Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous
‘Trump anxiety disorder’ has morphed into anxiety about​

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous - The New York Times
11/13/19 ~ By Sarah Lyall
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Trump now underway, do so many feel so awful?

They are mentally disturbed because they are trying to take a complete lie create it into truth. In their little black hearts, they know this is all BS. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
When your entire view of the world is based on leftist delusional ideology, reality can be very unnerving. That’s the problem with the anxiety-ridden Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left. They have been living in the world of Alice in Wonderland view of the world and now can’t accept that none of it is true.
Because their disaffection is an internal process, fueled by bad decisions and attitudes. They have externalized their internal dysfunction onto Trump; on some level, they must realize that simply getting rid of the symbol will not get rid of the internal turmoil. Thus, even though they want Trump gone, they remain unhappy because it will change nothing.
Think of all the cognitive dissonance in seeing Trump have one great accomplishment after another and knowing these accomplishments are true but unable to give him any credit.
Then when Trump takes credit, it grates their raw nerves and makes them depressed.
I would call these "Snow Flakes, poor dears”, they are refusing to adjust their world view to reality. So, yes, they deserve what’s happening to them.
Their poor adaptation of "Animal Farm" antics and Star Chamber antics these past weeks is indicative.
Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous
‘Trump anxiety disorder’ has morphed into anxiety about

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous - The New York Times
11/13/19 ~ By Sarah Lyall
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Trump now underway, do so many feel so awful?

They are mentally disturbed because they are trying to take a complete lie create it into truth. In their little black hearts, they know this is all BS. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
When your entire view of the world is based on leftist delusional ideology, reality can be very unnerving. That’s the problem with the anxiety-ridden Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left. They have been living in the world of Alice in Wonderland view of the world and now can’t accept that none of it is true.
Because their disaffection is an internal process, fueled by bad decisions and attitudes. They have externalized their internal dysfunction onto Trump; on some level, they must realize that simply getting rid of the symbol will not get rid of the internal turmoil. Thus, even though they want Trump gone, they remain unhappy because it will change nothing.
Think of all the cognitive dissonance in seeing Trump have one great accomplishment after another and knowing these accomplishments are true but unable to give him any credit.
Then when Trump takes credit, it grates their raw nerves and makes them depressed.
I would call these "Snow Flakes, poor dears”, they are refusing to adjust their world view to reality. So, yes, they deserve what’s happening to them.
Their poor adaptation of "Animal Farm" antics and Star Chamber antics these past weeks is indicative.
They ARE loons, no doubt about that.
But they took the House. You people are too stupid to be alve.

Let's see what happens in the next election shall we? Face it, the dems pushed this farce through because the next election they won't have the opportunity.
Democrats will always be unhappy because they have abandoned God, leaving a God-shaped hole in their lives that they try to fill with other things.
Of course.
We have an unstable narcissist in the white house.
That should make anyone nervous.
Says the brain dead socialist. Nice try, Sparky.

Unstable: that is lib-think-speak for a person who might do something they don't expect or want at any time. Like take this entire impeachment thing and turn it around and shove it right back in the Left's face and blow it up to where they're sorry they ever tried it.
But they took the House. You people are too stupid to be alve.
Democrats in the House have made numerous errors of judgment and the law with their misconduct. First, it was Maxine Waters telling her minions to get in Trumps' staff's faces. I thought it was just a gaggy dowager using power inappropriately, but it goes further than that. When the Democrats fell in to supporting Antifa was formed they turned their "peaceful protests" into war against the Trump supporters who weren't hurting or tormenting anybody, just wearing their Make America Great hats or shirts. They got carried away with their billie sticks one too many times by putting people in the hospital on their wild-eyed rampages.

No good will come of all this hatred on the part of Democrats. Just look at the kind of person you are turning out to be--the righteous judge. And your robes are disheveled with you pissing all over people when you wear them.
Of course.
We have an unstable narcissist in the white house.
That should make anyone nervous.

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Says the brain dead socialist. Nice try, Sparky.

You need to come up with a new insult.
The one you currently use is getting boring.

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Well Bernie perhaps you could share an insult with him or get taxpayers to pay for him going to a government subsidized “insult institute.” After a period of time and a million dollars later, he might have new insults.
The Democrats are not only nervous, they are SCARED and DESPERATE. They know they will lose in 2020, and their only small hope is if they can get the MEDIA to convince people Trump is guilty of something, ANYTHING!!! The Media is 98% Democrat, and all they feel they need to do is to mold public opinion to believe their Far Left lies and vote Democrat.
Of course.
We have an unstable narcissist in the white house.
That should make anyone nervous.

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Obama is no longer President Bernie.

“ President Bernie”
I do like the sound of that.

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Bernie gave us Trump. If he is the nominee, I will vote for him but I hope he doesn't pull the same shit he did last year.
But they took the House. You people are too stupid to be alve.
Democrats in the House have made numerous errors of judgment and the law with their misconduct. First, it was Maxine Waters telling her minions to get in Trumps' staff's faces. I thought it was just a gaggy dowager using power inappropriately, but it goes further than that. When the Democrats fell in to supporting Antifa was formed they turned their "peaceful protests" into war against the Trump supporters who weren't hurting or tormenting anybody, just wearing their Make America Great hats or shirts. They got carried away with their billie sticks one too many times by putting people in the hospital on their wild-eyed rampages.

No good will come of all this hatred on the part of Democrats. Just look at the kind of person you are turning out to be--the righteous judge. And your robes are disheveled with you pissing all over people when you wear them.

Do you think we convict murderers because we hate them?


He convict them because they broke the law.
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