
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail
What you meant to say was: Those polled on a question of impeachment the majority wanted no impeachment. They did not ask three hundred million people their opinions.
Oh. So you're saying they asked THE WRONG PEOPLE, because THE RIGHT PEOPLE want impeachment.

They polled THE RIGHT PEOPLE before the election. That's why they predicted Hillary in a landslide.
It can be manipulated yes but that is not what I was implying there Sherlock..
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail
What you meant to say was: Those polled on a question of impeachment the majority wanted no impeachment. They did not ask three hundred million people their opinions.
Oh. So you're saying they asked THE WRONG PEOPLE, because THE RIGHT PEOPLE want impeachment.

They polled THE RIGHT PEOPLE before the election. That's why they predicted Hillary in a landslide.
It can be manipulated yes but that is not what I was implying there Sherlock..
It sounds like you're saying polls don't count unless they ask every single American of voting age. Is that what you're saying?
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail
What you meant to say was: Those polled on a question of impeachment the majority wanted no impeachment. They did not ask three hundred million people their opinions.
Oh. So you're saying they asked THE WRONG PEOPLE, because THE RIGHT PEOPLE want impeachment.

They polled THE RIGHT PEOPLE before the election. That's why they predicted Hillary in a landslide.
It can be manipulated yes but that is not what I was implying there Sherlock..
It sounds like you're saying polls don't count unless they ask every single American of voting age. Is that what you're saying?
/——/ The most accurate and most expensive polls are those of likely voter but even then, the timing and types of questions affect the results.
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.

your loyalty to a man over so called 'christian' principles is duly noted.

Your problem is you think the voting booth and the altar is the same place.

lol... wrong. would you ever vote for someone that was pro choice?

why not, suzy.... why not?

That's easy: because it's a matter of PUBLIC POLICY. A pro-choice or pro-life president has the ability to make abortion more or less accessible.

The fact that I have to explain an apparent cringe-worthy

m'k suze. now 'splain to me how adorable trump would be to you - given ALL his talking point pablum, except his stance was this in 2016, instead........ you would still vote for him? why suzy, ? why ---- if he spewed this?

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They are not going to do it because they are not as vicious as the repubs which have a history of doing it...and they have nothing as concrete as a blowjob to indict upon.

They are not going to do it because POLLING SAYS PEOPLE DON'T WANT IT

Write this down, folks: Moonglow is making the point that politicians pay no attention to polls because it's not ALL the people. Just some of the people.

If they could think know the rest
That is correct they do what they want because of political motivations and poll are the last to push a politician..Thusly the reason why they create situations to act upon ie; Russiagate, Blowjobgate etc, etc...

Okay. If you're right, the Democrats will move forward with impeachment.

Let's wait and see who's right, shall we?
They can't move forward because they have no ability to proceed in majority. Right now all they are doing is the chicken walk. Where they act like they be doing something they are not.

If the American electorate were chomping at the bit for impeachment they would do it anyway. Why? Because it would look good for them in the election. Make no mistake: if the polls were reversed--if 66% of those polled WANTED impeachment--the Dems would do it, even if Trump wouldn't actually be removed from office. You bet they would.

They only do things AGAINST polling when their palms are getting greased by lobbyists. Surely you've figured this out by now

the (D)s want public support because they know the senate sold its soul to the devil & if televised OPEN PUBLIC HEARINGS, which the (R)s don't want do happen, then public support will happen. the cross roads loser barr is afraid for that to happen & so are the rest of trump's flying monkeys.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that. & that needs to happen now.

I laughed out loud. I mean that. Right out loud.

Yes, Nixon. Only your boys are ACTUALLY closer to committing Nixon-like crimes.

of course you laughed. your head is as orange as trump's colon.
/——/ Well, since you’re the USMB expert on the color of men’s colons, we’ll take your word on it.

what a cheap. totally inaccurate shot you tried there, asswipe. i am female so whatever slight you were trying to imply ....

totally failed.
I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.

your loyalty to a man over so called 'christian' principles is duly noted.

Your problem is you think the voting booth and the altar is the same place.

lol... wrong. would you ever vote for someone that was pro choice?

why not, suzy.... why not?

That's easy: because it's a matter of PUBLIC POLICY. A pro-choice or pro-life president has the ability to make abortion more or less accessible.

The fact that I have to explain an apparent cringe-worthy

m'k suze. now 'splain to me how adorable trump would be to you - given ALL his talking point pablum, except his stance were this in 2016, instead........ you would still vote for him? why suzy, ? why if he spewed this?

/——/ What’s your point? We should abandon Trump and support a commie democRAT who wants abortion on demand in grade school?

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